Ever since I turned 7, I've wanted to be happy, watching people getting adopted while everyone looks at me like trash, it breaks my heart
I've been in this orphanage since I was just three years old as my parents got involved in an accident,i stayed with my uncle but then he took me to the orphanage home admist my cries. My name is Isabella and I'm now a 14 year old girl
It was like any other day in the orphanage, children running or playing, I on the other hand sat alone, I had no friends both boys and girls
"Isabella, come here quick"
I quickly ran to where the owner of the orphanage Mrs Martin stood, she always has a problem with me which I don't know why
"Yes ma, you called me?"
"Take those clothes and wash them for me"she said pointing to a pile of clothes
"But I washed yesterday"
That sentence earned me a harsh slap across the face and I fell down in tears
"Are you mad, take those clothes and wash them jor, useless thing, you can't even get adopted"she said then walked away leaving me with a bunch of clothes that doesn't even need washing
I washed out in the hot son for nearly two hours but I was finally done washing, the problem was where to hang it
I kept the rubber of clothes and went to check for space only to return and find Mrs Martin rubbing the clothes in mud
"Wash them again"she said and walked away
I starred at the clothes, I was tired and now I have to wash again,i began to cry at the thought
Nevertheless I washed the clothes for another two hours and hanged them out to dry
I went in and found Mrs Martin and some women getting the children ready and I didn't need to be told that they were getting adopted
I sighed and went to my room which was a storage room, very small and uncomfortable
I laid on the bed thinking about my life, how everything changed in one night
I was soon called upon to bring the things of the children getting adopted which was alot especially when coming down the stairs