Jones, takes his call to preach and teach the gospel, in messages and music as a generational mandate. Paul was born with dislocated hips, which causes him to have to walk with the aid of crutches, but it does not stop him from doing the work of God. In 1972, at the age of 8, he told his grandfather, Rev. Harris, pastor of the "Non-Denominational Christian Tabernacle" of Danville Virginia that he
was called to preach. The following Sunday Paul preached his first message at his grandfather's church. There, he preached many services at the church and also on the local radio station. During these years Paul sung with his family in various gospel singing groups such as, "The Gospel Letters" and "The Old Time Gospel Singers"
In 1984, Paul was introduced to Minister Loretta Barbour, of Danville Virginia who saw many gifts and talents that she felt should be explored in evangelistic circles. John and Betty Donavant, the overseers, of "United Christian Fellowship", of Danville Virginia, ordained him and sent him to a full gospel training center in Ashland Virginia, "Calvary Pentecostal Church, "at that time was under the direction of the late Wallace Heflin and his mother Edith Heflin. in 1984, Ruth Ward Heflin, Wallace's sister, gave a prophecy to Paul that he would sing and preach the gospel all over the world. What was so specific about the prophecy is that she saw him teaching behind a desk. This is fulfilled through the web ministry and internet radio station that God has instilled into his life. Licensed and ordained by "United Christian Fellowship" of Danville Virginia. in 1984, he, planted a church in Danville, "Church of Outreach Ministries", where he co-pastored for 5 years before being called to Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1989. There, Paul preached, and directed the praise and worship musical teams at many local churches, while continuing his studies with "Calvary Pentecostal Church of Biblical Studies" in Ashland Virginia. There he received his Masters of Divinity in 1989, and an honoree doctorate in 1993. Paul serves as presiding elder of "United Christian Fellowship" which has changed its name to "The Apostolic Pentecostal Pentecostal Network" of the Eastern Coast of the United States, Africa, India and Japan. Understanding that he has been entrusted with a unique vision for the preaching of the word of God and the gospel, Paul has been entrusted with is being taught and musically shown all over the world through the world wide web and internet radio. With a heart and call to see new life and restoration happen for the Christians in our world, Paul crosses denominational lines to preach, teach and sing in various churches, conferences and Christian schools across America. He has a vision and a passion to prepare the next generation of people who will walk in the power of God, through preaching, soul winning and God's full anointing, emphasizing truth, authenticity, and integrity in both life and daily walk. Taking Christ's very clear call to heart, "to preach the gospel to everyone......." Both, Paul and the life of his faith reflect that purpose. Paul teaches with a very broad perspective from biblical emphasis with authenticity and wisdom , which challenges legalism and breaks past religious obstacles that hinder the Holy Spirit from moving among the people. Moving beyond the confines of denominational walls, and linking in the marketplace and the community, it is his desire to see the whole body of Christ free from the many forms of bo***ge to religious control, competition, and dis-unity in order to fulfill God's ultimate call to "Go and preach the gospel, and teaching them.............." Paul is a worshiper at heart who longs to see the people of God enter their fullness in relational worship to the Father. Paul desires lead people into the glory realms of Heaven, where intimate encounters with God become easy. Paul cultivates an atmosphere in worship that releases the Body of Christ to worship freely and expressively before His throne. He has a heart to see Christ be the center of our worship, not a worship leader, or a worship band. His willingness to let God move in various ways whether through singing, the musicians, or the Word makes his style unique. Paul longs for God to show up in every service regardless of the method He chooses to manifest Himself. Paul has been involved in preaching, teaching and leading worship for more than 30 years in many churches. These many years of worship experience have given Paul the chance to see many changes in worship styles and genres and he is excited to now see the Church enter into new realms of revelatory, prophetic worship. Paul relationship with Jesus has caused a longing in hiss's heart to see worship develop into a lifestyle and not a moment in time experience.