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*Dear Men* ,If you last only 2 minutes in a tournament, worry not.Get 5 pieces of bitter kola and ginger. Cut them into ...

*Dear Men* ,

If you last only 2 minutes in a tournament, worry not.

Get 5 pieces of bitter kola and ginger. Cut them into smaller pieces and boil them with water.

Drink a teacup 30 minutes before the tournament. She will give you the Captain bandđŸ”„. Thank me late.😊

Fried Rice Recipe.Servings for 10 peopleIngredients 5 cups of rice.1 cup of sweet corn2 cups of sliced Carrot đŸ„•2 cups of...

Fried Rice Recipe.
Servings for 10 people

5 cups of rice.
1 cup of sweet corn
2 cups of sliced Carrot đŸ„•
2 cups of sliced Green beans.
1 cup of peas đŸ«›
1 cup of sliced yellow pepper
1 cup of sliced red pepper đŸ«‘
1 cup of sliced Green pepper.
Cow Liver (1/2Kg).
2kg of Chicken.
Vegetable oil.(250ml)
1 cup of sliced Onions.
Seasoning cubes 8
Thyme spice (1 teaspoon)
Rosemary spice (1 teaspoon)
Curry powder for coloring and spice (2 Tablespoons).
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Fried Rice

Method of Preparation
1. Cook and fry your chicken
2. Cook the cow liver, dice it into smaller pieces and fry
3. Wash, cut and sliced all your vegetables
4. Parboiled your rice with a little curry until almost well cooked, rinse and keep aside
5. Stir fry all your vegetables in oil with seasoning cubes, spices, salt and pepper to taste, add sweet corn and fried liver to it
6. Then add your almost well cooked rice to your stir fried vegetables and give it a good mix
7. Taste if seasoning is okay or will need adjustment (to your taste) cover and allow to simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes.
8. Enjoy your fried Rice with Chicken




Men being the head of the home, if an attack on the marriage is to be effective, all is needed is for the man to be attacked. Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. How do husbands get attacked?

Isolation is the easiest form of attack. Alot of men are living in isolation, isolated from the wife because he is not vulnerable with her, isolated from genuine friends or an accountability system and isolated feeling alone with no one to share challenges with. Once a man is isolated, he can easily lose his way, make bad decisions and become weak; the family suffers. Brother, stop standing alone. Confide in your wife, plug in to a community, have a social insurance of genuine friends who can challenge you and hold you when you are struggling

Once a man has a "know it all attitude", he is susceptible to destruction. Such a man will reject correction, avoid the wife who is trying to help him, be too proud to apologize or change for the better, will not seek knowledge on how to be a better husband/father and avoid counselling when it is needed. Brother, pride comes before the fall of your marriage. Be a leader with humility. You are not less of a man to admit you don't know everything and you are not always right

Alot of men went through traumatic experiences growing up, such an abusive or absent father, lack of mentorship, bullying, financial lack, labelling, heartbreaks from past relationships, harm from a bitter mother and episodes of failure and shame. If a man doesn't heal from this, the ghost from his past will come to haunt his marriage and family, he will bleed on the wife and the children, punished them for his past and it will be ugly. Brother, heal. A wounded head hurts the rest

The man gets his source from God. Once the man starts to veer away from God and starts to pray less, uphold Godly values less and stops tapping into God for wisdom and direction, he will make his marriage spiritually exposed. Brother, maintain a healthy relationship with God, your family depends on it. Spirituality and prayerfulness is not for the wife alone

When all the man sees are bad behaving men from his father, his uncles, the media and to the society at large; he falsely behaves men cannot do any better. Brother, expose yourself to well behaving men, men who care for their legacy and family; they are many and they will challenge you

Much of culture favours the man and elements of it are outdated but still keep the man in shackles that make him mistreat, intimidate or silence the wife. Brother, culture is part of your identity. But remember, culture is man-made, sieve out the bad and apply the good

A man with an identity crisis, will begin to doubt himself. He will lose confidence and without confidence, he will struggle to lead and will run away from his family, if not, become passive. Brother, get your identity in order by answering these four questions: Who are you? What do you stand for? What are your strengths? What do you want to be remembered for when you die?

Most men tie so much of their value to their finances or how they take care of their wife and children. This is why most men feel broken when they are broke. Marriage tends to be attacked when because of this need and expectations of men, some men make bad financial decisions, get overwhelmed by debt, get lost in gambling, get into not so honourable deals or waste the family money on bad investments. Brother, knowing this, learn more about financial management, don't get addicted to gambling, gain financial discipline, involve your wife as an equal partner in family finances for accountability and more solutions and suggestions. Two are better than one for they have a better reward for their labour

Once a man gets hooked to alcohol, parting, po*******hy, flirting or drug taking; he will defend these habits even if it means hurting his wife. Brother, watch your habits. You are growing in age but are you growing forward or taking steps backwards?

When the man has a negative view towards women, seeing them as useless, inferior, s*x objects, with nothing of importance to add to the conversation; he will belittle and mistreat his wife. Brother, marriage is not a gender battle but a beautiful union between a man and a woman, both created in the image of God with unique strengths

Sometimes the enemy that attacks the man is the wife with insults, mistreatment, provocation, drama and over reactions; maybe because she does not know how to handle issues, she is immature emotionally, or she harbours bitterness from past issues. Brother, learn to love a wounded wife instead of attacking her back and complicating matters. If she wronged you forgive, if she is battling personal issues, correct her with love, tell her you need her to stop hurting you, assure her of your love and allow her to open up to you. Be her healer

Alot of men are going through stress and depression and is damaging the home. Brother, how are you mentally? Check the thoughts you are struggling with, open up to your wife or someone you trust, seek counselling. Get well

To distract a man, all is needed is a new woman who will bring fresh experiences that will excite him to the point he forgets or gives less to the wife, thereby weakening or breaking the marriage. Brother, other women are a distraction. You will always be surrounded by women. If you feel yourself getting excited for another woman, stop yourself, remind yourself of how excited you were when you met your wife, rekindle what you two lost, add to your marriage what you feel is missing

Bad company leads to bad influence and bad advice; this only goes to messing up a marriage. Brother, who are you surrounding yourself with? Bad friends will cheer you on as you mistreat your wife but will not be there when you are divorced, lonely, having lost the family that money can't buy

When the man still holds a grudge against his wife, he will see nothing good in her. He will be cold towards her, struggle to talk or make love to her and that marriage will disintegrate. Brother, blessings will not come to your marriage if you don't forgive her. She hurt you, forgive her and go back to building together

Husbands, as long as you are the head, you will always be the first and main target when your marriage is being attacked. Be conscious of this, guard yourself and in so doing, you are guarding your family


Sport Trophy's for our in house competitions.


Big week for our LEABNAPS learners!

Exams might sound scary, but at LEADERS BILINGUAL NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL (LEABNAPS), Limbe, we're all about celebrating progress! Here's why:

Superhero Showcase: Exams help show off all the amazing things our young learners have mastered this term. Reading, writing, maths – they've got this!

Teacher Teamwork: Exams give teachers a chance to see how everyone's doing and tailor future lessons for even more learning fun.

Building Confidence: Exams help build confidence! By facing challenges, our students learn they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Growth Mindset: Exams are just one step in the learning journey. They help us identify areas where students can keep growing and shining!


Those looking for Teachers Jobs, here is your opportunity.

Those looking for Teachers Jobs, here is your opportunity.

We Hiring Teachers who can add more value to the life of our Children.

41 THINGS TO TELL YOUR DAUGHTERS AS THEY GROW...âœđŸŸ1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the...


1: Tell your daughter that Money has no gender. She can make money the way any Man can make it and even more.

2: Tell her to step into the FIELD not the BED to make money. Money from the field comes with dignity, money from the Bed comes with STD.

3: Let your daughter know that she need to trade her brain not her privates to make money.

4: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a rich man, but to work to become rich girl.

5: Train your daughter never to pray to marry a Governor but to work to become the President.

6: Train your daughter that the instrument of money making is under the Hat not under the skirt.

7: Train your Daughter never to Man-hunt but to focus her focus and she will become the focus of many Men.

8: Train your daughter that no man can love her like God, so she must never trade her relationship with God with a relationship with any Man.

9: Train your daughter that internet never forget or forgive, let her know that the foolish post she makes in the internet can depose her from her post tomorrow.

10: Tell your daughter that time wait for no man, if she waste her time with a foolish man, she will wake up one day to discover that it is night time.

11: Tell your daughter that life give back what you give into it, wickedness will be fully repaid.

12: Tell your daughter that beauty is not in exposing nakedness, it is dressing to look like a Queen.

13: Tell your daughter that she is a princess and not a pr******te, tell her to dress to prove she is.

14: Tell your daughter that it is a great wickedness to sleep with the husband of another Woman.

15: let her know that married men do not love her, they only see her as available s*x toy to satisfy the urge in them.

16: Let your daughter know that the best friend she can keep is God, He can not disappoint her.

17: let your daughter know that beauty without brain makes one look like a Decorated pig.

18: teach your daughter to believe in herself because she is capable of doing whatever she believes she can do.

19: Teach your daughter never to think that wealth is s*xually transmitted. Sleeping with wealthy men will only make her a w***e not wealthy.

20: tell your daughter good look does not make a man a good Man. He can have 6 PACKS and be a PACK of trouble.

21: teach your daughter never to be a Run girl because run girls normally RUN into trouble.

22: Tell your daughter knowing God is not negotiable and being righteous should be her entire Life principle.

23: Tell your daughter time go fast and wait for no one, she should stop thinking she has time to waste, she should get up now before it is too late.

24: Tell your daughter nobody wants to marry a liability, every man is looking for Help-meet not help-eat.

25: Tell your daughter she must have her own sources of income. A woman without her own sources of income will be embarrassed by her husband, in law and even her own Children.

26: Tell your daughter it is not all that glitters that are gold Some May even be a ball of fire.

27: Tell your daughter her body is not for sale but to preserve it for the man that deserve it after her wedding.

28: Tell your daughter failure is not the end but a bend.

29: Tell your daughter there is no height she can not attain, if she can just dare it.

30: Tell your daughter courtship is not marriage, she can still let go any man with red flags.

31: Tell your daughter that a broken courtship is not a divorce she can still get out of relationship at any time before wedding.

32: Tell your daughter she is beautiful, if a guy tells her she is, she will say my Dad told me too.

33: Tell your daughter never to be a runs girl, because this will ruin her future and destiny.

34: Tell your daughter that Marriage is more important than Wedding, she should take more time to prepare for marriage than wedding.

35: Tell your daughter Love is not enough for marriage, commitment, faithfulness, purity, contentment, communication, training etc are needed.

36: Tell your daughters that attitude is more than beauty.

38: Tell your daughter Labour bring favour

39: Tell your daughter she is not to submit to Men but her husband

40: Tell your daughter that marriage choice making may bring PAIN OR GAIN

41: Tell your daughter that it is not all Professors of love that are POSSESSORS OF LOVE, He may say I love you, he might actually mean I love s*x.

DIFFERENT TYPES OF S*X IN MARRIAGE!1. RECONCILIATION S*X:- S*x is a most potent weapon for diluting and difusing misunde...


1. RECONCILIATION S*X:- S*x is a most potent weapon for diluting and difusing misunderstanding in Marriage. If you don't use S*X to settle some stubborn crisis, then you are missing out and not maximising it. In addition when you both settle a misunderstanding, the person at fault could initiate s*x as a way to make up to the other who was on the receiving side of the conflict.

2. HEALING S*X:- There are some sicknesses and diseases that are cured by good S*x I mean very good S*x. Healing s*x is gentle, it is full of grace and elegance. You don't rush it. Mbanu. You do it softly and it hits the bull's eye. Please Husbands, don't throw your weight on her if it's for healing, let the bed carry your weight 100%.

3. PUNISHMENT S*X:- When I counsel couples, are times I hear spouses say "Since he did that, I decided to punish him by depriving him of s*x", or "since she refused me, I decided not to touch her again". That is as senseless as saying "since my child failed a Test, I punished him by withdrew him from school". It's foolishness. The wise thing to do is to give your spouse more s*x as punishment rather than depriving him or her. When your husband or wife misbehaves, correct them using s*x. That is the best punishment. Not slapping or fighting or public disgrace. Punishment s*x is very hot. đŸ˜·

4. MEMORABLE S*X:- This is a very special kind of s*x that you organise and plan for. Every couple must be doing this once in a while. Honeymoons should be organised at least once is a quarter (once in 3 months). If you have means, do it once a month. You book a hotel for say 3-7 days and retreat to help build your marriage. A kind of Intimacy Retreat. You mustn't go to hotel if you can't afford it. Just send the kids somewhere and make it memorable. Light Candles around and on the blue or green bulb. Use good perfume and the Angels will bear you witness.

5. QUICK SURPRISED S*X:- This is a s*x that married couples should do often to build their love life. One "Quickie" is stronger than 100 Love Charms from India or Kitui. A Quickie is that very fast s*x that a couple does in ODD places or in ODD position. Usually one spouse surprises the other with it. You don't take formal permission quickies. You just start it just like that. MARRIAGES WITHOUT QUICKIES HAVE QUICK PROBLEMS AND BREAK QUICK. Spouses who don't believe in surprise s*x are analogue and expired. Quickies can be done in the car. Drive her to a corner and pretend as if the car didn't start. It can take place on kitchen sink or at the balcony or inside swimming pool or in garden.

6. EXERCISE S*X:- This type should happen frequently especially in the mornings. God did it that the male organ wakes up in the morning erect to greet it's Owner - the Wife. So as much as humanly possible, let every wife answer the morning greeting. God's mercies are New Every Morning. Great is His Faithfulness. Mercy and Faithfulness are co-joined twins.

7. ENCOURAGEMENT S*X:- You use this type of S*x to encourage your Spouse to do something or Not to do something. There are times he wants to do something that you think is not the best of decision, just come in the most seductive way and delay him. When he is exhausted after you have drilled him, speak softly and he will say "I didn't know that was what you were saying before, now I understand you".

8. REWARD S*X:- This is the type that you reward your spouse for achieving something unique or for exceeding expectations. Reward S*x is not just one round but extended over a period of time. Reward S*x is an open check to do whatever he or she loves. It's extra ordinary.

9. PROCREATION S*X:- This is s*x you do purely for pregnancy. When you need child, the best style is the one that gives the husband maximum pe*******on. Support your wife with pillow is you aren't a longman. But you must make sure it is as wet as wetness can be. S***m needs wetness to swim inside the womb. When he releases he must remain inside there for a few minutes. Don't pull fast.
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Leaders Bilingual Nursery and Primary School (LEABNAPS) End of the year graduation.


It was a great day for the children at Leaders Bilingual Nursery and Primary School.


Our great proprietres and the children at Leaders Bilingual Nursery and Primary School (LEABNAPS) End of the year graduation.


Happy 2024 for everyone.

Jesus is Lord over Us.


Beautiful debate from the Leaders Bilingual Nursery and Primary School children.


I love the outfit of the children, they are leaders for real.


I’m 'Slowly' Learning That I Don’t Have To React To 'Everything' That Bothers Me.

I’m slowly learning that I don’t have to hurt those who hurt me.

I’m slowly learning that maybe the 'ultimate' sign of maturity is walking away instead of getting even.

I’m slowly learning that the energy it takes to react to every bad thing that happens to you drains you and stops you from seeing the other good things in life.

I’m slowly learning that I’m not going to be everyone’s cup of tea and I won’t be able to get everyone to treat me the way I want to be treated 'and that’s okay.'

I’m slowly learning that trying so hard to ‘win’ anyone is just a 'waste' of time and energy and it fills you with 'nothing' but emptiness.

I’m slowly learning that not reacting doesn’t mean I’m okay with things, it just means I’m choosing to 'rise' above it.

I’m choosing to take the 'lesson' it has served and learn from it I’m choosing to be 'the bigger' person.

I’m choosing my 'peace of mind' because that’s what I 'truly' need. I don’t need more drama. I don’t need people making me feel like I’m not good enough. I don’t need fights and arguments and 'fake' connections. I’m slowly learning that sometimes 'not' saying anything at all says everything.'

I’m slowly learning that reacting to things that upset you gives someone else power over 'your' emotions.

You can’t control what others do but you can control how you respond, how you handle it, how you perceive it and 'how much of it' you want to take personally. I’m slowly learning that most of the time, these situations say nothing about you and a lot about the other person.

I’m slowly learning that even if I react, it won’t change anything, it won’t make people suddenly love and respect me, it won’t magically change their minds.

Sometimes it’s better to just let things be, let people go, 'don’t' fight for closure, 'don’t' ask for explanations, 'don’t' chase answers and 'don’t' expect people to understand where.

Keep following Dr Fami

Beautiful cake

Beautiful cake




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