Bloom Beryl

Bloom Beryl My name is Beryl and I’m finding ways to bloom in the midst of adversity, right where I am planted.

Much like a flower that blooms in any environment, I want to grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally, no matter what life throws at me.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will n...

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭31‬:‭6‬ ‭

This book has been speaking to my soul lately 🤍

The part about God never leaving is crazy yall. Imagine having a friend who will NEVER leave your side?! Human friends constantly come and go but God will never leave. Period. This is who God is 🫶🏾

Y’all it’s been A WEEK! The devil tried to take me out. Multiple times lol. Pray for your girl. But through it all, this...

Y’all it’s been A WEEK! The devil tried to take me out. Multiple times lol. Pray for your girl. But through it all, this verse has stood out so strong for me.

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬ ‭

Nothing I’m going through currently even compares to the amazing, glorious things that God will do in and through me. My hard work, blood, sweat, and tears now are building something that my family will be proud of. My pain has purpose, and if I persevere, I will end up victorious.

The same if true for you. Keep pushing through and your hard work will pay off one day.

Life lately 🌸💞🌺🍨💫🌷  It’s been a BLESSED and BUSY season yall. I’ve been tempted to give up many times but here I am stil...

Life lately 🌸💞🌺🍨💫🌷

It’s been a BLESSED and BUSY season yall. I’ve been tempted to give up many times but here I am still going.

This verse has brought me through.

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬ ‭

If you’re tired, rest easy. When you’re weak, Christ’s strength is perfect 🫶🏾 It may not seem like it, but you’ll be alright if you’re in the arms of Christ.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purp...

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
- Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬ ‭

2023 was a year that God reminded me that He’s not only our provider, He himself is our provision.

He is the giver of every good and perfect gift.
He is the one who provides a way out of no way.
He comes through when there’s no hope.
He takes our mess and makes it into a masterpiece.
He is working every situation out for our good and for His glory.

There were moments this year when I felt like I had lost all hope. Literally. Regardless of my bright and perfectly curated IG feed, my life was dark. Those closest to me know that I hit rock bottom. I was lost. Many times.

But it was exactly at those moments that God opened doors for me that no man can open and closed doors for me that no man could close. He literally made a way out of no way. He gave peace in the storm and renewed my strength.

I truly encourage everyone reading this to put your full faith and trust in God in 2024. He is soooo faithful and his plans for you are so much bigger than your own. I can testify to the greatness of our God and I know He has great things in store for me in 2024. 🤎

Gye Nyame, the traditional Adinkra symbol that means Only God // But God 🤎Swipe to see how far God has brought me since ...

Gye Nyame, the traditional Adinkra symbol that means Only God // But God 🤎

Swipe to see how far God has brought me since the last time I came to this very place in Kumasi, 5 years ago.

Holding Thea and Isaac in my arms while standing here felt like such a full circle moment, holding the proof of God’s faithfulness to me. Only God could bring me this far in life as a wife and mother, and He will continue to carry me forward.

Thirty full years of life. Three beautiful decades.God has done so much for me in 30 years. I literally can’t believe ho...

Thirty full years of life.
Three beautiful decades.
God has done so much for me in 30 years.
I literally can’t believe how far I’ve come in such a short time. And I can’t wait to see what’s in store in the years to come.

Happy Birthday to me 🎂🌸🫶🏾🤍🌷

Makeup: .glamour
Hair: .1

Four years ago, my beautiful daughter was born - Thea Akosua 🌸 She made me a mother and we’ve on the most amazing journe...

Four years ago, my beautiful daughter was born - Thea Akosua 🌸 She made me a mother and we’ve on the most amazing journey ever since.

Thea is strong, confident, intelligent, and graceful. She’s growing into such a beautiful little girl.

I praise God for her life and for adding another year to it and I pray for many more years to come. 💞✨

Life lately 🌸🌯🫶🏾🦷👓🌊 Highlights of the last week include getting my teeth fixed, brunch with my girlies, staying hydrated...

Life lately 🌸🌯🫶🏾🦷👓🌊

Highlights of the last week include getting my teeth fixed, brunch with my girlies, staying hydrated, getting Thea’s eyes checked and getting my glasses, and popping into Seaworld before closing time. We love it here ✨

She’s hydrated, healthy, working on herself, exercising, going to therapy, growing, and getting closer to God all while ...

She’s hydrated, healthy, working on herself, exercising, going to therapy, growing, and getting closer to God all while being a mama🤎 Beryl a few years ago would be so proud of Beryl today.

“I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the gener...

“I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.”
‭‭- Genesis‬ ‭17‬:‭7‬ ‭

Imagine holding your great-grandmother’s hand and getting to watch her and know her and learn from her 🤍

I’ve been thinking a lot about legacy lately. I had a patient this morning who’s been married for 60 plus years with 21 great grandkids and I was truly amazed by his story.

I don’t just want my kids to be blessed due to my faithfulness to God but also my kid’s kids. I want them to see what we established in our household and it ripple down to their households for generations to come. I want them to see the move of God in what He did for Prince and I, knowing God can do exceedingly more for them too. What do you want to be your legacy or impact?

Allow me to reintroduce myself ✨🌷🫶🏾💞🌸 My name is Beryl and I am a wife, mom, dentist, blogger, and follower of Christ. F...

Allow me to reintroduce myself ✨🌷🫶🏾💞

🌸 My name is Beryl and I am a wife, mom, dentist, blogger, and follower of Christ. Fun facts - I have a bubbly, happy, and friendly one year old son and strong, confident three year old daughter. I’ve been practicing dentistry for several years and love teeth. I enjoy traveling, creating content, eating Thai and Italian food, interior design, and everything pink and green. I’ve been blogging since 2018.

🌸 I am on a journey to bloom where I’m planted. I want to find ways to thrive in any environment just like a flower that somehow blooms in less than ideal soil. I’ve been through so many challenges in my life and somehow God has given me the strength to rise above them every time. I’m a living breathing testimony of God’s power and strength.

🌸 Above all, my purpose here is to point others to the love and grace of God and live out my faith. Everything I do it for His glory.

🌸 I want to curate content that encourages and inspires other young women and and moms to live their best life. I truly believe that life doesn’t end after motherhood, it just begins. I’m here to show that too can still have time for yourself and accomplish so much even as a mama.

🌸 I also enjoy working with brands that align with my lifestyle and purpose to give my followers ideas for products that will benefit them.

🌸Subscribe to my blog Bloom, Beryl at the link in my bio for more inspo and my best attempt at teaching you how to bloom where you’re planted 🌸

“With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”- Psalm 91:16Recently we had the opportunity to celebrate ...

“With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”
- Psalm 91:16

Recently we had the opportunity to celebrate my grandma’s 90th birthday together as an family. God is so amazing and has gifted grandma with 90 full years of life.

Let this be your reminder to celebrate all your loved ones and those around you. Uplift them, compliment them, affirm them, and let the know how much you love them. Make everyday a celebration of life.

“With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” - Psalm 91:16 Recently we had the opportunity to celebrate my grandma’s 90th birthday together as an family. God is so amazing...

My little man 🤍

My little man 🤍

A lot can change in 1.5 years 🤎🌿 Sitting here reflecting on my motherhood journey and how far I’ve come. So much has hap...

A lot can change in 1.5 years 🤎🌿

Sitting here reflecting on my motherhood journey and how far I’ve come. So much has happened. Pregnancy, labor, delivery, post partum, breastfeeding, and the list goes on. And all that times two. 😭 If you’ve been following me for the past couple years, you’ve seen the whole journey in real time.

Motherhood comes with so many challenges but so many beautiful moments. Watching Isaac smile with his little mouth full of new teeth. Hearing Thea count to 10 with pride. Watching them run to me at the end of the day at school and hug me. Tucking them into bed at night.

And best of all, you get to see these tiny little humans growing up, learning, and coming into their own.

I have a lot of followers who are new moms or pregnant and I want to encourage you that regardless of what you’re going through as a mom, it will all work out and your kids will grow and thrive.

Every challenge is worth it.
Every difficult time will pay off.
Every sleepless night is for them.
Every sacrifice with benefit them.

Mamas, hang in there. Your kids are so blessed to have you and it will all pay off as you see them grow and bloom 🤎🌿

One thing God has shown me lately over and over again is how great His faithfulness is. He’s making a way out of no way....

One thing God has shown me lately over and over again is how great His faithfulness is.

He’s making a way out of no way.

In all things He’s working.

His plans for me are to prosper me and give me a hope be a future.

There are new challenges daily but His mercies are new every morning.

I just popped on here to remind you that even when you don’t see it, God is working. Wait on Him and see. Trust me 🙏🏾🤍

Forever Isaac and Thea’s mama 🤎 I’m looking at these pictures shocked at how big my kids are growing. Two entire human b...

Forever Isaac and Thea’s mama 🤎

I’m looking at these pictures shocked at how big my kids are growing. Two entire human beings with their own personalities that are growing and maturing so beautiful. Thank you God for these little lives that I get to nurture 🤎

How’s your new year going? Has it gone as expected so far or have there been some twists and turns? Here’s your reminder...

How’s your new year going? Has it gone as expected so far or have there been some twists and turns?

Here’s your reminder that it’s okay if you still haven’t created new habits or kept your resolutions or a finished a vision board or met all your expectations for the new year.
It is okay.

Take your time to accomplish your goals and dreams on your own time table this year. Don’t put pressure on yourself. The work that God will do in you and through you this year might be slow and might not always be when you expect it but just know that if you lean on Him and stay the course, it will all work out and amazing things will come to pass.

2023 has great things in store for me. I’m trusting and believing that God will do big things this year. Just wait and see 🫶🏾🤍🌸

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭🤍

Happy New Year✨🌸🤍🍾 💞2023 is here! I’m excited for a new page and a fresh start. The nice thing about starting a new habi...

Happy New Year✨🌸🤍🍾 💞

2023 is here! I’m excited for a new page and a fresh start. The nice thing about starting a new habit now that you can reflect on what you accomplish one year from now.

One of my main personal goals for the year is to read more and view screens less. Drop a comment down below - what’s the #1 book you would recommend that I read this year?

Location: 🌿

Month by month, I can clearly see the hand of God painting the story of my life and chapter 2022 was a great one. As I l...

Month by month, I can clearly see the hand of God painting the story of my life and chapter 2022 was a great one. As I look back on the challenges, joys, memories, trials, testimonies, milestones, and more, I’m excited to see what 2023 has in store.

I’ve grown in leaps and bounds personally, spiritually, mentally and more.
I’ve grown closer to old friends and made new ones.
I’ve settled into my career, my role as a mom of two, and my community.
I’ve began to prioritize self-care, time for myself, reading, journaling, and therapy.
I’ve spent far more time with my family this year than I have in the past two years.

“There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.”
- Proverbs 23:18

Take some time to reflect - What God He done in your life in 2022?

“Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary,...

Beryl circa December 2019 🌸Three years ago.Right before the pandemic started and everything changed in the world. Thea w...

Beryl circa December 2019 🌸

Three years ago.
Right before the pandemic started and everything changed in the world.
Thea was a baby, Prince was a cardiology fellow, I was a new mom and new dentist.
Times have really changed and God has brought us a long way.

There’s only one month left in 2022. Let that sink in.

What has God done in your life already this year? He’s done SO MUCH in my life and I can’t wait to share it. Reflect on how far you’ve come in the past few years, but even in just this year alone.

Be encouraged that whatever you’re going though today, the same God is leading and guiding you into the new year to come.

It’s officially the holiday season and I’m so excited to celebrate 🎄🌿🤍 What are you looking forward to most this season?...

It’s officially the holiday season and I’m so excited to celebrate 🎄🌿🤍

What are you looking forward to most this season?

My first girls trip was one for the books 🌸🌿🤍✨🧁 Who wants to join me on the next one? 🙋🏾‍♀️Sometimes you just have to pa...

My first girls trip was one for the books 🌸🌿🤍✨🧁 Who wants to join me on the next one? 🙋🏾‍♀️

Sometimes you just have to pack up and travel even if it’s just an hour away from home and have a fun weekend with your best friends. I can’t believe how much we did in two short days but that’s just a testiment to ’s great travel itinerary planning skills 😂

I’ve been getting questions about some of the things we did so I’ll have a blog post up in the near future all about this amazing weekend! We stayed in the and visited and many more 🤍

What a beautiful birthday weekend 🧁🌸✨🤍👡Thanks for all the birthday wishes and messages. I felt so loved and appreciated ...

What a beautiful birthday weekend 🧁🌸✨🤍👡

Thanks for all the birthday wishes and messages. I felt so loved and appreciated and I’m excited for more celebrations to come 🤍

Here’s a fun   selfie 💚  I just came on here to tell you that whatever you’re going through today, know that God will co...

Here’s a fun selfie 💚 I just came on here to tell you that whatever you’re going through today, know that God will complete the work that he began in you 🙌🏾

Exactly a year ago I was deep in the throes of postpartum depression. Isaac was one month old and I felt so hopeless. It was a deep, dark place. But by God’s grace and through His help plus therapy and the support of my community, I’m slowly but surely reaching emotional stability. My testimony is that God healed me.

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” - James‬ ‭5:16

If He did it for me, he can do it for you. Just approach God in prayer today and believe in faith for whatever you’re asking.

I officially have two toddlers at home. Pray for me lol. Every parent can attest to the fact that the toddler stage of c...

I officially have two toddlers at home. Pray for me lol. Every parent can attest to the fact that the toddler stage of childhood development is a fun one but also a HUGE test of patience.

In all these tests of patience, God has taught me so much, especially about love. I've been reminded that:

God’s love for us is truly amazing.
He looks past what we’ve done to who we are.
He loves us even at our worst.
He doesn’t give up on us.
God teaches us in patience the right way to live, just as a caring parent does for their child.
God is L O V E.

Read more on the Bloom Beryl blog now 🌸

“You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare...

As of last Sunday, my baby boy is officially one which means I've survived one year as a mom of two! 🤍As we celebrate on...

As of last Sunday, my baby boy is officially one which means I've survived one year as a mom of two! 🤍

As we celebrate one year of Isaac’s life, we celebrate all that God has done to prove himself as faithful over this past year.

He sustained me throughout my pregnancy, even while moving across the country months before Isaac was born.
He brought Isaac into the world happy and healthy.
He helped me to navigate the postpartum period and heal.
He gave me the strength to balance raising these two kids with everything else going on in my life.
He allowed Isaac to meet every developmental milestone and to exceed all expectations of him.
He gave my daughter so much love in her heart for her little brother and a desire to enjoy time with him.
He taught me just how strong that I am and that I can overcome anything.

God is so, so, so faithful and He will prove this to you if you if you allow him.
Let Isaac’s life be a reminder that God is good and God is faithful.

My baby boy is one year old! I have officially survived one whole year as a mom of two. ​ I feel like I deserve an award, a pat on the back, a new MK purse, a getaway to Cabo, a fancy dinner...


The month of May is maternal mental health month. I want to join and help spread awareness about a group of conditions that aren’t well understood or discussed enough – perinatal mood disorders (prenatal depression, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum psychosis).

Statistically, many new moms will experience some type of perinatal mood and anxiety disorder. Unfortunately, these conditions can easily go unnoticed or untreated, which could cost a mother even her very life.

I want to help end the stigma associated with postpartum depression. To every person reading this, whether you are a future mom, new mom, seasoned mom, or a support person such as a spouse, friend or family member – perinatal mood disorders are real. Please check on new moms and offer them the support that they desperately need. Read more on the Bloom Beryl blog 🤍



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