Peeing Introoder!
We continue to have a problem with an introoder! The purrpetrator breaks into our house almost every night wearing a dood disguise and pees in the closet! I need an attorney because I am being framed!
Get Your Chick-hen!
😻Dood is reporting in from his daily chick-hen feast!🐔
He had a vet appointment recently and his bloodwork was a bit worse than in June. His kidney values were higher and his red blood cell count was low which means anemia. A couple other values were abit wonky too. Since then he has been getting fluids about every 24 hours insread of every 2-3 days. I also started giving him a weekly B12 injection. He still takes amlodipine 2x a day but now only giving him half the daily dose of Telmisartan med because that med could have contributed to his higher kidney values. His diabetes has been pretty steady with only rare days where he needs a tiny drop of insulin. We had an appointment with the internal specialist for a better evaluation, but cancelled for now since the big expense when Charli had to go to emergency 10 days ago. we will get dood’s blood retested in a week or two to see if any improvement.
I broke down and bought him a Petmap blood pressure tester so can test him at home any time. His BP has been running a bit high still which is why we will see the internist in the near future.
Caring for elderly cats is full time and costly. If you adopt, make sure you are ready to care for them for life. ❤️
🙄$500 later. She got another cerenia shot and an appetite stimulant called Entice. Could our normal vet have just given the appetite stimulant? Yes! Needless to say we will be searching for a new vet, also for dood since I had to buy him an expensive blood pressure tester since the vet could not test his BP! Sigh..... Hopefully Charli will be ok now, and I will have peace of mind.
Sometimes the dood needs a bit of loving too. ❤️
😻Enough with buns already. I’m hangry!
Dood Loves Roast Chick-Hen!