Gone are the days when Old men used to call young boys in the community just to give wise words of advice and encouragement, I wish I lived in those days when boys could be taught so much about taking responsibility as men . The days when schools were limited but the behavior, character and discipline of children was on the highest level. Young girls could be taught so much about being caring and hospitable, they were told more about Respect and no single day could they even go beyond the unimaginable, Oh yes, You will say the world today has changed and stick to Change is inevitable,,, But should we have change our Character? Is it that necessary that we turn around our behavior and relationship? Then what kind of generation are we going to have tomorrow? My Fear is that,,, Ignorance has killed our past and is busy killing the future.... Don't we have elders in our societies? How about the leaders we elect every day? Of what importance are they to young generation if they cannot open up for advice and wise motivational sayings..... We have left the responsibility to the same confused generation and that is why we can't foresee a great generation. Technology has come in so fast without regulations and limitations, the young people feel it is their right since it has come in during their generation, have we at point thought of what harm it is bringing to the young people? And if we have,, what should we be doing about it? Education has taught us so many things to the extent of making us feel we know what is right for our lives and no one should stop us from having it....... But do we have to blame this generation? No, I don't think so,,,, that is what they know and that is what exists in their world,,, No one has taken the responsibility to create awareness on the better side of the world,,,, no one is there to remind on the consequences ahead. We don't have to be too judgemental,,,,, today,,,, Indiscpline cases are just too many,,,, even as early as Secondary school students,,,,,, students who can see no problem in Fighting teachers and burning schools,,,, A young man who finds it very comfortable in taking away another person's life..... A young man who has the guts to beat up an elected leader or exchange words with a parent,,,,, Quite unfortunate.I think we should consider personal engagements with the young people,,,, They are in a better position to express themselves and tell it to the world what they feel, maybe they have inner burning issues that no one has given ears to, it is high time we all put our heads together and combine efforts to save the young generation..... If we want to have focused and upright future,,, then we have to frequently positively talk to the young people... Help me save the next generation by commenting and sharing this article.
Written by Journalist Nalwa.