These 3 Things.
There were 3 days that Jesus was in the grave, and 3 things that are the foundation of a beautiful, faithful walk with God.
Forgive Quickly, Repent Quickly, Obey Quickly.
The day that Jesus was crucified, and put into the grave, was the day that the crowds turned against him. That He was mocked, beaten, insulted, humiliated, and tortured to death on a cross. That was the same day He said “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” He forgave. We too must learn to Forgive Quickly. Jesus said, if we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven. Our forgiveness frees, them and us of a terrible burden, neither of us should carry. Forgive Quickly.
The second day, in the grave, and in the heart of those who did that terrible act, was remorse. For some fear, others depression, and extreme guilt. But just as Jesus provides forgiveness, we have to be willing to receive that forgiveness. How? Repent Quickly. Ask God to forgive you for all you have done, not done, witnessed, wish you had done, that was wrong in his sight, and in the guilty consciousness of your heart. Repent Quickly, do not let walls of guilt separate you from God any longer. Repent Quickly.
The third day Jesus rose from the dead, proving that His sacrifice was accepted, and that if we are willing to accept Jesus, His work for us, His sacrifice for us, and His leadership. We can experience all the benefits of walking with God. And like baby steps; a little at a time, we get better and better, how? By learning to Obey Quickly. The more we practice instant obedience to the voice of God, the closer we get to God, and the stronger our walk with God becomes. Long before you do great works for God, you must learn to hold His hand, and walk with Him, in obedience. Obey Quickly.
Ministry Director, Franklin Mayfield.