🦛😱When hippos become over-populated or a habitat is reduced, males sometimes attempt infanticide, but this behaviour is not common under normal conditions. Incidents of hippo cannibalism have been documented, but this is believed to be the behaviour of distressed or sick hippos.
जब दरियाई घोड़े अधिक आबादी वाले हो जाते हैं या निवास स्थान कम हो जाता है, तो पुरुष कभी-कभी शिशुहत्या का प्रयास करते हैं, लेकिन सामान्य परिस्थितियों में यह व्यवहार सामान्य नहीं है। हिप्पो नरभक्षण की घटनाओं को प्रलेखित किया गया है, लेकिन यह व्यथित या बीमार हिप्पो का व्यवहार माना जाता है।
Quando os hipopótamos se tornam superpovoados ou um habitat é reduzido, os machos às vezes tentam o infanticídio, mas esse comportamento não é comum em condições normais. Incidentes de canibalismo de hipopótamos foram documentados, mas acredita-se que seja o comportamento de hipopótamos angustiados ou doentes.
Su aygırları aşırı kalabalıklaştığında veya bir yaşam alanı azaldığında, erkekler bazen bebek öldürmeye kalkışır, ancak bu davranış normal koşullarda yaygın değildir. Su aygırı yamyamlığı vakaları belgelenmiştir, ancak bunun sıkıntılı veya hasta suaygırlarının davranışı olduğuna inanılmaktadır..
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Being the aggressive animals that they are, the buffalo will not give up without a fight and will use its impressive strength and massive horns to try to toss the lions away or even gore them and thereby killing them.. گاومیش ها از آنجایی که حیوانات تهاجمی هستند، بدون مبارزه تسلیم نمی شوند و از قدرت چشمگیر و شاخ های عظیم خود برای دور انداختن شیرها و یا حتی گور زدن آنها و در نتیجه کشتن آنها استفاده می کنند.
आक्रामक जानवर होने के नाते, भैंस बिना लड़ाई के हार नहीं मानेगी और अपनी प्रभावशाली ताकत और विशाल सींगों का उपयोग करके शेरों को दूर भगाने की कोशिश करेगी या यहां तक कि उन्हें मारकर मार डालेगी।
Por serem os animais agressivos que são, o búfalo não desistirá sem lutar e usará sua força impressionante e chifres maciços para tentar jogar os leões para longe ou até mesmo espancá-los e matá-los.
Saldırgan hayvanlar oldukları için, bufalo savaşmadan pes etmeyecek ve etkileyici gücünü ve devasa boynuzlarını aslanları uzağa fırlatmak, hatta onları boğazlamak ve böylece öldürmek için kullanacak.
Будучи агрессивными животными, буйвол не сдастся без боя и будет использовать свою впечатляющую силу и массивные рога, чтобы попытаться отбросить львов или даже забить их и тем самым убить.
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😮Cape buffalos are so strong that they can toss attacking lions several meters through the air and even gore them with their horns in an attempt to kill them.
The longest horn from a Cape buffalo ever on record belonged to a female buffalo and measures an impressive 163 cm. That is definitely something no lion want to come in close contact with.
केप भैंसें इतनी मजबूत होती हैं कि वे हवा में कई मीटर तक हमलावर शेरों को उछाल सकती हैं और यहां तक कि उन्हें मारने की कोशिश में अपने सींगों से मार भी सकती हैं।
केप भैंस का अब तक का सबसे लंबा सींग एक मादा भैंस का था और इसका माप 163 सेमी प्रभावशाली था। यह निश्चित रूप से ऐसी चीज है जिसके साथ कोई भी शेर निकट संपर्क में नहीं आना चाहता।
Os búfalos do cabo são tão fortes que podem atirar leões atacantes vários metros no ar e até mesmo feri-los com seus chifres na tentativa de matá-los.
O chifre mais longo de um búfalo do Cabo já registrado pertenceu a uma búfala e mede uns impressionantes 163 cm. Isso é definitivamente algo com que nenhum leão deseja entrar em contato próximo.
Cape bufaloları o kadar güçlüdür ki saldıran aslanları birkaç metre havaya fırlatabilir ve hatta onları öldürmek için boynuzlarıyla delebilirler.
Bir Cape mandasının şimdiye kadarki en uzun boynuzu bir dişi bufaloya aitti ve 163 cm'lik etkileyici bir ölçüye sahip. Bu kesinlikle hiçbir aslanın yakın temas kurmak istemediği bir şeydir.
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👑What’s the lioness protecting ? Lions dominate African wild dog and are a major source of mortality for both adults and pups. Population densities of African wild dogs are low in areas where lions are more abundant. As with other large predators killed by lion prides, the dogs are usually killed and left uneaten by the lions, indicating the competitive rather than predatory nature of the larger species' dominance.
शेर अफ्रीकी जंगली कुत्तों पर हावी हैं और वयस्कों और पिल्लों दोनों के लिए मृत्यु दर का एक प्रमुख स्रोत हैं। अफ्रीकी जंगली कुत्तों की जनसंख्या घनत्व उन क्षेत्रों में कम है जहां शेर अधिक प्रचुर मात्रा में हैं।
شیرها بر سگهای وحشی آفریقایی تسلط دارند و منبع اصلی مرگ و میر برای بزرگسالان و تولهها هستند.[69] تراکم جمعیت سگهای وحشی آفریقایی در مناطقی که شیرها فراوانتر هستند، کم است
Os Leões dominam os cães selvagens africanos e são uma importante fonte de mortalidade para adultos e filhotes. As densidades populacionais de cães selvagens africanos são baixas em áreas onde os leões são mais abundantes.
Aslanlar Afrika yaban köpeklerine hakimdir ve hem yetişkinler hem de yavrular için önemli bir ölüm kaynağıdır. Afrika yaban köpeklerinin popülasyon yoğunlukları, aslanların daha bol olduğu bölgelerde düşüktür.
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❤️Bonnie lost her mother 4 years ago. Her mother was shot by a farmer due to stock lost.
Bonnie and her sister Beauty have 8 hectars of land to run freely on as orphans. They have been trained to eat out of feeding bowls so that they don't fight for their food. They enjoy 1.4 kg of meat twice a day.
📸Video : @bigcatsnamibia
बोनी ने 4 साल पहले अपनी मां को खो दिया था। उसके और उसकी बहन ब्यूटी के पास अनाथ के रूप में 8 हेक्टेयर भूमि है। उन्हें खाने के कटोरे खाने के लिए प्रशिक्षित किया गया है ताकि वे भोजन के लिए न लड़ें। वे दिन में दो बार 1.4 किलो मांस का आनंद लेते हैं।
Bonnie perdeu a mãe há 4 anos. Ela e sua irmã Beauty têm 8 hectares de terra órfãs. Eles foram treinados para comer em tigelas de comida para não brigarem por comida. Eles comem 1,4 kg de carne duas vezes ao dia.
Bonnie annesini 4 yıl önce kaybetti. O ve kız kardeşi Güzel'in yetim olarak 8 hektarlık bir arazisi var. Yemek için kavga etmemeleri için mama kaplarından yemek için eğitildiler. Günde iki kez 1,4 kg etin tadını çıkarırlar.
Bonnie a perdu sa mère il y a 4 ans. Elle et sa sœur Beauty ont 8 hectares de terre comme orphelins. Ils ont été entraînés à manger des bols d'alimentation afin qu'ils ne se battent pas pour la nourriture. Ils savourent 1,4 kg de viande deux fois par jour.
Бонни потеряла мать 4 года назад. Она и ее сестра Красавица остались сиротами на 8 гектарах земли. Их приучили есть из кормушек, чтобы не драться за еду. Дважды
👑Lions also charge at🐊Nile crocodiles; depending on the size of the crocodile and the lion, either animal can lose their kills to the other. Lions have been observed killing crocodiles that ventured onto land. Crocodiles may also kill and eat lions, evidenced by the occasional lion claw found in crocodile stomachs. شیرها همچنین تمساح های نیل را متقبل می شوند. بسته به اندازه تمساح و شیر ، هر یک از حیوانات می توانند کشتار خود را نسبت به دیگری از دست بدهند. مشاهده شده است که شیرها تمساح هایی را که به زمین می رفتند می کشتند. [140] تمساح ها همچنین ممکن است شیرها را بکشند و بخورند ، که گاه گاه پنجه شیر در معده تمساح یافت می شود. .
Os leões também atacam os crocodilos do Nilo; dependendo do tamanho do crocodilo e do leão, qualquer animal pode perder suas mortes para o outro. Leões foram observados matando crocodilos que se aventuraram na terra. Os crocodilos também podem matar e comer leões, evidenciado pela ocasional garra de leão encontrada em estômagos de crocodilo..
नील मगरमच्छों पर भी शेर चार्ज करते हैं; मगरमच्छ और शेर के आकार के आधार पर, कोई भी जानवर दूसरे को मार सकता है। शेरों को भूमि पर आने वाले मगरमच्छों को मारते हुए देखा गया है। [१४०] मगरमच्छ शेरों को मार भी सकते हैं और खा भी सकते हैं, जिसका सबूत मगरमच्छ के पेट में पाए जाने वाले कभी-कभी शेर के पंजे से मिलता ह
☺️Leopard Females live with their cubs in territories that overlap extensively, probably due to the association between mothers and their offspring. There may be a few other fluctuating territories, belonging to young individuals. ماده ها با توله های خود در مناطقی زندگی می کنند که با یکدیگر همپوشانی زیادی دارند ، احتمالاً به دلیل ارتباط مادران و فرزندان آنها. ممکن است چند منطقه نوسانی دیگر وجود داشته باشد که متعلق به افراد جوان است..
As fêmeas vivem com seus filhotes em territórios que se sobrepõem extensivamente, provavelmente devido à associação entre mães e seus filhos. Pode haver alguns outros territórios flutuantes pertencentes a indivíduos jovens..
maadaen apanee santaanon ke saath un kshetron mein rahatee hain jo vyaapak roop se ovaralaip karate hain, sambhavatah maataon aur unakee santaanon ke beech sambandh ke kaaran. yuva vyaktiyon ke svaamitv vaale kuchh any asthaayee kshetr bhee ho sakate hain.
Dişiler, muhtemelen anneler ve yavruları arasındaki ilişkiden dolayı, büyük ölçüde örtüşen bölgelerde yavrularıyla birlikte yaşarlar. Genç bireylerin sahip olduğu başka yüzen bölgeler de olabilir.
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Credit to @shaun_malan_photography
Follow 👉IG @bigcatsnamibia Now !! The mother of Quasa was shot when he was still a cub. Namibian farmers shoot cheetahs because they attack their sheep and goats. Cheetah cubs need 2 - 3 years to learn hunting skills from there mothers in the wild and to know who are there enemies are like lion , leopard , wild dogs and spotted hyena.
Cheetah in the wild only reach the maximum age of 8-9 years. Orphan cheetah like Quasa reach ages up to 20 years. Quasa eats 1,8 kg of meat in the morning and late afternoon. The meat has the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Namibia has the highest wild cheetah population in the world. There are only 7500 wild cheetah left in the wild in the world of which Namibia has proudly 3500 cheetah.
Cheetah like Quasa live up to 20 years due to good care and a non stressful life. Quasa enjoys 6 hectares of land to run freely. He gets regular veterinary care and lots of love.
Quasa'nın annesi, o daha yavruyken vuruldu. Namibyalı çiftçiler, koyun ve keçilerine saldırdıkları için çitaları vuruyor. Çita yavruları, oradaki annelerden avlanma becerilerini öğrenmek ve aslan, leopar, yaban köpekleri ve benekli sırtlan gibi düşmanların kim olduğunu bilmek için 2-3 yıl nedd. Vahşi doğada çita maksimum 8-9 yaşına ulaşır.
Quasa gibi yetim çitalar 20 yıla kadar yaşlanır. Quasa sabah ve öğleden sonra 1,8 kg et yiyor. Namibya, dünyadaki en yüksek vahşi çita popülasyonuna sahiptir. Namibya'nın 3500 çitaya sahip olduğu vahşi doğada sadece 7500 vahşi çita kaldı.
📸 Credits to @bigcatsnamibia
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Don’t wait for the right opportunity , create it !
Although the jaguar bites into the throat of South American tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and other large prey until the victim suffocates, it kills capybara by piercing its canine teeth through the temporal bones of its skull, breaking its zygomatic arch and mandible and penetrating its brain, often through the ears.
Embora o jaguar morda a garganta da anta sul-americana (Tapirus terrestris) e de outras presas grandes até a vítima sufocar, ele mata a capivara perfurando os dentes caninos nos ossos temporais do crânio, quebrando o arco zigomático e a mandíbula e penetrando no cérebro , geralmente através das orelhas.
اگرچه جگوار تا گلوی تاپیر آمریکای جنوبی (Tapirus terrestris) و دیگر طعمه های بزرگ را گاز می گیرد تا قربانی خفه شود ، با سوراخ کردن دندان های سگ خود از طریق استخوان های گیجگاهی جمجمه ، قوس بیضوی و فک پایین آن را شکسته و به مغز او نفوذ می کند. ، اغلب از طریق گوش.
Jaguar, kurban boğulana kadar Güney Amerika tapirinin (Tapirus terrestris) ve diğer büyük avlarının boğazını ısırsa da, köpek dişlerini kafatasının şakak kemiklerinden delerek, elmacık kemiğini ve çene kemiğini kırarak ve beynine girerek kapibarayı öldürür. , genellikle kulaklardan..
Хотя ягуар кусает горло южноамериканского тапира (Tapirus terrestris) и другую крупную добычу до тех пор, пока жертва не задохнется, он убивает капибару, протыкая клыки через височные кости черепа, ломая скуловую дугу и нижнюю челюсть и проникая в мозг. , часто через уши.
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Minimal koruma alanlarında çita, avın 200 m (660 ft) yakınında yaklaşacak ve kovalamaya başlayacaktır. Kovalamaca genellikle bir dakika sürer; 2013 yılında yapılan bir çalışmada, kovalamacaların uzunluğu ortalama 173 m (568 ft) ve en uzun koşu 559 m (1.834 ft) olarak ölçülmüştür.
Em áreas de cobertura mínima, a chita se aproximará a 200 m (660 pés) da presa e iniciará a perseguição. A perseguição normalmente dura um minuto; em um estudo de 2013, o comprimento médio das perseguições era de 173 m (568 pés), e a corrida mais longa media 559 m (1.834 pés).
In areas of minimal cover the cheetah will approach within 200 m (660 ft) of the prey and start the chase. The chase typically lasts a minute; in a 2013 study, the length of chases averaged 173 m (568 ft), and the longest run measured 559 m (1,834 ft).
न्यूनतम कवर वाले क्षेत्रों में चीता शिकार के 200 मीटर (660 फीट) के भीतर पहुंच जाएगा और पीछा करना शुरू कर देगा। पीछा आम तौर पर एक मिनट तक रहता है; 2013 के एक अध्ययन में, पीछा करने की लंबाई औसतन 173 मीटर (568 फीट) थी, और सबसे लंबी दौड़ 559 मीटर (1,834 फीट) मापी गई थी।.
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اگر می خواهید سریع بروید ، تنها بروید. اگر می خواهید راه دور بروید ، با هم بروید..
If you want to go fast , go alone. If you want to go far , go together..
Se você quiser ir rápido, vá sozinho. Se você quer ir longe, vá junto.
अगर आप तेजी से जाना चाहते हैं, तो अकेले जाएं। दूर जाना है तो साथ चलो।.
Si quieres ir rápido, ve solo. Si quieres irte, hazlo.
Cheetah are the fastest land animal reaching a speed up to 120 km/h. This speed is reached within 3 to 6 seconds and maintained within 300 - 600 metres. The cheetah needs to regain his breath for 30 minutes in which other predators steal their prey. Cheetah are the most vonerable in the big cat family.
As chitas são os animais terrestres mais rápidos, atingindo uma velocidade de até 120 km / h. Esta velocidade é alcançada em 3 a 6 segundos e mantida entre 300 - 600 metros. A chita precisa recuperar o fôlego por 30 minutos, durante os quais outros predadores roubam suas presas. As chitas são as mais vonersas na família dos felinos.
चीता 120 किमी / घंटा तक की गति तक पहुँचने वाला सबसे तेज़ ज़मीनी जानवर है। यह गति ३ से ६ सेकंड के भीतर पहुँच जाती है और ३००-६०० मीटर के भीतर बनी रहती है। चीता को 30 मिनट के लिए अपनी सांस वापस लेने की जरूरत होती है जिसमें अन्य शिकारी उनके शिकार को चुरा लेते हैं। बिग कैट परिवार में चीता सबसे अधिक सम्माननीय है।.
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Aunque el jaguar muerde la garganta del tapir sudamericano (Tapirus terrestris) y otras presas grandes hasta que la víctima se asfixia, mata al capibara perforando sus caninos a través de los huesos temporales de su cráneo, rompiendo su arco cigomático y mandíbula y penetrando su cerebro. , a menudo a través de los oídos.
यद्यपि जगुआर दक्षिण अमेरिकी टेपिर (टेपिरस टेरेस्ट्रिस) और अन्य बड़े शिकार के गले में काटता है, जब तक कि शिकार का दम घुटता नहीं है, यह कैपिबारा को अपनी खोपड़ी की अस्थायी हड्डियों के माध्यम से अपने कुत्ते के दांतों को छेदकर मारता है, इसके जाइगोमैटिक आर्च और मेम्बिबल को तोड़ता है और अपने मस्तिष्क को भेदता है। , अक्सर कानों के माध्यम से।
yadyapi jaguaar dakshin amerikee tepir (tepiras terestris) aur any bade shikaar ke gale mein kaatata hai, jab tak ki shikaar ka dam ghutata nahin hai, yah kaipibaara ko apanee khopadee kee asthaayee haddiyon ke maadhyam se apane kutte ke daanton ko chhedakar maarata hai, isake jaigomaitik aarch aur membibal ko todata hai aur apane mastishk ko bhedata hai. , aksar kaanon ke maadhyam se.
Although the jaguar bites into the throat of South American tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and other large prey until the victim suffocates, it kills capybara by piercing its canine teeth through the temporal bones of its skull, breaking its zygomatic arch and mandible and penetrating its brain, often through the ears.
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मैं जितनी मेहनत करता हूं, उतना ही भाग्यशाली होता हूं।
The harder I work , the luckier I get.
बाघों को मुख्य रूप से रात का शिकारी माना जाता है, [७१] लेकिन उन क्षेत्रों में जहां मनुष्य अनुपस्थित हैं, रिमोट से नियंत्रित, छिपे हुए कैमरा ट्रैप ने उन्हें दिन के उजाले में शिकार करते हुए रिकॉर्ड किया है। [९९] वे आम तौर पर अकेले शिकार करते हैं और अपने शिकार पर घात लगाते हैं जैसा कि अधिकांश अन्य बिल्लियाँ करती हैं, उन्हें किसी भी कोण से प्रबल करती हैं, अपने शरीर के आकार और ताकत का उपयोग करके शिकार को संतुलन से बाहर करने के लिए। सफल शिकार के लिए आमतौर पर बाघ को अपनी खदान पर लगभग एक साथ छलांग लगाने, उसे खटखटाने और उसके गले या गर्दन को अपने दांतों से पकड़ने की आवश्यकता होती है।
Tigers are thought to be mainly nocturnal predators, but in areas where humans are absent, remote-controlled, hidden camera traps recorded them hunting in daylight. They generally hunt alone and ambush their prey as most other cats do, overpowering them from any angle, using their body size and strength to knock the prey off balance.
अगर मन में ठान लिया तो आधी जीत हो गई
Believe you can and your'e halfway there.
पीछा आम तौर पर एक मिनट तक रहता है; 2013 के एक अध्ययन में, पीछा करने की लंबाई औसतन 173 मीटर (568 फीट) थी, और सबसे लंबी दौड़ 559 मीटर (1,834 फीट) मापी गई थी। चीता अगर शिकार को जल्दी पता चल जाता है या जल्दी से मार नहीं पाता है तो वह पीछा करना छोड़ सकता है। चीते अपने रंप को फोरपाव से मारकर या मजबूत ड्यूक्लाव का उपयोग करके शिकार को उसके संतुलन को तोड़ने के लिए, उसे बहुत बल के साथ नीचे लाते हैं और कभी-कभी उसके कुछ अंगों को तोड़कर भी अपने शिकार को पकड़ लेते हैं।
The chase typically lasts a minute; in a 2013 study, the length of chases averaged 173 m (568 ft), and the longest run measured 559 m (1,834 ft). The cheetah can give up the chase if it is detected by the prey early or if it can not make a kill quickly. Cheetahs catch their prey by tripping it during the chase by hitting its rump with the forepaw or using the strong dewclaw to knock the prey off its balance, bringing it down with much force and sometimes even breaking some of its limbs..
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If you aren’t going all the way , why go at all ? Is this 👑Power ?
.The primary causes for giraffe population declines are habitat loss and direct killing for bushmeat markets. Giraffes have been extirpated from much of their historic range including Eritrea, Guinea, Mauritania and Senegal. They may also have disappeared from Angola, Mali, and Nigeria, but have been introduced to Rwanda and Swaziland. As of 2010, there were more than 1,600 in captivity at Species360-registered zoos. Habitat destruction has hurt the giraffe. In the Sahel, the need for firewood and grazing room for livestock has led to deforestation. Normally, giraffes can coexist with livestock, since they do not directly compete with them. In 2017, severe droughts in northern Kenya have led to increased tensions over land and the killing of wildlife by herders, with giraffe populations being particularly hit.
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Credits to @johnathan.ondongo
Thank you for the pain , it made me raise my game.
. Other than humans, African buffaloes have few predators and are capable of defending themselves against (and killing) lions. Lions do kill and eat buffaloes regularly, and in some regions, the buffaloes are the lions' primary prey. It often takes several lions to bring down a single adult buffalo, and the entire pride may join in the hunt. However, several incidents have been reported in which lone adult male lions have successfully brought down adult buffaloes. The average-sized crocodile typically attacks only old solitary animals and young calves, though they can kill healthy adults. Exceptionally large, old male Nile crocodiles may become semi-habitual predators of buffaloes. The cheetah, leopard, and spotted hyena are normally a threat only to newborn calves, though larger clans of spotted hyenas have been recorded killing cows (mainly pregnant ones) and, on rare occasions, full-grown bulls
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Credits to GerbenKIW
You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward
. Fights between males occur but are rare, and avoidance behavior has been observed in the wild. The jaguar roars or grunts to warn territorial and mating competitors; intensive bouts of counter-calling between individuals have been observed in the wild. This vocalization contains five or six guttural notes. The female jaguar prustens when approached by the male. This sound is described as a short, low intensity, non-threatening vocalization, possibly intended to signal tranquility and passivity.[81][82] It is often used between two cats as a greeting, during courting, or by a mother comforting her cubs. Cubs have been recorded bleating, gurgling and mewing. Females had one to two cubs. The young are born with closed eyes but open them after two weeks. Cubs are weaned at the age of three months but remain in the birth den for six months before leaving to accompany their mother on hunts. Jaguars remain with their mothers for up to two years. They appear to rarely live beyond 11 years, but captive individuals may live 22 years.
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Credits to @beto.beto92612
Pain is temporary. Regret is forever .Giraffes have high adult survival probability, and an unusually long lifespan compared to other ruminants, up to 38 years. Because of their size, eyesight and powerful kicks, adult giraffes are usually not subject to predation, although lions may regularly prey on individuals up to 550 kg (1,210 lb). Giraffes are the most common food source for the big cats in Kruger National Park, comprising nearly a third of the meat consumed, although only a small portion of the giraffes were probably killed by predators, as a majority of the consumed giraffes appeared to be scavenged. Adult female survival is significantly correlated with gregariousness, the average number of other females she is seen associating with. Calves are much more vulnerable than adults and are additionally preyed on by leopards, spotted hyenas and wild dogs. A quarter to a half of giraffe calves reach adulthood. Calf survival varies according to the season of birth, with calves born during the dry season having higher survival rates.
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Credits to Videographers Unknown (DM for Credit/Removal)
It aren’t over until it’s over. Keep going.
. Contrary to the common belief that cheetahs hunt by simply chasing its prey at high speeds, the findings of two studies in 2013 observing hunting. cheetahs using GPS collars show that cheetahs hunt at speeds much lower than the highest recorded for them during most of the chase, interspersed with a few short bursts (lasting only seconds) when they attain peak speeds. In one of the studies, the average speed recorded during the high speed phase was 53.64 km/h (33.3 mph), or within the range 41.4–
65.88 km/h (25.7–40.9 mph) including error. The highest recorded value was 93.24 km/h (57.9 mph). The researchers suggested that a hunt consists of two phases—an initial fast acceleration phase when the cheetah tries to catch up with the prey, followed by slowing down as it closes in on it, the deceleration varying by the prey in question. The peak acceleration observed was 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) per square second, while the peak deceleration value was 7.5 m (25 ft) per square second. Speed and acceleration values for a hunting cheetah may be different from those for a non-hunter because while engaged in the chase, the cheetah is more likely to be twisting and turning and may be running through vegetation. The speeds attained by the cheetah may be only slightly greater than those achieved by the pronghorn at 88.5 km/h (55.0 mph) and the springbok at 88 km/h (55 mph), but the cheetah additionally has an exceptional acceleration.
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Credits to Videographer (DM for credit/removal)
If you don’t fight for what you want , don’t cry for what you lost.
.The jaguar's bite force allows it to pierce the carapaces of the yellow-spotted Amazon river turtle (Podocnemis unifilis) and the yellow-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis denticulatus) and to employ an unusual killing method: it bites mammalian prey directly through the skull between the ears to deliver a fatal bite to the brain. Although the jaguar bites into the throat of South American tapir (Tapirus terrestris) and other large prey until the victim suffocates, it kills capybara by piercing its canine teeth through the temporal bones of its skull, breaking its zygomatic arch and mandible and penetrating its brain, often through the ears. It has been hypothesized to be an adaptation to "cracking open" turtle shells; armored reptiles may have formed an abundant prey base for the jaguar following the late Pleistocene extinctions. However, this is disputed, as even in areas where jaguars prey on reptiles, they are taken relatively infrequently in comparison to their abundance and mammals still dominate the cat's diet.
Between October 2001 and April 2004, 10 jaguars were monitored in the southern Pantanal. In the dry season from April to September, they killed prey at intervals ranging from one to seven days; and ranging from one to 16 days in the wet season from October to March.
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Credits to @pantanalrainforests