In a society which increasingly leans towards the viral spread of news, the sharing of knowledge, the disintermediation between the places of production of information and the places where the information is used, the real editor is the reader. Readers are the ones who give praise to a project or make it go under with criticism, by participating in its use but, more often, in its construction. Wit
h this in mind and the shortening of the chain of information, Apple Inc. creates the conditions in which new publishers can create, submit content and publish it , so that it appears in newsstands globally and therefore gains access to the market, joining the digital revolution despite publishers possibly being small and with limited funds. CultureLink is a project which aims to promote Italian culture abroad, with regard to the thoughts and ideas of Italians who reflect on the things of the world, creating space and links, with input on all sorts of subjects. It aims to obtain the original contribution that comes from associations, journalists, users which in turn stimulates the creation of other ideas, topics and suggestions. Because nowadays there are connections between all contexts and all topics, because the web is full of content that co-ordinated and grouped according to specific guidelines and philosophies, takes on other deeper meaning; because web-sites such as YouTube or Vimeo are full of user-generated content, which is revived through the links of distributed knowledge. CultureLink is made up of a group of people who, for over 17 years, have been working on cultural, social, educational and artistic issues, collaborating with teachers at major Italian universities, seeking to make use of those with big personalities - whose reputation is more or less a variable but whose competence is a constant. They seek to find those who have something to say, something constructive to add to different but connected subjects. The way archaeologists worked in the past, we work on the web, using an ever increasing wealth of information which we link like a mesh of a knowledge that continues to expand and take new directions. Our aim is to make it more directly user-friendly for the reader, the navigator and the editor of fact. This project, now entirely self-financed, can be supported through donations, subscriptions to the magazine, advertising and promotion of other cultural projects. In summary, as well as opening up the content of the web, it also opens up the network of all those who read it and who will say: "It’s worth it!”