The new videos for this channel. Like comment subscribe. The reason why we are doing this is cause the system failed us. So it's on us we the ppl to survive and be free from tyranny and think for ourselves. Give us constructive criticism of what we can do better and what we can.imlrove on. There is 3 ppl on the team so far myself Jd the drive thru guy my friend Sean and dj bubble wrap. If there is any web designers out there.construct a website like go fund me but no politician can shut it down. It's meant for us we promote labor strikes labor union strikes, bail bonds only if it falls under your constitutional rights of no victim no crime what you do with your body is your business if you can kill your child and get praises about it you should mind your own business if someone wants to get high and do it in a responsible way. No victim no crime. A fund me program for self sufficiency free energy water power engines h**p cell batteries solar powered and electric cars that doesn't need charging. We put God first and he gets all the glory. We are cutting off govt and relying on ourselves also by getting back on sound money and trade and barter so no more taxes that would involve a govt system that relies on intimidation fear and deadly violence if you disobey no better if the organization was run bely street thugs. I say we create a bank in every state for sound money silver and gold no more centralization.