MuseStar Management takes charge of the business side of an artist’s career and take care of the day to day running of things in order for the artist to focus on making music. At the end of 2011, he decided to pursue his solo career. He moved to Pretoria from Richards Bay and started writing is own original material over a period of 3 years. Len’s first EP Album, titled, Len Muller, was recorded i
n 2012 at Wynand Delport productions and released the same year. Over the past two years, Len has been working on his debut album, DOODGEWONE AVONTUUR, which was officially released on 27 May 2015, featuring 10 brand new songs true to Len’s unique style. The songs were written in conjunction with the popular Stef Bos, Retief Burger (Luidkeels), Bouwer Bosch(Straatligkinders & Dans Dans Lisa), as well as Jattie de Beer (Vertikaal & Dou Voor Dag). The collaboration of songs with various other artists such as Stef Bos, Joshua na die Reën and Janie Bay, enhances the uniqueness of this album. During August 2014, one of his songs, ‘Smag na Jou’, was released nationwide to radio stations and the reaction is still overwhelming. The song featured on various hit parades and featured a couple of times on GrootFM’s ‘Groot 20’’. The concept behind the ‘Smag na Jou’ music video, was inspired by the need to convey the message of the song in the best possible way, as well as to indroduce Len Muller. To make this dream a reality, Len worked with the creative team from Duck Soup Productions( Jana van Deventer and her husband, Eugene’s strong points are concept, development and therefore they were the perfect partners for the producing of the ‘Smag na Jou’ music video. To display Len’s talent furthermore, it was a privelidge to record with artists such as Raldo Mattheus (chello- and bass player), Fred de Meilon (drummer) and good friend, Leslie van Wyk (electric guitar). The music video can often be seen on kykNET, SABC2, ASTV, Tshwane TV and MK Skole Top 10.‘Smag na Jou’ music video: One of Len’s biggest dreams came true when ‘Smag na Jou’ was chosen to be one of the featured sound tracks on the Afrikaans Family film,STRIKDAS, which released earlier in 2014. The also song was also included on the sound track. Besides Len’s sound track dream, he was honored when kykNET’s Afri-Visie team approached him to record a new song, ‘Iets om in te Glo’ (written by Mynardt Smith). The song reached the Top 10, where Len performed the song at the final in front of a packed Grand West Casino Arena. An impressive music video of this song can often be seen on kykNET and kykNET Musiek. The song was officially released to radio stations on 4 May 2015 and also features on Len’s brand new album, DOODGEWONE
AVONTUUR. ‘Iets om in te glo’ music video: “My lyrics are personal, honest and deep. It comes straight from my personal journal. I would like to give people hope, especially those that are going through a difficult time. I am tired of Afrikaans music with no emotion. I believe I have more to sing about than money, girls and good times. I love sad songs – because difficult times is something we all go through – Len Muller
Len has also shared the stage with some of South Africa’s top artists such as; Jan Blohm, Die Straatligkinders, Dans Dans Lisa, Kaleidoskoop and Joshua na die Reën. Armand Aucamp
Armand Aucamp is a South African TV, Film and Stage actor known for The Book of Negros (2014), Ballade vir 'n Enkeling(2015), Long Walk to Freedom (2013) and Sterlopers(2014-). Born in 1987, Armand was raised in Cape Town but resides in Johannesburg. He completed his training at City Varsity School of Media and Creative Arts in Cape Town in 2009 top of his class. Vaughan Gardiner
Met treffer liedjies soos “Gooi jou arms om my”, “Vir Jou” en “Hoe wys ‘n man sy hart” het Vaughan Gardiner homself reeds lankal as gevestigde musikant, liedjieskrywer, sanger, akteur en vervaardiger bewys. Vaughan se tweede enkelsnit, Sit vanaand op herhaal, vanaf sy splinternuwe, en derde album, met dieselfde titel wat pas uitgereik is, is gedurende Februarie 2015 aan radiostasies landswyd uitgereik. Die aan trefferparades van stasies soos Overvaal Stereo, Bok Radio, Radio Helderberg GrootFM, Bosveld Stereo, Suid-Kaap FM, 90.6 VCR, Radio Laeveld en Maroela Media. Aanghangers het lank gewag vir nog ‘n Vaughan Gardiner album en hy stel beslis nie teleur nie! Die liedjie, Sit vanaand op herhaal, vertel die storie van daardie een perfekte aand wat ‘n mens eenmaal in ‘n leeftyd beleef. Met sy voete-jeuk ritme wat perfek is vir die dansbaan, vertel die enkelsnit van ‘n aand waar ‘n man sy hart verloor op ‘n meisie wie skielik elke liefdeslied se woorde laat sin maak, en al wat hy wens is dat hierdie aand, wat soos ‘n fliek verloop het, net herhaal moet word. Die musiekvideo vir hierdie liedjie is ook tans te sien op nasionale televisie. Kyk die video hier:
Vaughan is in 1987 in Johannesburg gebore, maar bring die meeste van sy kinderjare in die Kaap deur. Sy liefde vir musiek het op 'n jong ouderdom ontluik en hom aangespoor om elektriese- en akoestiese kitaar en klavier te leer speel. Op 16-jarige ouderdom slaan Vaughan sy eerste teaterrol los in Oedipus the Tyrant. In dieselfde jaar sien Mozi Records hom raak en ses jaar later, nadat hy 'n B.Rek-graad aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verwerf het, begin hy saam met Sean Else en Johan Vorster werk aan sy eerste album. In 2009 word sy debuutalbum Wie Ek Is, vrygestel. Hy begin ook vir ander kunstenaars (onder andere Izak Davel, Riaan Grobler, Bok van Blerk, Liani May, Jannie Moolman, Kayla, David Fourie) musiek vervaardig, liedjies skryf en kitaar speel. Vaughan word in 2009 vir 'n Huisgenoot Tempo- en Vonk-toekenning genomineer, hy word gekies as een van Vaal Hit Radio Station se top tien kunstenaars van 2009 en die liedjie Ver van Jou behaal die 6de plek op Radio Rippel se treffersparade. In 2010 ontvang hy die MK Toekenning vir Beste Solo Kunstenaar - 'n toekenning waarvoor hy weer in 2011 genomineer word. In 2010 slaag hy 'n oudisie vir die hoofrol in die musiekblyspel Jock of the Bushveld. Vir sy vertolking van Jock ontvang hy 'n Naledi Theatre Award-nominasie. In 2011 speel Vaughan ‘n hoofrol in Deon Opperman se musiekblyspel “Tree Aan!: Die Grensoorlog musiekblyspel”. In November 2011 vertolk Vaughan 'n hoofrol in die musiekfliek, Platteland waarvoor hy ook die temalied, gesing deur Steve Hofmyer en Bok van Blerk, geskryf het. Vaughan was ook in kykNET se dramareeks Hartland te sien as Gerhard Naude. In 2012 is Vaughan te sien in die musiekblyspel Lied van my hart, hy komponeer ook die temalied vir hierdie musiekblyspel. In dieselfde jaar maak Vaughan sy verskyning in die treffer kykNet reeks Getroud met Rugby. Vaughan spog ook as liedjieskrywer met liedere vir o.a Steve Hofmyer, Bok van Blerk, Lianie May, Karlien van Jaarsveld, Nicholis Louw, Kurt Darren, Elizma Theron, Nàdine, Kayla, Andriette Norman, David Fourie, Izak Davel, Riaan Grobler, Dirk van der Westhuizen, Karen Ferreira en Willem Botha. In 2013 is Vaughan die musiek vervaardiger en musiek regisseur vir die tienerreeks Liefste Kayla. Ook in 2013, vertolk hy die rol van Koos Kombuis int die die teaterstuk, Kytie – ‘n Koos Kombuis Storie. Sy 2de solo album Hoe wys ‘n man sy hart is in September 2012 vrygestel. Sy nuutste album is pas uitgereik en sluit in treffers soos “Jou hart klop in my ritme”, “Sit vanaand op herhaal” en ‘n paar heerlike verrassings. Vaughan het ook onlangs sy nagraads in intellektuele goedere reg aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch met Cum Laude voltooi. Hy bly tans in Johannesburg waar hy ook deel is van die
Muse Productions span saam met Hugo Ludik van die groep ADAM. MuseStar Founders:
Alishia van Deventer
Alishia specializes in publicity and marketing within the film and entertainment industry and is closely involved with the planning, marketing, management and implementation of various projects for record labels, individual artists and film companies. She combines her strong corporate background with her knowledge of the music industry and always aims for success. She is involved in projects such as: ADAM, Joshua na die Reën, Mwah, Elvis se Seun, Kaleidoskoop, Len Muller, Pad na jou hart, Leading Lady, Ballade vir ‘n Enkeling, Hollywood in My Huis and many more. Hugo Ludik
Hugo is an established songwriter and also winner of Huisgenoot Tempo’s first songwriter competiton in 2008. With hits behind his name like Liefde Soldaat, Somerlag (Coca-Cola Song), Papsopwinterwaternat, Goud, Sal oorlog vir jou maak and many others he is also the founding member of the very popular group ADAM, which already achieved major success in the South African music industry. He is also the executive producer for Mwah and owns Muse Productions through which he assists many young up and coming artists to develop the right product through following the right channels.