Only a few days (Oct 24!) until the premiere of Andrew Egan's SCAPEGOAT, a new indie horror film made entirely in Rhinelander.
Though the movie itself is pretty great, what's exciting about this premiere is that we'll be sharing quite a bit about the process that went into making it. (Shout out to the incomparable Artistic Norma for these incredible BTS photos).
It was an incredible day and a half shoot with a ton of delightful people who just showed up and jumped in.
My hope is that this film can be a bit of a proof of concept for the types of films we can create up here and we'd love it if you joined us for the event!
(If you're on the fence because of the content, I totally respect that, though I will admit it's pretty mild as far as horror goes.)
If you're interested in joining us, there's still some tickets available (link in comments) and the event will be a lively evening with a few surprises, so come on out to The Hilgermann (and wear your Halloween costume)!