Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society

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Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society The first ever, female-focused online movement to cultivate & promote mindful blogging in Pakistan


PLB Academy: How to Put Different Creative Spins in Your Blogs by Sharoon Shahid.

This session will focus on making your blogs more engaging, meaningful and powerful by adding different elements to them including humor, different types of media and content, politics, food analogies, fables etc.

Put on your phone reminders 💫

Put on your phone reminders 💫

** PLB Academy **I am excited to resume Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society’s (PLB) educational series where we aim to educa...

** PLB Academy **

I am excited to resume Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society’s (PLB) educational series where we aim to educate you in different aspects related to your writing and blogging skills.

Meet Sharoon Shahid, a seasoned writer and trainer, an expert content writer who has ghost-written over 5000 ebooks, many of which are bestsellers at Amazon.

How to Put Different Creative Spins in Your Blogs

⭐️ Brief Outline:

This short program will focus on making your blogs more engaging, meaningful and powerful by adding different elements to them including humor, different types of media and content, politics, food analogies, fables etc.

⭐️ Session Timings:

1. Session 1: Wednesday, 3rd July, 10pm PKT

2. Session 2: Thursday, 4th July, 10pm PKT

⭐️ More about Sharoon:

Find her on YouTube:

Find her on LinkedIn:

Find her on Instagram:


Hope to see you all there!

PLB Academy is an initiative of Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society; Pakistan’s first ever dedicated community to promote mindful blogging.

To join, send us a join request at: Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society
Or follow the link:

Meet Shabana Mahfooz, PLB's new Think Tank Lead.Shabana Mahfooz is a Lahore based educationist and freelance journalist....

Meet Shabana Mahfooz, PLB's new Think Tank Lead.

Shabana Mahfooz is a Lahore based educationist and freelance journalist. With extensive experience in Broadcast Journalism as well as Print, she holds writing as her passion, which she also utilises in teaching O'Levels students. Her writings include issues related to women, current affairs and society.

We are so excited for Shabana to lead our activity which will include insightful discussions, educational and awareness sessions, and much, much more.

Welcome onboard, Shabana!

Please come forward and welcome her in her new role.

Pakistani Lady Bloggers Society (PLB) is a women-only platform to build a support network for female bloggers of Pakistan.

We promote mindful and responsible blogging.

Wanna join? Drop us a join request at:


: Letters to Allah
🌸 Letter 8: I died today
You open your eyes and something is not right. You start to panic but then you remember the promise of Allah: those who have emaan and do good deeds will never be in grief.

📌 Listen to audio here:
📌 Watch on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Read in Urdu & English:

📌 Do share your feedback in the comments section below.

📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2023:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan

Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.

The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.
To join, send us a request at:


: Letters to Allah
🌸 Letter 7: You and I 🌸

📌 Listen to audio here:
📌 Watch on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Read in Urdu & English:

📌 Do share your feedback in the comments section below.

📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2023:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan

Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.

The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.
To join, send us a request at:


: Letters to Allah
🌸 Letter 6: The Wish That Was Not Granted 🌸

📌 Listen to audio here:
📌 Watch on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Read in Urdu & English:

📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2023:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan

Letter 6: The Wish That Was Not Granted >> new version

My Beloved Allah,

Wishes are strange entities. They drive us through life, sometimes with hope and sometimes with motivation to achieve them.

I’d like to think of them as one of the many driving forces You have created in order to steer us.

I had a very dear wish once, so dear that within no time it became an unhealthy obsession. I was bent on getting it fulfilled and left no stone unturned to achieve it.

Along with all the worldly efforts I made, I started making an effort to come closer to You and to please You any way I could. My ibaadah became regular, tried to fulfill all the fardh, tried becoming a good daughter, wife and sister. I made lots of duaas for my wish.

Each time I was close to achieving it, my efforts failed and it evaded me further. My reaction built up over time: a mixture of frustration and some level of anger. But worse was my entitlement because entitlement turned it into obsession over time.

My prayers had become longer, more teary, filled with more and more pleas. And each time I stood up from the prayer mat, I felt heard, Alhumdullilah.

But my craze for getting what I wanted did not help me. Obsessions are never healthy. It can take us to disobedience very easily.

One fine day, as if fog lifted, a thought came to me as open as the light of day. I recollected my patterns over the last years and realized I was making a grave mistake: I was praying because I wanted something in return.

Yes we all pray to You to get Your Hasanah and Razaa in return, but I wanted something then and there. Kinda like saying, “Okay I completed all the items on this check list, when do I get what I want?”

This was extremely disrespectful and my wishes had taken complete control of me and led me astray.

With shame, I was reminded of how Iblees wanted to be the khalifah of Earth and so he prayed for thousands of years. His worship did not help him because when he came to know that our father Adam (e.s.) was chosen by Allah to be the khalifah, the jealousy inside Iblees came out with full force and his hypocrisy became apparent.

I shuddered to think that I had become the hypocrite. I was played very smartly in the hands of the shytaan and I did not even realize when my own intent had changed!

If my wish was granted, I would never found error in my ways. But failure is often a time to reflect and think where are we going wrong.

This Ramzan, I pray, O Allah, that You help us find the error of our ways and save us from the way of Iblees. May You give us the eye to reflect and the heart that repents.

Ameen sum ameen.

نا تمام خواہش

میرے پیارے اللہّ

خواہشات بہت منہ زور ہوتی ہیں۔ کبھی امید اور کبھی حوصلے کو ساتھی بنا کر ہمیں زندگی کا لطف دیتی ہیں۔

مجھے لگتا ہے کہ ان گنت اور چیزیں جو آپ کی طرف سے ہماری تحریک کا سبب ہیں ان میں خواہشات بھی شامل ہیں ۔

میری بھی ایک دلی خواہش تھی۔ دل کہ اتنے قریب کہ پتہ ہی نہیں چلا کہ کب وہ ایک جنون بن گئ۔ میں مصر تھی کہ میں وہ خواہش پا لوں گی اور اس کے لیۓ کسی بھی حد تک جاؤں گی۔

اس خواہش کے حصول کے لیۓ دنیاوی کوششوں کے علاوہ میں نے آپ کی قربت اور خوشنودی حاصل کرنے کی کوشش بھی شروع کردی۔ میری عبادات باقاعدہ ہو گئیں۔ میں نے ایک اچھی بیٹی بیوی اور ماں بننے کی ٹھان لی۔ بہت دعائیں اپنے مقصد کی رسائ کے لیۓ مانگیں۔

لیکن ہر دفعہ جب میری خواہش پوری ہوتی نظر آتی، میں آخر میں ناکام ہوجاتی۔ یہ ناکامی میری ہمت توڑ دیتی۔ وقت کے ساتھ جھلاہٹ اور کچھ غصہ میرے رویے میں شامل ہوگۓ۔ لیکن سب سے زیادہ برا میرا اس خواہش پر استحقاق تھا کیوں کہ یہ استحقاق اور زعم ہی وقت کے ساتھ میرا جنون بن گیا۔

میری دعائیں لمبی ہوگئ تھیں۔ آنسو اور گرنے لگے۔ میں اور گڑگڑانے لگی۔ اور جب میں جا نماز سے اٹھتی تو لگتا کہ آپ نے میری سن لی۔ الحمد اللہّ۔

لیکن اپنی خواہش حاصل کرنے کے اس جنون سے میرا کوئ فائدہ نہیں ہوا۔ جنون اچھی چیز نہیں۔ یہ بہت جلدی ہمیں نافرمانی تک لے جاتا ہے۔

ایک دن جب دھند چھٹی تو رو پہلی کرن کی طرح ایک خیال آیا۔ میں نے اپنے پچھلے سالوں کے معمولات کو یکجا کیا اور مجھے سمجھ آیا کہ میں تو بہت بڑی غلطی کر رہی تھی۔ میں دعا خواہش کے حصول کے لیے کر رہی تھی۔

دعا تو ہم سب آپ رضا اور آپ کی مہربانی کے لیے کرتے ہیں لیکن میری نیت خواہش کا جلد از جلد حصول تھا۔

مجھ سے بہت گستاخی ہوگئ تھی اور میری خواہشات کے جنون نے مجھے گمراہ کر دیا تھا۔

اپنی شرمساری میں مجھے یاد آیا کہ کس طرح ابلیس زمین کا خلیفہ بننا چاہتا تھا اور اس سبب اس نے ہزاروں سال دعا کی۔ اس کی دعا اس کے کسی کام نہیں آئ کیونکہ جب اس کو پتہ چلا کہ ہمارے بابا آدم علیہ السلام کو اللہّ نے زمین کے خلیفہ کے طور پہ چنا ہے تو اس کے اندر کا حسد ظاہر ہوگیا اور ابلیس کی منافقت نظر آگئ۔

میں منافق ہوں یہ سوچ کہ مجھ پہ لرزہ طاری ہوگیا۔ میں نے شیطان کی پیروی اس کی مکاری کے اثر میں اتنے آرام سے کرلی کہ مجھے پتہ ہی نہیں چلا کہ کب میری نیت بدل گئ۔

اگر آپ میری خواہش قبول کر لیتے تو مجھے کبھی اپنی غلطی کا احساس نہیں ہوتا۔ لیکن عموماً ناکامی کے وقت ہی ہم اپنی غلطیوں کے بارے میں سوچتے ہیں۔

اس رمضان، یا اللہّ ہماری مدد کیجیے تاکہ ہم اپنی غلطیاں سمجھ سکیں۔ اور ہمیں شیطان کے کرتوتوں سے بچا لیجے۔ ہمیں دیکھنے والی آنکھ اور توبہ کرنے والا دل دیجیۓ۔

آمین۔ ثم آمین۔

Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.

The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.
To join, send us a request at:

We all have that one wish that we wanted so bad. Someone probably told you, “tumhara waqt bhi ayega”, “Allah apne pyaaro...

We all have that one wish that we wanted so bad. Someone probably told you, “tumhara waqt bhi ayega”, “Allah apne pyaaron ka hi imtehaan leta hai”, “sabar karo”, “har cheez iss dunia mein nai mill sakti”…

But what is Allah trying to tell you? You need to listen carefully.

Stay tuned for Ramzan Series 2023 Letter # 6, tomorrow at 12pm PKT.

🌸 Friends of Ramzan Series 2023: Letters to Allah (Part 2)Zainab Khanani, Founder, Fit With Zabi, welcomes you to Letter...

🌸 Friends of Ramzan Series 2023: Letters to Allah (Part 2)
Zainab Khanani, Founder, Fit With Zabi, welcomes you to Letters to Allah (Part 2) series.

Certified fitness trainer and fitness nutritionist from ISSA (California). Zainab chose her passion as her career. She loves to help and encourage people in their weight loss journey.

Thank you for Zainab joining us in this journey and showing trust in our efforts!

Letters to Allah (Part 2) is an initiative by Pakistani Lady Bloggers Facebook community, as part of its yearly Ramzan Series.

This year we start with 5th letter, signifying that it is a continuation of Letters of Allah which were originally written in 2021.

Here’s what to look out for this year:

🌸 Letter 5: Hearts Without Hope
Will Allah forgive my countless sins? What fitnah does this one doubt put me through?

🌸 Letter 6: The Wish That Was Not Granted
Not all wishes are meant to be granted in this life. A unique perspective of one woman when she didn’t get what she wanted…

🌸 Letter 7: You and I
I am part of the perfect love story and the story is about Allah and I. Find out more in this letter.

🌸 Letter 8: I died today
You open your eyes and something is not right. You start to panic but then you remember the promise of Allah: those who have emaan and do good deeds will never be in grief.

Here’s to the wonderful people making it happen:
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan
* Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad

📌 Where can I find these letters?

The Pakistani Woman page:

Pakistani Lady Bloggers Facebook community:

Pakistani Lady Bloggers Instagram:

📌 But I have a busy routine, how can I catch up?
We will upload Urdu audios on SoundCloud so you can listen to them on the go.

You do not need to install any app because SoundCloud plays in your browser too.

What are you waiting for?
Mark your calendars ❤️

Ramzan Mubarak everyone!!!


: Letters to Allah (2)
🌸 Letter 5: Hearts Without Hope 🌸
Will Allah forgive my countless sins? What fitnah does this one doubt put me through?

This year we start with 5th letter, signifying that it is a continuation of Letters of Allah which were originally written in 2021.

To READ the letter (English & Urdu both),
📌 Visit:

📌 To LISTEN to audio (Urdu),
Listen on SoundCloud:

📌 Visit on Instagram IGTV:

📌 Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2021:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Originally Written by: Mehreen Farhan

Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.

The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.

To join, send us a request at:

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸Meet Mehreen Farhan, the brain behind Ramzan Series since 2017 and Letters to Allah....

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸

Meet Mehreen Farhan, the brain behind Ramzan Series since 2017 and Letters to Allah.

I’m Mehreen and I’m the admin of this place. I came up with the idea of a dedicated bloggers’ group back in 2017 when my love for blogging rekindled but I didn’t find any place that could help me build my readership.

In my personal capacity, I am a software engineer and a product trainer for one of Pakistan’s most prestigious software houses. I love writing and reading, and sometimes when I’m in the mood, I love to draw. I’m unconventional and an old school at heart who loves old music, old dramas and old songs. I take things in my own stride and like to live life that way.

I am a student of the Quran since 2017 and I started writing Ramzan Series in 2018. For me, writing is sacred; it is the oldest form of knowledge transfer in this world.

I encourage you to find our previous Ramzan Series posts on this page. I am sure you will be delighted.

Thank you for being here!

You can find me on these links:

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸Meet Sonia Adnan, the lady behind Urdu, enabling Letters to Allah to be understood b...

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸

Meet Sonia Adnan, the lady behind Urdu, enabling Letters to Allah to be understood by a wider audience.

Sonia is a physician with an interest in writing and social commentary. She runs an Instagram account for autism advocacy, homeschooling and social justice.

She has written three novels. She self-published her first and continue to work on the other two.

In her free time, Sonia likes to read, watch movies and spend time with her family.

We thank Sonia Adnan for giving our letters her beautiful words and bringing a personal feel in them. Jazakallahu khair ❤️

You can find Sonia on this link:

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸Meet Sadia Sarmad, the beautiful voice behind Ramzan Series Letters to Allah.Sadia S...

🌸 MEET THE TEAM Ramzan Series 2023 🌸

Meet Sadia Sarmad, the beautiful voice behind Ramzan Series Letters to Allah.

Sadia Sarmad hails from Lahore. A graphic designer by profession, she holds experience in copywriting, advertising, photography and teaching. She discovered her passion for arts and storytelling about a decade ago. Whether it's reciting poetry of Faiz, Ghalib, Gulzar or reading stories of Amrita Pritam, Manto for adults to telling stories to children with a get up of Dadi Gulabi, Razia Sultan, Atkali or Daadi-Faryadi with a shaky voice or any character outside her repertoire - she loves slipping into different characters instantly.

SUNO KAHANI MERI ZUBANI is an effort to resuscitate the diminishing love for Urdu and storytelling among children and youth. Similarly, for the young-adults, Sadia tries to infuse life in the narration from classic literature from her platflorm KALAVNT KAHANI.

Lastly, MEETHI BOLIYAAN; a platform where stories have no boundaries and the only language spoken and heard is LOVE! Sadia, along with her friend from across the border Rituparna Ghosh of Your Story Bag also created first ever INDO-PAK storytelling festival; MEETHI BOLIYAAN.

We thank Sadia Api for giving our letters her beautiful voice and bringing a life into them. Jazakallahu khair ❤️

You can find Sadia Sarmad on these links:

• Suno kahani Meri Zubani:

• Kalavnt Kahani:

Shout out to our esteemed Outreach Partners for   ❤️

Shout out to our esteemed Outreach Partners for ❤️




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