Amber Melanie Smith

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  • Amber Melanie Smith
All right NC, LET'S DO THIS!I am SO excited and grateful to share my story and discuss how we can both support current n...

All right NC, LET'S DO THIS!

I am SO excited and grateful to share my story and discuss how we can both support current nonprofit leaders and inspire new changemakers in this Keynote at the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits annual Nonprofit Conference.

Join me October 22-23, 2024 in RTP for what will *definitely* be a rejuvenating, community-building experience with so many amazing changemakers.

🎤 Keynote details: From Burnout to Breakthrough: Sustaining and Sparking Passion in Nonprofit Leadership

➡ Register for the conference:


Two weeks ago, I drove 12 hours to Indianapolis to interview local leaders in animal rescue.

⁉️ BUT WHY ⁉️

It's all part of my next phase, and a long-term vision to expand my library of nonprofit and social impact educational content to include deep dives on a variety of social and community issues.

Introducing: Changemaker Cafe!

Changemaker Cafe is at the very beginning stages (like, research-and-development, pilot-production stages), but I'd love your ideas, connections, and feedback as this thing gets expanded and built out.

My current plan is to build out a handful of videos covering multiple angles of a specific social issue or social impact strategy at a time, and share them in sequential order for digestible learning about that topic.

Most of my connections here on LinkedIn are superstar social impact champions! I may not know everything about a particular social issue, but I bet you know someone who knows someone who does! I'm hopeful you can help me discover experts across a variety of issues - homelessness, education, and more. I started with animal rescue because, well, I love animals. 🙂 But this is just the beginning.

In the meantime... meet Max*. 🐕

He was part of my Indianapolis adventure, and will probably star in one of my introductory videos to this new content! I still have many interviews with subject matter experts to go, and a ton of editing - so we probably won't be able to publish the finished content for several months. You get super-cute Max as a teaser for now. 😊

I also want to share my learning and observations as I start this expansion into new types of content and connect with subject matter experts around the USA (and one day the globe?!):

💗 Unsurprisingly (but worth repeating regularly), the people I've interviewed so far, like the vast majority of social changemakers, are trying their very hardest (and are often tired). Their work takes all of their mental and emotional capacity, and they need the public's support and dialogue.

💭 The inner workings of animal rescue and welfare work are (like much social impact work) vastly unseen by the general public. There's soooo much going on behind the scenes. Hopefully this content will increase that understanding!

🙏 I was so, so lucky to have time with the social impact leaders I spoke to. I recognize the work is hard and the hours are long -- they have my sincere gratitude for finding the time for me to learn their stories.


*Max's name has been changed to protect the innocent. Actually, we forgot what his actual name card said, and he was soooo affectionate and wiggly that we didn't have time to run back in to check it before we could get the shot! Reach out to Indianapolis Animal Care Services to learn how to adopt Max or doggos like him!

Loved loved loved having this conversation with Becky and Jon at We Are For Good about nonprofit and social impact leade...

Loved loved loved having this conversation with Becky and Jon at We Are For Good about nonprofit and social impact leadership, managing effective leadership transitions, and inspiring more people to become changemakers!

Have a listen:

Meet Amber . Her journey through nonprofit work is winding (literally!)🛣️  In college, she took off on a 3-month cross-country road trip with her best friend to volunteer in over 20 states. When she returned home, she launched Activate Good, a nonprofit that has mobilized over 50,000 vo

Hey hey Texas, see you again in October!I am so so so excited to Keynote this amazing event. Volunteer Managers and Lead...

Hey hey Texas, see you again in October!

I am so so so excited to Keynote this amazing event. Volunteer Managers and Leaders are such critical (yet often under-valued) pieces of social impact work. They are driving change by mobilizing their communities -- the purpose at the heart of all social impact organizations.

If you are a nonprofit or volunteer leader or manager, you don't want to miss this Fall's Texas Volunteer Management Conference hosted by VolunteerNow.

Can't join me in-person? Tune in virtually!

➡️ Grab in-person tix (early bird pricing NOW!):
➡️ Grab virtual tix:


Rabbi Amy Coben Weiss learned how kids in her community lacked basic needs items like socks and underwear from a social worker. Fired up, she wrote about the problem for an article in the Houston Chronicle.

I'm thinking: How amazing would the world be if everyone who heard about a problem in their community took action?!

That spark was all it took to launch Amy's mission to get as many pairs of un**es as possible to kids who needed them.

Compassionate community members started donating in response to her initial article, and the effort grew into a full-fledged nonprofit, Un**es for Everyone, a few years later.

But it wasn't until Hurricane Harvey hit in 2017 that Amy's efforts scaled rapidly, with a little help from a certain neighbor who did a Facebook Live post sharing the need...

Catch the whole story on my YouTube channel when I post this Sunday morning (and don't forget to subscribe!)! (Link in the comments)

WE'RE DOING IT! Changemakers near and far - Join me for our first ever LIVE Q&A/chat on Wednesday, July 17!You can even ...

WE'RE DOING IT! Changemakers near and far - Join me for our first ever LIVE Q&A/chat on Wednesday, July 17!

You can even save the date with this handy-dandy Google Calendar link:



No one showed up to Preston Ross's first litter cleanup almost 4 years ago, but that didn't stop him.

Soon enough, 4, then 8, then 13, then 26 people attended the cleanups in the weeks that followed. Fast forward to today, over 1,500 volunteers have helped The Great Raleigh Cleanup keep the streets of Raleigh clean.

But Preston believes the real magic isn't in how many pounds of litter they clear from the sidewalks -- it's about the connections, community, and purpose helping out gives people.

As he puts it:

"I started this in the middle of the pandemic and we know what that time was like as far as people and isolation and so much heartbreak and depression during that time. And I think I just I gave people a reason to be outside. I gave people a reason to be together."

In social impact work, you're achieving a mission, an outcome.
But purpose and connection is a secondary outcome of the work that we don't always acknowledge, or talk about.

It may be one of the most important outcomes of all.

❤️ For social impact stories + actionable tips on how you can grow your impact, check out my channel (and subscribe!):

Getting back to basics with my latest on YouTube!

Getting back to basics with my latest on YouTube!

Throughout my time engaging with changemakers at all learning levels, I've found that oftentimes, the basic definition of what a nonprofit is and how it works is not well-known. So this video is for my beginner friends, or even the nonprofit or "social impact curious"!

If you have people in your life who may be wondering...
❓ What are the fundamental ways a not-for-profit is different from a for profit?
❓ What is the basic legal structure of a nonprofit?
❓ Who is in charge of leading a nonprofit and managing its operations?
❓ What do nonprofits do day to day?
❓ Do you need to start a nonprofit if you just want to do (fill in the blank)?
..Then this video is for them!


What is a Nonprofit Organization? Nonprofits explained for beginners! CHECKLIST: Get my Checklist to Start a N...

We Are For Good's ImpactUp summit is coming JULY 11 and I'd love to see you there! Here are a few ways you can join in:☀...

We Are For Good's ImpactUp summit is coming JULY 11 and I'd love to see you there! Here are a few ways you can join in:

☀ By Day (virtual): On July 11, join thousands of do-gooders for one day of conversation + convening to help awaken collective power.
👉 Register for the Virtual Summit here:

🌒 By Night (in-person): The We Are For Good Community is hosting local meet-ups in 15+ cities across the country. I'll be serving as the host alongside Teri Beckman for the gathering in Raleigh, NC. ❗Space is limited!
👉 Register for the Raleigh meet-up here:

We'll connect, build community, and converse on the event's theme:⚡Power⚡

Power is a big theme in the nonprofit + impact spaces. Sometimes because it can feel like we don’t have it. But also how it helps us scale, gather, fund, include, share and empower us too.

How has power affected you in your work? Drop comments below👇because community conversation is the basis of sharing collective power. (And your voice matters!)

Sharing some updated resources for nonprofits in my latest on YouTube:

Sharing some updated resources for nonprofits in my latest on YouTube:

Shout out to newcomer, Benevolist!

Starting a Nonprofit? Here are 15 free resources to help you with fundraising, marketing and more. /...

Graduate-School-Amber is nerding out!When I was a kid, I adored superheroes. I wanted to learn about heroes, heroism, an...

Graduate-School-Amber is nerding out!

When I was a kid, I adored superheroes. I wanted to learn about heroes, heroism, and what inspires people to take heroic action. ✨

As an adult, I discovered the world of social impact and nonprofits, and learned that not all heroes wear capes. 😊 Knowing that these organizations were at the forefront of changing the world inspired me to build a career in the social impact space.

Years later as an adult, I would meet the folks at The Hero Round Table who explore (and teach about!) heroism through their platforms. Through this connection I would be invited to combine these two topics - heroism and nonprofits - to contribute an article for the new Springer Nature Encyclopedia of Heroism Studies.
(Yes, "heroism studies" is now a legit academic field! 🤓).

So I'm excited to finally share:
"Heroism in Nonprofits and Nongovernmental Organizations"

Join me as I explore such fascinating questions as:
In what situations might service or work in nonprofits be heroic?😃
In what situations might nonprofit work be antithetical to heroism?😟
Where do heroism and nonprofit work intersect?😎

For the past few years, I've set intentions each year by giving those intentions a name: Courage. Energy. And now: Poten...

For the past few years, I've set intentions each year by giving those intentions a name: Courage. Energy. And now: Potential.

Everyone's saying 2024 is shaping up (already) to be a bonkers year, with an election, economic uncertainty, and the seemingly ever-present shadows of disconnection, isolation, and disengagement still looming over us.

But I've always believed the year (and our world) is what we make of it.

Sure, 2024 has the potential to be a bonkers year.

But 2024 also has the potential to be the year you:
👉 Fully align with the most authentic, true version of yourself.
👉 Discover the unique way you can create positive change in your community.
👉 Find friendship, love, community, and connection.
👉 Figure out how to balance giving of yourself and (re)filling your cup.

Technically, your potential is pretty limitless, as long as you don't self-impose limits on it.

What's your Word of the Year? 🎉

Good stuff happened, too. 😊

Good stuff happened, too. 😊

The list will hopefully having you pen New Year's resolutions fit for a better world; a more positive world.

If you're working with a nonprofit that has felt a decline in giving lately, it's not just you. National trends are poin...

If you're working with a nonprofit that has felt a decline in giving lately, it's not just you. National trends are pointing to an overall decline in charitable giving over the past several years. (A trend running parallel to an increase in social disconnection - probably not a coincidence!)

But there's exciting potential about what we can do about it - to bring communities back together AND ensure vital resources get to causes we care about.

I was excited to interview Nathan Chappell, co-author of The Generosity Crisis, to discuss this and how we can address it in my latest on YouTube. Check it out:

Engaged in nonprofit fundraising? Charitable Giving may be on the decline. Let's discuss how to fix that. In t...

I can't believe it!!! My YouTube channel just hit 50,000 subscribers -- that's 50,000 aspiring or current changemakers f...

I can't believe it!!! My YouTube channel just hit 50,000 subscribers -- that's 50,000 aspiring or current changemakers from around the world! It's been an honor to connect with so many people who want to make a difference over the past few years. What kind of good can we accomplish together? 🥰

Happy   🥰

Happy 🥰

3 Surprising Nonprofit Facts in honor of National Nonprofit Day (August 17)! ...

Today is  ! "The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that fr...

Today is !

"The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities."

From the United Nations: Actions to Promote a Culture of Peace:

❤️ foster a culture of peace through education;
❤️ promote sustainable economic and social development;
❤️ promote respect for all human rights;
❤️ ensure equality between women and men;
❤️ foster democratic participation;
❤️ advance understanding, tolerance and solidarity;
❤️ support participatory communication and the free flow of information and knowledge;
❤️ promote international peace and security.

How would you translate some of the above into everyday actions YOU can take in your own community to promote peace and kindness?

The International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities

I heard about The Human Library awhile ago and loved it. What questions would you ask if you could 'borrow' someone's mi...

I heard about The Human Library awhile ago and loved it. What questions would you ask if you could 'borrow' someone's mind and heart to hear more about their perspectives, challenges, and wisdom?

There are books, then there are audiobooks, but now the concept of borrowing a human being to talk to them about a very challenging topic is gaining p

My next newsletter for changemakers goes out in a little over a week! If you're not already part of it, it's not too lat...

My next newsletter for changemakers goes out in a little over a week! If you're not already part of it, it's not too late to join! (and you can opt out any time you need):

Amber Melanie Smith's newsletter with resources for changemakers, nonprofit leaders, and people starting a nonprofit organization in the USA.

Summer reading list! I'm always on the look out for reading that inspires and helps us become the ultimate best versions...

Summer reading list! I'm always on the look out for reading that inspires and helps us become the ultimate best versions of our selves. What are your reading recommendations for the summer?


Hey folks! This is my REAL page - I just discovered multiple fake pages out there pretending to be me. Please do not follow or engage with those pages. If you see those other pages (with /usernames OTHER than /ambermelsmith), please report them. THANK YOU!!!

Tell yourself you're awesome today. :)

Tell yourself you're awesome today. :)

Dig into the psychological benefits of positive self-talk, and find out when it can become problematic.--Being caught talking to yourself can feel embarrassi...

⏰TIME SENSITIVE Opportunity for young changemakers! Prudential Emerging Visionaries celebrates young people ages 14-18 i...

⏰TIME SENSITIVE Opportunity for young changemakers!
Prudential Emerging Visionaries celebrates young people ages 14-18 in the and with solutions to financial and social issues in their communities. Does this sound like you or someone you know? Learn more and apply by November 3.

cc Ashoka

Congratulations to Isabel and Nikita who are being recognized as early entry standouts for Prudential Emerging Visionaries. Learn more about their projects "The Gaia Zine" and "FinPro World" by clicking on these links and creating an account! You can apply to Prudential Emerging Visionaries now thro...



The Hero Round Table is a worldwide conference series teaching people to do extraordinary things.

I'm SOOOO excited to be back on stage after a pandemic-hiatus! If you're in the Michigan area October 28-29, come on by ...

I'm SOOOO excited to be back on stage after a pandemic-hiatus! If you're in the Michigan area October 28-29, come on by and say hello at The Hero Round Table:

The Hero Round Table is a worldwide conference series teaching people to do extraordinary things.




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About me

As a little girl, all I wanted to do was change the world. There were just a few problems: I had no superpowers to speak of, no money, and no leadership skills or business know-how. So I took off on a two and half month cross-country road trip with my best friend, volunteering and conducting acts of kindness in over 20 states. Along the way, I discovered my power to make an impact. When I returned home, I launched a nonprofit organization that now mobilizes thousands of volunteers to help hundreds of causes. Above all, I genuinely believe every person has the potential to change the world. I speak to audiences of all ages and sizes about my journey to become a leader, how to start making a difference from nothing, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Drop me a line here: