What's on your mind?
On? Not in?
Well, I'll tell you three things to do to make success come into your life.
Stop playing all mobile games, even gambling on it. God puts games into their minds, so evil and bad people for sure are trapped into this, you might now have found out you exited some Matrix. You're alive, yay. You survived 100% of all your bad days.
Secondly keep your desk clean before you work. It will only be then possible to work on your computer. Only clean desk may let you work and probably earn your future for all times. And take a sweep maybe it's so much dirt that other places in your house is also hard to clean?
And third, yes, affiliate marketing! You will learn the tutorials on it on my website affylis.com
You should know the first month, you will have to earn 1$ to earn a million in one of 3 years. Put a comment below and say, I will do so, Amen.
Then next month after then 2$. Then 4$ so on. Then you will start earning big. Anyway, you have to be broke and be living in your momma's house. And have no work. Because what you do will cost time the first 3 years months. That's 36 Factor of 2,4. I believe my great people musicians from Africa will do more of this besides making music?
We will be talking about some millions. Even 2000$ a month will take away your troubles. Which you might achieve in 1,5 year of working 50 hours a week or more? Doing tasks all the time, and take away your bad habits.
Anyway ED Sheeran stole my melody and baseline and called his own in Bad Habits, from my song Sounds of Illusions on YouTube, hard to find. It's okey to not do a fault once, but if you do it twice, it's a choice. He's thief from many other artists, just lack of inspiration to do your own. Some people might be blessed by this. As the higher artists put other low valued artists up. So yeah, always remember to appreciate others so people know it?
1% of the people in this world earn on internet! All others are consumers. So yeah, spend weekends and Sundays. Doing Affiliate marketing deals and works for your happiness. Which is money!
See here, if I didn't say this, I wouldn't have this vision doing it myself knowing things as this. Always remember, if you teach others as a teacher you will yourself have all the answers to what you learn away.
Now just copy me, and, yes, I never had answer to everything. I know what I've taught others and what I've struggled with, and I always talked about what I know. I don't know love, that's why I seldom talk about it. Many people have their flaws, but try to be that better person and help yourself today before you tomorrow help others.