I just love #theidolmakermovie so much and was happy to find it on @screenpixtv I hope one day it’s a @broadwaycom @officialbroadwayworld musical that I even put the idea and a DVD on the hands of @thetonyawards winner #joedipietro hoping it found the same magic. Yes that is a young @petergallagher in the showy role.
At least my socks are festive for my hip surgery today. New hip…new pain but should go away. #hiphiphorray
@90dayfiance what’s the story with those toes.
Another part of the beauty of @hudsonclubny
We love @ayzanyc @mslisakd @michael.day.73
We tried @crumblcookies …worth the 45 minute wait? @nyfoodbite @newyorkfoodies #newyorkcookies
Oops couldn’t want to celebrate #broadway day one with bffs @mslisakd @michael.day.73
Two Saturdays in a row at @cafejolie @donutpetit … it’s truly next level! @loveourisland Perfect spot near @oakgovairporty47 @iflyoak
Anther good one at @cinemadiverse with @orange_seder_film from @jacobdcombs
Another great one at @cinemadiverse with @craigofilm @bonnsauce