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Brain power engine:----
Meditation is the vacuum of thoughts developed in the brain in which the entry of thoughts is prevented. When this vacuum of the brain is fully formed, then the train of brain power starts moving in its depths, as a train is made moving by creating a vacuum in the brake system of the train so that it can run on rails safely. The train in the form of the power of the human brain is a kind of powerful waves; when it is moving in the depths of the brain, then the waves of real knowledge and power present in these depths are embedded in it. It becomes possible in the same way as the train accommodates people with different views in their coaches at different stations. Travel is necessary to achieve something. It is not possible to experience anything about this world while sitting at one place. Similarly, it is not possible to increase the brain power till it keeps on revolving around itself without going into its real depths. The brain power can be increased only if it is moving in its depths. This power can be dynamic only when the brain learns to create a vacuum of thoughts or else it will have brakes in the same way as in the absence of vacuum, the wheels of the train coaches experience braking. When the vacuum of thoughts is formed, the brain power keeps on moving in its depths. Due to its attractive power, the waves of the ideas of knowledge available in the depths are attracted towards it and are absorbed in it, which keep the brain full of wonderful knowledge. We keep getting air-like thoughts in our brain, but by removing these air-like thoughts from the brain, we are not able to create a vacuum with the assistance of which it can enter in the depths and move as the engine of the train can create vacuum as desired, while the brake system makes the entire train free of brakes and speeds it up easily. If the brain does not enter its real depths, then the brain will not only be deprived of the pleasurable sensations, but it will also have to get deprived of the infinite knowledge that is gained in this situation. If we learn to create a vacuum of thoughts in our brain akin to a train, then we will surely be able to run our brain on the tracks of the depths in the similar way as by creating a vacuum in its brake system, a train engine disengages the brake and keeps moving towards its destination to help people reach to different destinations.

----V.K. Jaiswal


Scientific view of spirituality:----
Scientific spirituality is the pleasant coordination of scientific vision of life and spiritual values of life. It is a high-quality science in which the human mind is made to feel its depths. Just as every scientific research is possible only by reaching the depths of its subject, similarly for every spiritual research, the brain also has to be taken to its depths. Once a person learns to enter the depths of the brain, then it becomes very easy for him to reach the depths of scientific disciplines. The more depth a scientist reaches for the research of his subject, the higher is the quality of the research. The depths of scientific disciplines enable novel high quality scientific research. When a person learns to wander into the depths of spirituality, then various spiritual research activities start like the research of scientific subjects. A researcher has to put some hard work and effort in completing the research of scientific subjects, but the person undertaking the spiritual journey does not have to do any hard work in completing spiritual research, rather it is done automatically. In every spiritual research, every depth of the brain gives rise to a new research, due to which a new research is possible in this direction. The depth of the brain is certainly infinite; so by taking advantage of this depth, new research can be done regularly. As far as the spiritual perspective is concerned, it consists only of rational and justified expressions, in which dogmas are ignored. Here only those results are considered authentic that emerge through experimental procedures. In scientific spirituality, more importance is given to prudence than traditions. In fact, the truth of this scientific approach to spirituality not only refines the values of spiritual life but also leads it towards perfection. It is such a beneficial source in which good qualities not only continue to be born, but also continue to develop. However, where there is a lack of this approach, there is definitely a lack of virtues. Due to lack of thinking only, people perceive the truth of life and human sensations as antagonistic. Those calling them opposites call science and spirituality also opposed to each other. Just as truth and sensation are complementary to each other, science and spirituality also complement each other. While truth makes the sensation resolute, the sensation makes the truth sentimental. The continuation of the experiments of scientific spirituality not only leads life to the truth but also keeps it sensitive so that a beautiful mixture of scientific brilliance and skillful sensation of a saint is created in a man. This only maintains every kind of balance in life. It is due to this that our society is not able to be obstinate towards a particular religion and creed. Due to this only, the specialties of all the religions and creeds of the world keep getting honored and the results of the experiments of scientific spirituality keep establishing spiritual humanism in the society.

-----V.K. Jaiswal


Spiritual Importance of Fast and Roza
What is the Spiritual importance of BRATA or ROZA (Fast)? For smooth functioning of human body and the brain, it is necessary to have the energy at every moment, but it is much more important to have i's proper and quick use, lest this passive energy taken through food, stays in the body in an unused condition and keeps on decreasing the ability of the organs of the body instead of activating them. A person who does not perform physical and mental labour should be advised to take only a little quantity of meal. This helps in maintaining proper functioning of different body organs, which helps in leading a suitable and safe life. For if the stored energy in the body is not spent, it leads the brain towards procrastination. It results in dysfunction and disturbances in the brain. The human brain may fail to send the necessary signals to the human senses. Due to these signals of human brain to the human senses, one realises appetite but in the event of its failure, a body does not feel the appropriate need of energy. It is true that everybody needs physical work to improve the activities of the organs. To fulfil the requirement of energy in the body, the brain conveys the necessary instructions to the human senses so that one may feel appetite, but if one does not pay any attention to it and fails to fulfil the requirement of his/her own body by taking meals, the brain tries to fill up this energy gap through other sources available in the human body especially when one continues his/her work. The different organs of the body keep working even if one does not take oral energy through meals but only up to some time, as long as the energy remains available in circulating blood. So in the circumstances, when the energy is required to human body, the human brain adjusts the energy deficiency from the circulating blood in human body especially at this particular time. The availability of energy in blood remains up to a certain limit, which may be utilised only up to some time; after that a quick need of food energy is required in the human body. If one continues his/her work seriously and does not pay any attention about his/her appetite, then a stage shall come when energy level in his/her body becomes nil. Even then if one pays his/her full devotion towards concentration in work or continues worship, then a stage may come when human brain expects something from his soul, which attains all the qualities of getting special energy from outside sources of the body. However, in normal course human soul does nothing for a human body; its actual powers remain in static position during the course of one’s life. In the emergency situation, when energy level in human body becomes nil and even then one pays full devotion towards his work and tributes to God, the human soul comes in action. At this particular moment, the soul comes fully out from human body to arrange the energy for his/her body. In the normal course, soul does nothing for a human body except to keep it alive. It remains in human body throughout one's life, getting good or bad feelings in course of life, but the moment when one is so devoted towards his/her work or worship, so as not to realise a natural appetite, resulting his/her energy level in body turn to nil, a soul does something for the sake of one's life. If such a moment comes in one's life, it proves to be a boon for him/her. It is true that human soul is a real little part of supreme soul. At this particular stage, high devotion of such human power compels his/her soul to do something in these special circumstances to save the life. Normally, the soul does nothing for human body. It only enjoys either the feelings of satisfaction which human brain realise or observes distress especially when the brain feels troubled due to tension. However, in some circumstances, the body needs energy and such energy is not provided to the body due to devotion in work (KARMA) or hard worship. In such circumstances, the human soul has to come outside the body to arrange energy. In this stage, it goes upwards in space touching one's body, from where it attracts the energy of Divine power by its magnetic spiritual power. After that, it supplies the acquired energy to the human body. No doubt by adopting this process, only a little quantity of energy is supplied to human body through the soul; but this little quantity of this special energy becomes more beneficial especially when he/she do not perform any spiritual activity. It may be considered as a big success for human life because even the less quantity is fully able to improve the creativity of human organs. So in my view, the process of taking fast in Hindu culture as well as the process of Roza in Muslim culture may be a part of getting this spiritual energy in these circumstances, which was earlier observed by our saints of either Hindu or Muslim culture. After that, it takes place as tradition in these cultures. There are many people who bear the habit of taking more and more meal. However, they do not spend the energy taken by this meal; hence this passive energy remains in the body in an unused position. The useless energy starts damaging the organs and a habit of laziness is developed in body. The brain remains inactive in those stages when it really should convey the signals to the human senses for different requirements to the body. The human body retains energy through meal and most of its quantity may be utilised by doing hard work. In doing any kind of hard work, a time may come when retained energy in one's body is spent. At this time, the body requires energy but sometimes people fail to concentrate in the work and do not realise their appetites. This is the real time when something is gained by the soul for the human body. This becomes possible only when one is fully devoted to his/her work or maintains concentration towards work. In normal course, the human body cannot work without energy. It is just like a vehicle that cannot move without energy. However, some differences certainly exist in human made machinery and living machinery like human body. The almighty has made human beings in a manner so that they can remain alive and also work in special circumstances when there is no energy in human beings. These are the rare circumstances when human soul becomes active and does something to arrange the energy for his/her body from other sources. In my view, the custom of fasting is made for the purpose to get the spiritual energy from time to time when human body requires this special energy. This is possible only when one continues the pursuit of concentration either to pay full devotion to the Almighty God or paying deep devotion towards his/her work; however, such a work should be related to virtues of living beings.
------VK Jaiswal


I have published a book name spiritual devotion and human values comprising the articles in connection to spirituality. The book is available in Amazon. You may kindly order to purchase a copy of the book. V.K. Jaiswal


Helpfulness and selfishness:-----
The positive outlooks of one towards the others are directly related with a special energy that is directly absorbed by one’s heart. If one's nature is directed to help others, he/she may be successful in inheriting an extraordinary energy directly by the sources of divine power. When the outlook of a person is inclined to help others by providing his/her services, then the existing bad signs of egoism of the person are automatically removed from his/her brain. In such a situation, the mind feels light. Any feeling of lightness in one's mind is helpful for a smooth and proper blood circulation in the veins of the mind as well as the body. This smooth and proper supply of blood in the entire human body creates a useful spiritual magnet in his/her brain. Creation of spiritual magnetic energy in one's brain compels the brain to attract the spiritual energy from the atmosphere. When the availability of spiritual energy in one's brain exceeds, he/she feels pleasure and satisfaction in his/her mind. Fraud and cruelty by one not only create mental disturbances in one's brain, but also increase the level of mental disorders from time to time. This results in turning one's life towards turbulence. Every human body is filled up with hidden spiritual elixir which is directly related to the welfare of the human beings. An altruistic feeling is so powerful that it is fully capable of attracting the hidden spiritual elixir from the deep of the brain to the outer surface of his/her brain. In that situation, one may turn his/her life, the way he/she desires and elixir that came from the depth of brain to outer surface gets dissolved in his/her life. The persons who are purely selfish are always far from even a smell of this dissolved elixir in life. Although the same is available in deep brain of even such person's mind, yet they are unable to develop powerful waves in their minds, which have a capacity to evolve the available elixir after melting it from deep brain. In many religious books, it is said that the people who seek only his/her interest and do not pay attention to the needs of others are always get stuck in big calamities. In spite of the availability of sufficient money in life, such type of people always remain in dark. Most of the people hate them and they keep yearning for love. However, they do not get real love; no one loves them from heart. Even if selfish people own massive property and feel proud of being a well-known person, they always live devoid benefits of divine power. Indeed, the mental peace of selfish people gets destroyed. On the other hand, the people who make selfless love to others and make it the main mission of their life feel joy and peace in life; they become successful in plunging the depth of mind and continue to thrive the experience of pleasure in life. These people may also have enemies, but even enemies do not hate them because of the admiration of a large number of people. Blessings of many people protect them and they enjoy pleasure as if God is showering the nectar. In fact, one who chooses kindness instead of selfishness attains the immortal life.
---V.K. Jaiswal


Self-satisfaction is the best source of getting spiritual energy:-----
Each success provides satisfaction in one’s life. When one realises satisfaction in his/her life, there is a natural relief from negative thoughts of the mind. As negative thoughts are removed from one's mind, the internal power of the mind activates resulting in the generation of powerful waves from the mind. These powerful waves create an attraction between the human and God that brings to the entrance of spiritual energy. Due to the presence of strong spiritual energy in mind, negative thoughts cannot enter the mind. This energy ousts the negative thoughts of the mind at one go. When this special energy starts entering the mind, it continues to enter as the mind becomes clear of negative thoughts. The level of this energy can be upgraded if one spends some time daily in concentration. With the increase in the level of special energy in one's mind, the intensity of realising satisfaction improves. Hence, one attracts the special spiritual energy based on self-satisfaction and feels pleasure in life. After that, one may try to go towards meditation in which he/she may attract energy that is more special. In the process of meditation one tries to reaches upwards by the waves generated by his/her brain. These waves are generated by the brain especially when one concentrates by paying full devotion towards Almighty. In this process of concentration, there are many steps and one has to step forward one by one every day. As one steps forward, he/she gets success in getting some quantity of this special energy, which proves helpful in further stepping up in concentration. In this process of getting the special energy, one not only improves the level of absorption of this energy in his/her body, but also feels more and more pleasure and satisfaction. If anyone wants to feel peace, pleasure and satisfaction in his/her life, he/ she has to go upwards by adopting this process. It is not that difficult to become successful under a process of concentration by stepping upwards. Each step towards upside provide more self-satisfaction in comparison to previous step. In the process of concentration, stepwise upgradation of the mind from one level to another level may be an aim of a person, in which every new height provides a new inspiration. In this process of meditation, new aims are sighted during concentration every day that are fulfilled the same day. It is true that meditation is the process, in which aims are not framed but they come during the process and are easily fulfilled. Here no special efforts are needed to get success in those incumbent aims if one pays devotion towards Almighty. If one gets the spiritual energy in sufficient quantity, undoubtedly he/she will lead a tension-free life. Hence, everyone should make efforts to get this special energy in sufficient quantity by adopting spiritual methods to lead a tension free and enjoyable life.
----V.K. Jaiswal


Human soul requires energies for smooth functioning:----
Human soul works like a superior powerful battery that supplies current to every part of the body to run its entire magnetic system. Normally, the human soul is naturally charged during one’s sleeping period. However, the charging of human soul like a battery is sufficient only to fulfil the required energy in daily routine course of life. Almighty prepares the battery of the human soul in such a way that it is charged and discharged in entire human life without any defect. The charging and discharging of the human soul battery is similar to that of the batteries prepared by human beings. A better charging of these human soul batteries is possible only when they are provided spiritual current. When the human soul batteries are charged through spiritual current, then a soul battery becomes capable of supplying a special current to the organs of the human body whenever it is needed. During the time of sleeping, mind naturally turns away far from the present feelings. It becomes easy for the brain to connect to those sources where spiritual energy is available because of the creation of emptiness in the brain. In this emptiness, the dreams that come in the mind are naturally realised. The brain absorbs some special energy through a link developed by soul in the period of sleeping of any human being. This is the only reason of feeling pleasure and satisfaction after a sound sleep. The quantity of absorption of spiritual energy in a period of sleeping is dependent on the quality of the wavelength that soul develops during that time. The more the powerful wave developed by the human soul in the period of sleeping, the more is the special energy supplied to that human soul! If anyone has developed the quality of sound sleep, then it is natural that he/she will attain the special energy in more quantity. Once the energy absorption level in one is improved during his/her sleeping, then naturally he/she will get a sound sleep every day. Day-to-day sound sleep in one provides sufficient special energy in a natural course. It will be easy for such a person to control his/her indignation naturally. During sound sleep, the human soul is quickly charged and this provides a feeling of activeness in the entire routine work of the day. The life of the human soul battery may be compared to the life of a human made battery. When human soul battery is charged by the power of God (spiritual energy directly through the main sources of Almighty), it continues to maintain a position of charging and discharging for the entire human life. The human made batteries are retired in a short span of time (say 2 to 3 years). After that, these are not in a position to get charged. On the other hand, the human soul battery never becomes old. However, due to illness of human body organs, sometimes it may not be in a position to supply proper current to these old organs, so it feels uncomfortable in human body in those particular stages. It is a nature of the human soul to love to his/her body more and more where it has lead a long time. Hence, in spite of the adverse stages, it stays in the old human body. Sometimes, for such a nature of the soul battery, it becomes troublesome for those persons who are facing incurable diseases. The diseases continuously provide such type of pain and difficulties that the person may not be in a position to bear and when he/she gets defeated by such diseases, there is a little chance of survival. Even then, inspite of such stage, the soul power does not detach from the body and continues to supply the current to the organs until they totally stop to accept the supply of currents from the soul battery. When the organs of the body do not accept the current supplied by soul battery, no option is left for the human soul. Then, the human soul has to leave the human body. Before leaving any human body, the soul battery is anyhow directly connected with the main power battery (main power point of the main source of spiritual energy). The powerful current shall flow in this old soul battery and it gets charged with this pure spiritual current. When this soul battery starts to provide such a pure spiritual current to the human organs which had almost reached an inactive position, the organs become active by this powerful special current directly taken from the main source of almighty. It is fully capable to activate these inactive organs. We should always try to make a strong connection with Almighty by connecting our soul battery to the main power point of its supreme charging, e.g. the main power point of God power. This charges the human soul battery at all times in life by supplying such a special current. Additionally, this special supply of current to human organs also remains active in the entire life of a human being.
----V.K. Jaiswal


Traffic problem in space at entry to the city of God:----
The traffic problem not only persists at Earth but also in space especially on routes that lead toward the house of Almighty. Traffic problems in space are the main cause in delaying a real connection with God power. The traffic in space is quite different from the traffic persisting at Earth. At Earth the traffic means movement of motor vehicles on roads but in space the traffic means the movement of departed souls as well as the attractive waves of different invisible powers in space. The departed souls normally move and run in space in collective forms and sometimes the same souls obstruct the routes in which human generated waves would try to enter. Human generated waves are the waves specially generated by one's powerful internal energy system. Normally these waves try to select easy routes in space for the purposes of making a real connection with God power. It may be difficult for one's brain to create long magnetic powerful spiritual waves between his/her own brain power and the God power by creating natural attraction between these two powers, i.e., God power and its tiny human power part. A forceful entry in such routes of waves may be possible if one is successful in increasing his/her internal spiritual magnetic attraction. If one may be able to create such a situation, he/she may become capable of defeating time to time hindrances created by the departed souls, especially on the routes selected by the waves generated by one's soul power. If such type of spiritual magnetic power is developed by a person through hard labor, he/she may be capable in developing those powerful long magnetic spiritual waves which may be helpful in defeating the standing hindrances created by the departed souls and in such circumstances one may be successful in making such a difficult connection with Almighty God. Whenever one's internal spiritual magnetic power improves, naturally his/her internal attractive capacity of soul power should also increase; hence, by using this enhanced power, hurdles created by the departed souls can be easily overcome. It is just as when any motor vehicle is running on a fine road at a high speed but after crossing some distance if a small part of the road is badly damaged, then it is but natural that this hurdle may not be crossed over at the same speed of the vehicle. For crossing the damaged part of the road, a gear pair is needed to provide extra torque. In crossing the damaged part of the road, the driver of the vehicle has to use a high ratio gear pair, e.g., a first or second gear by which this damaged part of the road may be crossed over. Normally highway routes are built up in such a manner so that hurdles may be less and during the journey on such routes one may not have to face the potholes and other hindrances on roads. Such routes are so designed such that one may not face the problems of traffic jam during a long journey. However, during the journey on these special routes at high speed, sometimes they become like routes in main city; then the problems of traffic jamming starts and one has to face the traffic jam problem from place to place resulting in the wastage of precious time of the travelers. Such types of traffic problems also come on the way when a person wants to make an easy connection with God power through the journey supported by an improved soul power energy system. Actually soul is that single small part of God power which only have a capacity to connect any human power directly with the god power. In the world, so many powers want to connect with the power source of God; hence, it is but natural that a pressure of rush comes on the way to make an easy connection with God. However, continuous efforts may provide a chance to make a connection with Him. The supreme power God is certainly bearing many such types of connections with human beings at a time but in spite of this facility one has to wait because of heavy rush of visitors. There are several airways towards the city of God but almost in each of the air ways, one has to face air traffic jam problem and has to wait for continuing his/her air journey. In some air ways special arrangements are made by the supreme power but in such air ways only VIPs are permitted. In these airways, some high powers are deputed to maintain the arrangements, so that most VIPs would not have to face any air traffic problem. Normally in these airways invisible powers like small divine powers and human powers of those who have developed some special internal power either as a gift given by the superpowers or boosted through self-internal power are also allowed. The deputed big invisible powers in these VIP airways do not permit any simple invisible power to enter. If any simple power forcefully tries to enter in these special airways, then they throw back these small powers towards Earth; but these simple powers may not be able to reach Earth and are compelled to survive between the space and Earth. As I think, this place may be considered as hell. These airways are compelling these simple powers to use other ways if they want to make a connection with God power. These VIP air ways are reserved for the super powers, so that they may easily meet with the supreme power God and without sticking in any air traffic jam. Some strong powers like air traffic police inspectors are deputed in all the airways towards the house of God but due to big population of general invisible powers, the most of the airways towards the house of God are mostly busy, so any movement towards the house of God become more difficult. It is not a difficult task for one to reach up to some extent of height in space by developing a capacity of maintaining concentration for some time every day. If anyone really does this, he/she may get some effective charging of his/her body cells by the special energy, which may be helpful in improving the speed of the brain running towards the city of God. A stage may come when one may be able to reach near the house of God if his/her efforts are positive and direction of efforts is correct. In spite of positive efforts if any one fails in developing such a capacity, then it may undoubtedly tell that he/she has to search a proper direction.
-----V.K. Jaiswal


Importance of an invisible eye in human beings:----
In normal course every person feels that he/she is possessing only two eyes because he/she observes and uses only these two eyes in his/her routine chores of life. One normally fails in detecting and realising the working of his/her third eye which is in existence with his/her body along with two visible eyes. The third eye makes one realise those effective feelings, which remain a dream in his/her life. That powerful sense when activated makes one realise those powers and knowledge in him/her, which was still sleeping in his/her mind. It is placed in upper place of head in inner portion between two visible eyes. It is not only invisible for one, it is also not realised by one because of its inactive position. If one tries to reach in depth of concentration, its effect may easily be observed by one. When this invisible eye, which is considered as a third eye gets activated by a process of concentration, its existence and effect may be observed by one. In this position, this invisible eye is able to observe the different powerful light waves of divine powers. Such powerful divine waves contain not only different colours but special powers also, which one may realise after going deep inside the mind. The main source of these powerful waves is the upper level in the space from where these powerful waves are continuously emitting. In normal course, the realisation of these through third eye is not possible for one. However, as soon as one activates the third eye, it starts to realise its presence through different feelings created by these waves. Its activation becomes possible only when the Divine power rays hit it but these waves hit only when one becomes successful in creating sufficient spiritual pressure in his/her internal energy power system. I feel that when the system of third eye is activated, divine power waves start to hit the place of third eye and its entrance in it become possible. In this position, the internal human power is collected on a point of the third eye by which it becomes a powerful point. Once such an experiment in human body become possible then a habit may easily be created by one if he/she practices the same for some days daily, only up to sometime. The generation of the power waves by these Divya powers are like the generation of power waves of internal power system of a person specially when the sense of this third eye gets realised. In this particular situation, Divya powers may also attract the waves of human being, which are generated by his internal power system especially when it gets activated. Whenever the light rays enter in natural human eyes, the lens of the eyes refract these rays; so if any obstacle comes ahead of these rays, the picture of that obstacle is framed at the screen of the eyes. In the same way when third eye gets activated, the powerful spiritual light enter in it. It is similar to the sun light entering the natural eyes. As natural eye glasses refract the light waves entering into it, in the same way when spiritual light enters the third eye, it refracts the spiritual rays inside the internal power system of the body. Due to this, the internal power cells get activated resulting in a feeling of huge internal power of this third eye power sense. So in this situation, the wide picture lens of the third eye also refract the rays of the spiritual light in whole of the inner estate of that human being. It is just akin to natural eyes refracting the sun light. In this situation, when third eye refracts the spiritual light to the inner estate of the human being, whatsoever is in the inner area of the human being is refracted to make a picture of whole inner estate of the person on i's wider screen. In this process the third eye also realises the power of the inner estate of the human being. Once the sense of the third eye gets even slightly activated, it realises the internal power of human when both natural eyes get closed. As the third eye becomes awakened, it attracts powerful light waves of different big invisible powers available at some height in the atmosphere and refracts these enlightened rays to the entire inner area of the person by which this entire inner area gets illuminated. After that the entire inner area becomes visible through the tremendous sense of this third eye. In this position, it appears to one that his /her entire internal power is spread through waves by utilising many points of the face and it seems that these attracting waves are attracted towards heights by different power points. In this process of attracting these waves, one feels very energetic. By this process of concentration, it seems as if the entire internal power of one is spreading in the space by forming a coloured space, rising high, after releasing from different points of the face and head as waves. At this particular time, one feels tremendous energy within. As I think that the total internal power of any human being is in hibernation but when it awakens, its pressure goes in the third eye, by which the senses of third eye starts activating. Actually the system of the third eye is a way, by which the powerful waves of Divya powers in the body of human being (the internal power which was still in hibernation) gets awakened. When the internal power of human being grows, it also spread in the heights of this atmosphere by using a special way of third eye. So we can see that the third eye is that door by which the external powers not only enter the human body, but the internal power of human body also goes outside in the atmosphere by using the door of third eye. In this process of internal system of the body, sometimes it appears that the self-internal human power is being attracted by the attraction of Divya powers and sometimes it appears that human internal power is attracting the rays of these Divya powers. In my view, this process starts in human brain because of the development of spiritual magnetism in human body. This magnetism is developed only when any human succeeds in receiving any spiritual wave of any Divya power whether by its own mercy or by adopting other spiritual ways.

----VK Jaiswal






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