Muthuri Ungi

Last week, I promised to go for a one week rest due to fatigue brought about by the hustle and bustle of the city.And th...

Last week, I promised to go for a one week rest due to fatigue brought about by the hustle and bustle of the city.
And the one week rest up the slopes of Kipipiri Ranges bordering Aberdares Ranges, the serenity of the environment and the cold inspired me to seek Jesus more and helped me come back invigorated with more inspiration messages.
And I come today to thank all of you for the many prayers and support you offered me during the week I had to rest and walk with Jesus through the woods and the plains.
And one word stuck to my heart during this 'retreat':
"The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care,
and their inheritance will endure forever.
In times of disaster they will not wither;
in days of famine they will enjoy plenty." Psalm 37:18-19.
Brothers and sisters, our inheritance will endure forever no matter what we see or pass through. And in times of disaster like we have passed through, we shall not wither. We shall enjoy plenty even in times of famine. This is the word of Jesus to us today.
Meanwhile, I still received some SOS messages from various children's homes since my analogue phone was still on to avoid the temptation of getting into social media. And the most distressing was of children who had been sent home from school from Victorious Joy children's home Kahawa West almost being denied a chance to sit their end term exams one in a boy's national school and another in a girl's national school. The home patron Rose Maina had to plead for them to be allowed to sit it as she sources for funds.
The home has so many needs and the Patron who is old (we call her 'shosh') and ailing can not be able to meet much of those needs. I felt helpless since I had gone for my healing camp yet more children were suffering out there. I will need to visit her tomorrow but meanwhile, anyone able to help her can contact her through her mobile number 0720594605 or visit the home so that we can help those children some of whom are very young.
Once again, may Jesus bless and prosper you in whatsoever you lay
your hands to do.
"The Lord makes firm the steps
of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall,
for the Lord upholds him with his hand." Psalm 37:23-24.
[email protected]


Dear friends,
It is another wonderful day Jesus has brought us to. This might be my last inspiration message for one or two weeks because of a personal 'medical' problem. I have been feeling weak and sleepy for months and nothing wrong was found in me. I was given amoeba and other related drugs and even multivitamins but still am the same. Then it was finally said am tired and sick (not sick and tired) and recommended to take some short leave and rest.
I will proceed out of the hustle and noise of the city to rest and see nature as we talk fresh inspirations with Jesus. And I ask you to help me with prayers and any other means so that I can come back with renewed energy to do my calling of inspiration and helping the poor orphaned and abandoned children.
But today I want to leave you with this word:
“For there is hope for a tree,
If it is cut down, that it will sprout again,
And that its tender shoots will not cease.
Though its root may grow old in the earth,
And its stump may die in the ground,
Yet at the scent of water it will bud
And bring forth branches like a plant. " Job 14:7-9.
There is hope. We like a tree will sprout back and bring more shoots. You might have been sacked or spouse left you or even passed away, there is hope. The tender shoots shall rise again no matter what happened to you. It says that even the roots may grow old in the ground and even the stump die, at the scent of water, it will bud. People may have left us for dead but there is the power of the comeback.
Even Jesus was left for dead but they found Him with them this time millions of times more powerful.
Meanwhile allow me go rest my fatigue and keep me in your prayers and support.
[email protected]

Today, I would like to thank all the people that have stood with and by me throughout this year and I want to do it earl...

Today, I would like to thank all the people that have stood with and by me throughout this year and I want to do it early before it ends. It has been a tough year for each of us, a year of hunger, fear and tensions. But it has also been a year of victory on many things and many years for we have all learnt to conquer fear and love each other as brothers and sisters regardless of many issues.
It is a year I was bereaved and some of you prayed and helped me in other ways, it is the year I have faced some other difficulties and knew my true and fake friends. And though life has been tough, a few of you have been managing to accompany me to various children's homes while some have sent me the little they have and we buy food for the orphaned and abandoned children. There are others too that have become guardians to the orphans who live with their poor relatives who I help in my own small ways.
As most countries in the world prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving days, I take the early opportunity not only to thank Jesus but for making you my friends who I call the great and generous army. Once again, know I celebrate you in a special way because you are special people. When you too need any service I can offer, I will be glad to assist for we are strong as an army. I have known you are not my friends for what I have but who I am.
[email protected]


Tuko hapa sasa


Today, I would love to address the hurting and heart broken people.
There are millions of us who are going through difficult lives and even some are nearly giving up in life. There are many people that have lost their loved ones, there are people that have lost their jobs, houses or spouses. There are many that have lost hope in life and also many that feel no power to move on. There are childless people that have been sidelined and many also that have got depressed by many sad news each day.
But from what I have gone through for over fifty years in life, I stand here to say that you can overcome in life if you know Jesus. Each time you ask Jesus for help, He is always there for you. And I am here to tell you that there are many people who have more problems than you but on the face look happy. There are people with terminal diseases and maybe your only problem is lack. If all our problems were brought together and shared equally, each of us will ask for their own problems again.
When I asked Jesus why I had to go through so many hard times in life, He revealed to me the reason was so that in my future, I will become a source of encouragement to millions of people. It is the reason I wrote my story which is in an e-book. This is a story of my life from birth to now, and the ones that have read the book have told me it changed their lives. My e-book ""My Walk with Jesus" is available when you order it for two hundred shillings and tell me if to send you by e-mail or whatsapp.
And this is to give you hope never to give up in life. Put strength in your heart. Problems come to make us strong not kill us.
[email protected]


One of the great effects of the pandemic and curfews was a great rise of pregnancies that were not planned for.
This has in effect brought the number of abandoned children high and many of them that have survived the abandonment have found their way to many children's homes. And because they are a day old or few days old, it is a great challenge for the homes to bring such infants to life.
We do not know who to blame but obviously we can not blame the children. One boy abandoned at a home in Bungoma was even to be named Corona, but due to stigma was named Collins and is now around two years old by the grace of God through Jesus Christ.
As a result, the homes are in great demand of NAN milk formula which the infants feed on exclusively for the first six months and which is very expensive. And today being the time I visit some homes, it is my request to all that can be able to help and support these homes with the same. If you have it with you, I too can direct you some home near you to take it there. And I trust this will bring joy to your life as the Bible says:
“This day is holy to the Lord your God. Do not mourn or weep.”
“Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:9-10.
[email protected]


This day, I am making a special prayer for some specific people that have encouraged me through this journey of making Jesus known throughout the world.
I pray and ask my prayer partners to pray for all that have been instrumental in boldly commenting and sharing my posts and many that have been writing to me telling me that Jesus has worked in their lives through the inspiration they read. May Jesus keep you long enough to also have a testimony for the coming generations.
The next prayer and blessings go to the people we have walked through this journey together. Many of you have helped my feeble and weak hands feed so many people with messages of inspiration each day and also feed hundreds of orphans many times. And I will proclaim this word to them:
"They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,
their righteousness endures forever;
their horn will be lifted high in honor." Psalm 112:9.
[email protected]


There is something we are not told about Abraham that the Bible tells us.
We are mainly told that Abraham lived a hundred years without having a child. But we are not told that the many years he had lived as an adult, He was raising children born in his household by male and female servants and also by his slaves even with no hope of get one of his own.
Even when God came to give him a promise of having a son, He commanded him to do one thing:
"For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner—those who are not your offspring." Genesis 17:12.
Abraham was raising many children raised in his household and some bought with money (like adoption today). He was to circumcise them to officially make them members of his household though he still hoped for a son. And here was a man with no hope of getting a son from Sarah his wife taking care of many children from outside. And they were so many for when he went to rescue Lot in Genesis 14, we are told he carried an army of 318 strong and armed men born in his household even before getting his own son.
Abraham was a generous man for he was not to be a father of two or three sons but the father of a nation.
And this truth Jesus revealed to me long before I got married. It is the reason I have been trying my best to raise orphans with no parents to depend on. Without knowing it, Abraham was sowing a future for his generation who He had not even seen. And when I obeyed Jesus to feed the orphans, I did not know it was a seed for my own children and I now can see it.
Trust me, you can give your children the best life on earth and take them to the best schools, but like Abraham, if you do not take care of those not biologically yours, you might not give them a future. The reason I always encourage to join me as we emulate our father Abraham and the Lord Jesus in taking care of the orphans and widows.
[email protected]


When I was through with college, I was lucky to be employed at the same place for a three months contract.
At the end of the contract, I was now planning to officially begin tarmacking to find a job. But I decided to pray and ask Jesus the way forward. It is here that Jesus reminded me that I had promised to donate part of my first salary to a children's home.
This was now very ironical. The time I needed a lot of money to 'tarmac' and also get food and rent was the time Jesus was reminding me to give. And with dragging feet, I headed to one home at Riruta Satellite where I was based then and gave part of the salary. The director was so happy and she told me that is what they had spent the day before praying for.
And when I went back home, I decided to visit someone we were in college with to see if I can secure a vacancy there since I had spent my attachment in the company. But finding that he had left for greener pastures, I asked the manager if I could get a vacancy there and to my surprise he told me to report the next day as his assistant. That was not what I expected but Jesus did it HIs own way as He had shown me through His word in Isaiah 58:
"If you give yourself to the hungry,
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then your light will rise in darkness,
and your gloom will be like midday.
Then Adonai will guide you continually,
satisfy your soul in drought
and strengthen your bones.
You will be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water whose waters never fail." vs 10-11.
That has been my journey ever since. When am down in life, I know I am not doing the best to feed the orphans. But when I do it, many miracles happen in different ways. The Bible is a book of generous people led by a generous God. Even Jesus was so generous that He GAVE us His own life to save us.
You can be so rich on earth, but wealth only comes from generosity. The reason I keep challenging each one of us this day for we all need something which Jesus has.
[email protected]


I do hope we are going to share this widely until our leaders listen to us.
I am Njuguna Mwaniki and for the past fifty two years I have spent on earth, I have just left Kenya for two days two visit a neighboring nation. I am rarely been interested in politics but spent many years inspiring and motivating many people to live another day and also feeding hundreds of orphans through advocating their plight, which is what Jesus called me to do.
But I need to address out leaders what Jesus has placed in my heart. For it seems like our leaders have lost touch on the ground. So many people are spending hungry nights if the messages I get from many of them are to be believed. A lot of people have lost their jobs and many have been evicted from their house and their properties confiscated. And like the Bible says:
"Because of thirst the infant’s tongue sticks to the roof of its mouth; the children beg for bread, but no one gives it to them." Lamentations 4:4.
Infants are thirsty because their mothers have no milk in them and their is no bread to give to the children. When I visit many children's homes, I see hungry children with their eyes and bodies silently begging to be fed. We have no much to give to our children either. But large trucks make roadshows for our politicians burning the precious petrol. I wish such trucks are packed in many villages with food donations to make the people not die of hunger.
The media has been compromised to tell us what our leaders want but not tell the leaders what people want. The voice on the ground is different from the voice up there. People are no longer exited being visited by choppers which can make them fall from the wind due to hungry stomachs. People are crying for help and the only voice that listens from above is that of Jesus. And He sent me this morning to be bold and write this,


Hi great friends. Many people have been inboxing, texting or calling me asking why it has taken too long before I post my daily inspiration messages.
I will take this chance to reply all with such a question for I believe I have very many faithful and genuine friends and followers that read these posts. Many have told me how they have got help both mentally and spiritually and even some have confessed they were wearied to the end of their lives but revived again.
For more than ten years, I have written a daily inspiration message as Jesus called me to do without asking for any offerings and continued to feed hundreds of orphaned and abandoned children in various children's homes as Jesus too commanded me.
But when the pandemic stroke us, my business was also greatly affected and I was forced to close my office which also used to be a transit point for things destined to children's homes like clothes and food. But I continued bringing inspiration for two years using the cyber services which are more expensive making me unable to inspire and motivate more and also hard to effectively carry on the work of feeding the orphans.
When I prayed so long for Jesus to give me enough to re-establish my office, He revealed to me that I can not work alone but with partners to help me effectively carry on my ministries. And since I know I have many great friends out there, it is my humble and urgent appeal that you help me re-establish myself so that we continue hearing what Jesus has for us. This way, you will not only be blessed but I too will ask my many prayer partners to pray for your needs as I too pray. Each small amount from you will greatly help us inspire thousands of more people and feed thousands of more orphans and Jesus is not unjust to forget us at our time of need. I have booked the office with five thousand but am short of a two months deposit.
[email protected]


I wish to thank and pray for blessings to fall on a few friends who have helped me start re-establishing my office to bring you a message of inspiration and motivation each day and also help store donations to various children's homes I and my generous army support.
The prolonged period of the pandemic and a constant attack by propaganda of enemies of my children's ministry affected my source of provision from my business and made me close the office. Meanwhile, I used the cyber which is very expensive for two years now to daily make the message of inspiration to thousands of people across the world. But with the pandemic behind us now, I have got fresh strength to carry on with my twin ministries and be back on my feet again.
For more than ten years now, I have brought you the fresh word of inspiration from Jesus without asking for any offering. Like Paul I work to get enough to spread the gospel without asking for a pay:
"I have coveted no one’s silver or gold or apparel. Yes, you yourselves know that these hands have provided for my necessities, and for those who were with me. I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:34-35.
The only time I appeal for help is now, not as a form of offering but asking my great and genuine friends to come to my rescue and help me re-establish my ministry and continue reaching out the weak for as it is told it is more blessed to give than to receive. This way, you will not only receive blessings for standing with the work of Jesus but I and my many prayer partners will pray for your needs to be met. The little you can afford can be sent to my number below (Charles Njuguna Mwaniki) and Jesus will be a witness between you and me. And I will keep you updated on the steps I take.
[email protected]


Listen to me, you islands;
hear this, you distant nations:
Before I was born the Lord called me;
from my mother’s womb he has spoken my name.
He made my mouth like a sharpened sword,
in the shadow of his hand he hid me;
he made me into a polished arrow
and concealed me in his quiver.
He said to me, “You are my servant," Isaiah 49:1-3.


When a seed is buried, it remains in the dark.
It sees no light and even might think it has died like many might, except the farmer. It will be left alone and lonely and no one will think about it until they see it sprout.
Even when Jesus was in the grave, He was alone and lonely till some great women followers came and found Him alive. And am writing this to comfort those that have at one time found themselves deserted by the same friends they walked together. The disciples had deserted Jesus until some brave women came and told them He is alive.
I had been discouraged so much for the last two weeks and even planned to stop my daily inspirational messages and weekly visits to the orphans after being accused of all manner of things. I wanted to concentrate in the farm and business but Jesus gave me a very powerful word:
“At least there is hope for a tree: If it is cut down, it will sprout again, and its new shoots will not fail." Job 14:7.
We are sprouting again even after being cut down. But what Jesus emphasized is ITS NEW SHOOTS WILL NEVER FAIL.
I will continue inspiring you each day for Jesus inspired and comforted me. He reminded me it is He that called me and not people and where the call is, there is provision.
I encourage you that the seed of God never dies not matter how deep it is buried. I will still visit and encourage orphaned and abandoned children and be their dad from this weekend and the rest of my life. And if you want Jesus to visit your home, you are free to join me
[email protected]


This week, I passed through a great wilderness.
I felt alone and lonely when people I have encouraged and helped heal their hearts with my counselling and Bible knowledge for free many years took stones and started throwing them at me. I was accused, abused and called all manner of things that made bile nearly come out of my mouth as vomit. I did not know what to do for as a servant of Jesus, I could not hurl back abuses at my followers.
The only thing I could do was go to my Master Jesus Christ and with the help of the Holy Spirit, He led me to read Isaiah 35 and 40 from yesterday and today morning:
"Strengthen the feeble hands,
steady the knees that give way;
say to those with fearful hearts,
“Be strong, do not fear;
your God will come,
he will come with vengeance;
with divine retribution
he will come to save you.” Isaiah 35:3-4.
That has made my heart strong again. I had wanted to give up this daily inspiration messages and visiting orphans and abandoned children in many children's homes each weekend, but I trust many supported me in prayer and Jesus has strengthened my feeble hands and given strength to my knees that were nearly giving way.
In the desert, Jesus has done a wonderful thing:
"Water will gush forth in the wilderness
and streams in the desert.
The burning sand will become a pool,
the thirsty ground bubbling springs." vs6-7.
Like Hagar who saw a well pop up in the desert for them to drink from, Jesus has made a well of protection and provision pop up for me and tomorrow will still go and visit Upper Room children's home Murera Ruiru, to help them meet part of their needs. I know there are great people praying for my mission.
[email protected]


I planned to be a heart surgeon when I was in high school.
I had all the qualifications and the right environment but my widowed mum passed away while I was in form two more than thirty years ago. I never blame anyone for this but there was no counselling in schools and my performance dropped all at once. There was no one to talk to and all the teachers kept telling me how bad I was performing which got me more depressed.
Though I managed to get to the University even with my low performance, I still forged on with a course not my choice. But I further went on to study counselling and sociology which have been a power tool to help others when they go through what I have gone through.
Jesus has helped and led me to reach thousands of people with a word of comforted since HIs Holy Spirit has comforted me. And growing up as orphan has opened my eyes and heart to reach out to hundreds of orphaned and abandoned children, like I will do this Saturday at Upper Room children's home Ruiru Murera.
I have done a lot of work all my life, but I retired to make inspiration, motivation and comfort my call. I still work to get some food for me and family, but this is my call until death do us part. The work is plenty but the workers are few, the reason I encourage all that can join up to do.
[email protected]


“No daughter of mine is going to parade herself around on stage in front of a bunch of strangers in a beauty contest. I will not support you, not now, not ever!”
Those were the words of a father of one of the ladies who went on to become the 1980 Miss America, Cheryl Prewitt. Born in abject poverty and facing abuse and discouragement, her dream would have not come to pass were it not for a local milkman who each week came and told her, “Some day little girl you are going to be Miss America" as he made his weekly supplies. And when she asked her mother the innocent query of little girls:
“Mama, can I really be Miss America?” her mother replied, “I don’t see why you can’t. Believe hard enough and a person can do almost anything. That’s what the Bible says.” And despite an fatal accident that left her with 100 stitches on her face and leg, she kept on hanging to the words of the milkman, her mum's and the bible and after many years and a long journey was crowned Miss America defeating thousands other beautiful women. It is the reason I wake up each morning and say you will make it in life for Jesus and the Bible have already said it.
And it is the reason despite my limited resources I will travel to many places to talk to the orphaned and abandoned children who did their class eight exams, to talk faith to them and tell them they they will make it in life. To tell the ones that had been told are exam failures that there is no failure in life but can shoot from any position to be great in life. To tell them to be prepared for discrimination in high school and face it head on ignoring everything and move on to destiny. Those are words that can make them be what they never thought they could.
Remember too that neither you nor your children are failures in life. It only exixts in our minds and hearts. You all can be what Jesus says you can be despite what you are going through. Having grown up as orphan, the words of my late mum, people who helped me with encouragement, the Bible and Jesus by the Holy Spirit have shaped me to what I am today and continue leading me to my destiny.
[email protected]


Many of us try to live at the place of our destiny without taking the path and pain to that destiny.
That is how I was in my twenties. I wanted great things in life including a house in Runda and worked so hard saving and investing. I took loans to buy shares and wanted to drive a huge car. I prayed and claimed a lot of things and built many castles in the air. But as I prayed and fasted wanting great things, Jesus revealed a great word to me that I cherish more than 30 years now:
"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Isaiah 46:10.
I was working out of the adrenaline of the youth and Jesus asked me to slow down and walk with Him. He knew where my destiny was and He was to take me there including facing the wilderness - the Jesus school of hard knocks.
From then Jesus gave me promises that He keeps fulfilling at His pace for He said, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please. He will do what He pleases with my life.
And He gave me a mission to write a daily inspiration to His people each morning and also assist orphaned and abandoned children. He told me to stop focusing on myself but on others and He was going to focus on me and my family. By now, I cannot count the many things Jesus has done for me including sending people my way who are just angels.
Jesus knows your end before you start. There might be waves and obstacles to your detiny (I still face them at my age) but the destiny is at sight for Jesus shows me where I am headed to. Never give up no matter what comes your way.
[email protected]


When Jesus called me to bring you a word of inspiration each morning, it looked to me a big joke
First, I had no training as a preacher apart from little Bible knowledge I had obtained in churches and my personal devotion. Second the few times I have stood to preach was in front of very small congregations and I took only a few minutes for I was scared and ashamed at all the people starring at me saying nothing. Third I still considered myself unworthy and unholy the feeling still comes to me even as I write this.
And like Moses, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and many others said I cannot. But Jesus was choosing me because of my inabilty to show His ability through me. But He revealed to me one word that nailed everything and pinned me down on my knees:
"The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed." Isaiah 50:4.
He instructed me preach without asking for any tihe or offering for He will pay me and if I get, I go and to the many children of the several children's homes each weekend like I will do tomorrow and buy them what they need. And since that time, He has been faithful to pay me. He never lies. And thousands have found hope through me.
Today, listen to His voice. Do not feel unworthy or not holy enough for He does not call the chosen but choses the called.
[email protected]


When an angel came and told Mary she will give birth to Jesus the saviour of the whole world she replied in astonishment:
"And Mary said, "Behold, the Lord's handmaid. May it happen to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her." Luke 1:38.
Mary told the angel she was 'nothing' but just a handmaid. She was wondering how a 'useless' woman like her would give birth to a king. But she nevertless said may it be unto me according to your word.
And when Jesus called me to bring you a daily word of comfort and inspiration, that is the same word He revealed to me. I felt useless and not worthy of His use. I also felt more broke and useless when He reavealed to me that He will use me to feed hundrends of orphans and feed thousands of people with inspiration, but like Mary I said may it be to me according to your word. And the word of Jesus was confirmed by a song by Don Moen I keep listening to:
;And be it unto me
According to Your word
According to Your promises
I can stand secure
Carve upon my heart
The truth that sets me free
According to Your word O' Lord'
And I also ask Jesus to give you one word like Mary you will say let it be.
[email protected]




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