Safety Scouts Advice is a series of short animated videos, aimed at preventing crime and fraud, with each episode explaining or advising against a specific scam. Most are surprisingly simple and relatively easy to turn down, so the best way to detect and avoid them is to be informed about them before someone tries one on you. SAFETY SCOUTS:
Safety Scouts is an independent organization, aimed at p
reventing crime and fraud, by providing security advice content. Safety Scouts is proud to represent an amazing community of security experts, who volunteer to provide information and advice, so that the general public can benefit from it at no cost. Founded by Chris, happy, passionate security consultant, former Policeman, Navy reservist officer, fan of people & projects. Aided by Dr. A, computer scientist with a passion for all technologies mobile, and their application to society. If you would like a specific scam, fraud or crime to be the subject of a future episode, please leave us a comment. Note that the Safety Scouts community advocates for respect and positivity, so it does not allow judgmental or disrespectful comments. Safety Scouts is looking for passionate volunteers willing to help with the translation of the subtitles into more languages. If you are interested, send us a message via this page :-)
If you would like to embed these episodes in your own website, we kindly ask that you cite the source and link to our page:
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