Our team at UpStream consists of those people you know of as the music connoisseurs and the taste-makers. We are those guys you met at the deep-house party last weekend who told you all about the Dj you didnt know about. We are those people you didnt see strategizing your favorite artists EP release timeline and filming their new music video. We focus on the rapidly evolving industry of electroni
c music, and our agents, founders, and strategists have a robust appetite for all sorts of captivating new sounds. Underground or above ground, our team has been known to bring unique angle to all of our artists careers. With such a turbulent environment for new (and established) artists - our goal is to bring something special for all of our clients. Whether it be placing a song in an advertisement, planning a debut Canadian headlining tour, or developing a web platform for music distribution and brand awareness, we like to look at everything as an opportunity as opposed to a challenge. We are persistantly searching for new talent, externally or internally. Growing at a rapid pace we are hunting for new members of the team as well as new talented musicians who wish to take their passion to another level. Check out our Twitter page to stay up to date with all things UpStream: www.twitter.com/upstreamagency