How o Put Different Creative Spins in Your Blog?
PLB Academy: How to Put Different Creative Spins in Your Blogs by Sharoon Shahid.
This session will focus on making your blogs more engaging, meaningful and powerful by adding different elements to them including humor, different types of media and content, politics, food analogies, fables etc.
#RamzanSeries2023 Letters To Allah(2): I Died Today
#RamzanSeries2023: Letters to Allah
🌸 Letter 8: I died today
You open your eyes and something is not right. You start to panic but then you remember the promise of Allah: those who have emaan and do good deeds will never be in grief.
📌 Listen to audio here:
📌 Watch on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Read in Urdu & English:
📌 Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2023:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan
Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.
The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.
To join, send us a request at:
#RamzanSeries2023: Letters to Allah
🌸 Letter 6: The Wish That Was Not Granted 🌸
📌 Listen to audio here:
📌 Watch on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Read in Urdu & English:
📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2023:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Written by: Mehreen Farhan
Letter 6: The Wish That Was Not Granted >> new version
My Beloved Allah,
Wishes are strange entities. They drive us through life, sometimes with hope and sometimes with motivation to achieve them.
I’d like to think of them as one of the many driving forces You have created in order to steer us.
I had a very dear wish once, so dear that within no time it became an unhealthy obsession. I was bent on getting it fulfilled and left no stone unturned to achieve it.
Along with all the worldly efforts I made, I started making an effort to come closer to You and to please You any way I could. My ibaadah became regular, tried to fulfill all the fardh, tried becoming a good daughter, wife and sister. I made lots of duaas for my wish.
Each time I was close to achieving it, my efforts failed and it evaded me further. My reaction built up over time: a mixture of frustration and some level of anger. But worse was my entitlement because entitlement turned it into obsession over time.
My prayers had become longer, more teary, filled with more and more pleas. And each time I stood up from the prayer mat, I felt heard, Alhumdullilah.
But my craze for getting what I wanted did not help me. Obsessions are never healthy. It can take us to disobedience very easily.
One fine day, as if fog lifted, a thought came to me as open as the light of day. I recollected my patterns over the last years and realized I was making a grave mistake: I was praying because I wanted something in return.
Yes w
Letters to Allah (2): 'Hearts Without Hope' #RamzanSeries2023
#RamzanSeries2023: Letters to Allah (2)
🌸 Letter 5: Hearts Without Hope 🌸
Will Allah forgive my countless sins? What fitnah does this one doubt put me through?
This year we start with 5th letter, signifying that it is a continuation of Letters of Allah which were originally written in 2021.
To READ the letter (English & Urdu both),
📌 Visit:
📌 To LISTEN to audio (Urdu),
Listen on SoundCloud:
📌 Visit on Instagram IGTV:
📌 Do share your feedback in the comments section below.
📌 The team behind Ramzan Series 2021:
• Urdu translation: Sonia Adnan
• Urdu voiceover: Sadia Sarmad
• Originally Written by: Mehreen Farhan
Ramzan Series is a yearly series by Mehreen Farhan as a way to talk more about Quran in the blessed month of Ramzan.
The Pakistani Lady Bloggers (PLB) is a community which is home to this initiative. PLB is the first exclusive support community for the female bloggers of Pakistan.
To join, send us a request at:
We’re gearing up! #ramzanseries #ramzanseries2023