The Tale of Nottingswood (A 21st-century Fairy Tale Adventure...in verse!)
Perfect for fans of the bouncing rhymes of Dr. Seuss and the twisted worlds of Tim Burton. In this middle-grade novelette-in-verse, readers will find the upside-down town of Nottingswood.
Having cast out the majestic Guardian, the residents of Nottingswood built the Great Wall to block out the sun. Now, holed up in their houses, Nottingsfolk are content to let their town decay into a dystopian wasteland.
Until one day...
A curious cry from the center of town catches the attention of a Brother and Sister who guard the Great Nottings Gate. Lured from their hohumly home, the twins stumble upon a Creature that has the power to change their lives forever.
Join this courageous pair as they:
defy the shadowy Order of Voices,
dodge the meddling Ms. Grouse,
and face down the austere hand of The Judge on an adventure that neither they nor you will ever forget.
♥ This imaginative allegory serves up an entertaining quick read for middle-graders who often read it more than once.
♥ Parents and educators can use its rich layers of symbolism to spark discussions of ethics, integrity, and morality with their children at any level of understanding.
The Tale of Nottingswood