Our Hartleigh is saving our dolla’ bills with the original HUSKY liners in this great spokes spot thanks to Chris Friehofer and the good crews in Tulsa, OK! We’re seeing this on streaming Sling TV as well as youtube and the META socials. Woooooo!!
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent
Look at our Liz practicing all the restraint in the world. Here’s to her and all the Moms out there!
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent #perduchicken #perdu #commercial #commercialactor #chicken #diy
One of our favorite Dads, Selase Botchway, is in a new Oklahoma PSA for the dangers in Vaping. Produced through VI Marketing and Branding and casting by Chris Freihofer. Thank you Selase for all of your hard work!
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent #freihofercasting #okc #saynotovaping
Double Trouble on this spicy spot! Our very own Candace Michelle AND Makenna Shults are serving up that tasty chicken from GOLDEN CHICK. Both OCP roles, filmed in Dallas, TX, and casting by Hunter McHugh.
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent #mackennashults #candacemichelle #goldenchick #commercial #texas #huntermchugh
Our talent makes a mess-terpiece!
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent #kimcicio #chato #austinbrooks #sterlinghorning #whataburger #texas #texasactor #yum #messy #chickensandwich
Selase does it again. Catch his commerical showcasing his amazing talent and maybe a few things you can snag at your local Sam’s Club!
#selasebotchway #lmt #lindamcalistertalent #samsclub #commercial #commercialactor #bookedit #waytogo
Our Andrew Sears is the OCP son in a new commercial for Belgard Hardscapes - we all love good patio components! Filmed in Dallas and thanks to Kevin Howard Casting. #lmt #lindamcalistertalent #commercial #commercialactor #andrewsears #belgard #belgardpavers
Frost bank commercial
Nuns in a Buick - and one is our Mackenna Shults!
Frost Bank commercial running NOW!
#lmt #lindamcalistertalent #frostbank#mackennashults #commercial #commercialactor #buick #buickestatewagon #nuns #nun #austintexas