How in the Heavens could C. S. Lewis's #RansomTrilogy work on screen?
Zack Russell believes today's viewers won't accept a mythical version of Mars. So it's best to relocate the story somewhere underground or perhaps to another planet entirely.
E. Stephen Burnett believes audiences are fine with retro-historical imagination. More importantly, without the mythical Martian setting, the whole idea collapses.
What do you think?
Listen to the full Fantastical Truth episode 240 at Or look for Lorehaven on any podcast streaming platform.
#RansomTrilogy #SpaceTrilogy #CSLewis #CSLewisReadingDay #OutoftheSilentPlanet #Perelandra #ThatHideousStrength #spaceopera #FantasticalStoriesforGodsGlory
What's your favorite story style?
🎩 Ornate literary fiction?
🛠 Straightforward genre fiction?
In today's new #FantasticalTruth episode, @estephenburnett laments dull Englist professors and endless symbol-seeking. But he praises any genre fiction that can reach more readers and also include surprising depth of meaning.
Listen today on any streaming service!
#literaryfiction #genrefiction #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
How do dystopian stories help you fight for a better world?
🔊 Source: FantasticalTruth episode 238
📜 Show notes: at
🛡 Subscribe: for free to find the best Christian-made fantastical stories for God's glory
#dystopian #DystopianDoom #dystopianfiction #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
"Watching some evil movies with bad content can be a gateway to evil."
But sometimes the horror tale is taking your side.
Many scary stories want to expose the unfruitful works of darkness. They help us learn to fear evil so that we'll flee to the good... even to Jesus Himself.
Seek out Fantastical Truth from Lorehaven for this week's new episode 236 with Mike Duran!
Share this episode, tagging @lorehavenmag and #ChristianHorror to win a copy of this nonfiction resource straight from the author!
(Concessions: before Tuesday, Nov. 5, U.S. residents only, not official for this social media platform.)
#horror #scarystories #MonsterMonth #Halloween #exposedarkness #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
Are you haunted by the Someone?
You know ... the Someone who thinks that what you're doing is sinful?
"So, you know, it's best just to put that thing away. Because you do not want that Someone to think that you're appearing to be evil, do you?"
Well, even if the Someone exists, who gave him-or-her the right to define good and evil? That is God's job.
It's best to obey the word He gave us, instead of man's haunting traditions.
Exorcise that Someone with some better exegesis of 1 Thessalonians 5:22 in this week's episode of our #FantasticalTruth podcast with E. Stephen Burnett and Zack Russell.
Subscribe at any podcast streamer or at for bonus content!
#discernment #1Thessalonians5 #appearanceofevil #legalism #spookyseason #twistedScriptures #avoideveryformofevil #Christianfantasy #Christianscifi #Christianhorror #Christianbeyond #FantasticalStoriesforGodsGlory
This tree has deep roots in myth and meaning.
But also: Ellie Caster has a crush on a boyyyy.
The Burning Tree flourishes with thoughtful takes on teen attractions and family reconciliation. Listen to our interview with author @helendentwrites in this week's episode of #FantasticalTruth from Lorehaven on any podcast streamer or at!
#TheBurningTree #ruralfantasy #loveparallelogram #feuding #reconciliation #roots #Christianfantasy #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
"When we see Christ, we see a perfect Man.
"We see Someone without any flaw, without any shade of evil, Who was tempted in every way, yet did not sin. Does that make us angry? That He is that much better than us, that He's perfect? And if it makes us angry, we're probably not going to enjoy Heaven.
"But if instead we turn around and say, Get away from me, Lord, a sinful man; if we have that humility. But we can't have heroes without humility."
—Zackary Russell, bringing truth to the fantastical in this week's episode 230
Listen to Fantastical Truth at (with all the show notes) or at any podcast streamer. You can also subscribe free for updates at Lorehaven.
@ztrussell @estephenburnett #FantasticalTruth #heroes #villains #heroesVvillains #Heroofheroes #noheroeswithouthumility #Christianfantasy #Christianscifi #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
"God has made the world discoverable."
--Dr. Sarah Salviander
One way or another, all good science is for His glory.
Make the trek to this conversation in this week's new #FantasticalTruth episode 227!
#Christianscifi #TheFinalFrontier #OrderedUniverse #SarahSalviander #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
"Fantasy done proper can unsmudge your window ... your view of the beauty that is transcendent truth."
--The @middle_earthmixer
We love hearing your stories this week about how you discovered Tolkien's fantastical legendarium.
Beyond all modern versions, his world will last. Like a good line of kings and all great gifts from our Author, Middle-earth is rooted in realities beyond sight.
Or, as Tolkien himself wrote about Aragorn Elessar:
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
#JRRTolkien #TheHobbit #TheLordoftheRings #TheFellowshipOfTheRing #TheTwoTowers #TheReturnoftheKing #allthatisgolddoesnotglitter #deeprootsarenotreachedbythefrost #FantasticalTruth #MadeByHumans #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
Do we have free will in dreams?
What about during our nightmares?
Either way, @nadinebrandes shares how her own challenges turned into plot points for her new novel, in last week's #FantasticalTruth episode.
(You can seek the podcast on all major streamers and with all show notes at .)
#TheNightmareVirus @enclavepublishing #sciencefantasy #orcanwecallit #scifan #Christianfantasy #Christianscifi #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
Alas, some Christian stories can feel like first drafts.
We're getting better. Yet our recent guest Darby Kern says he's striven for years to create dramas that are realistic and entertaining while exalting Jesus.
He's adapted #LeftBehindTheKids for a 72-episode series, plus the last two #LeftBehind dramatic audio adaptations and #LeftBehindTheRising ... and many others, such as:
- #TheJakeMullerAdventures,
- #KidsCorner
- #LamplighterTheatre
- The Extraordinary Adventures of G. A. Henty
Hear more in #FantasticalTruth episode 220, part of our #LeftBehindLegacy💥 summer series.
#LeftBehindseries #GAPDigital #endtimes #WeInRevelation #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory
We asked Left Behind author Jerry Jenkins if he has a favorite Revelation plague.
Stinging demon locusts?
Invisible assassin creatures?
A mountain-sized comet cast into the sea?
Hear his actual answer in this week's new episode of #FantasticalTruth. And see you at @realmmakers!
#LeftBehindLegacy💥 #LeftBehindseries #endtimes #fourhorsemen #TimLaHaye #JerryBJenkins #WeInRevelation #FantasticalStoriesForGodsGlory