Soul-care is holistic! It involves caring for all the parts of the self. Which areas of your soul need attention these days?
#Soul-care #Christiancounseling #selfcarematters
What makes a good friendship? Feeling seen, safe, soothed, and secure.
If you have a relationship that exhibits these characteristics, then cherish it as a gift!
#mentalhealthmatters #seenandheard #friendshipgoals
A breath prayer to start your week. ❤️
I love the term nervous system care. It's more specific than self-care. This time of the year can be overwhelming, so pay attention to what your body is telling you and be gentle with yourself!
#nervoussystemcare #regulation #holidayselfcare #soul-care #begentle
Neuroscience is awesome! Renewing the mind is a spiritual concept, but it's also a physical phenomenon. Take encouragement, friends, as you build new pathways.
#buildingpathways #neuroplasticity #wordsofencouragement
Let's talk about trust! How do you build it? How do you rebuild when it's been broken?
Time + Truth = Trust
Give yourself so much grace as you heal! ❤️
#faithandmentalhealth #buildingtrust #ruptureandrepair
Not sure how to practice being present and mindful? Here's a great starting point. Just notice.
#mindfulMonday #Christianmindfulness #glimmers #faithandmentalhealth #justnoticethat
I'm so excited about this season's theme on the Pause Renew Next Podcast....Tell Your Story!
If you’re not already subscribed, go subscribe to PRN: Pause Renew Next on your favorite podcast app!
New episodes arrive the first Tuesday in September.
#podcastlife #pauserenewnext #faithandmentalhealth #Christianpodcast #tellyourstory
Let's start this week with a breath prayer! ❤️
This one comes from Romans 8:28. Breathe deep and let this truth sink in deeply!
#breathprayer #deepbreathing #Scripturemeditation #mindfulmonday
I love this beautiful quote from the book, Reforesting Faith, by Dr. Matthew Sleeth. ❤️🌲
#childlikewonder #reforestingfaith #treestagram #faithinspired
Never underestimate how wise our bodies are! Movement is one tool to help our systems move from dysregulation to regulation. I love this tip I learned from Lisa Qualls and Melissa Corkum in their book, Reclaim Compassion.
The 3 Rs - Rhythm, Repetition, and Relationship. So helpful!
#regulation #joyfulmovement #selfcare #mentalhealthmatters #parentingtips
Our brains are absolutely AMAZING. They were designed that way.
As we form new thoughts, learn new things, and do new things, our brains are making new neural connections and pathways.
This can give us so much hope. It's never too late for new beginnings.
When God says He can renew our minds, it is a spiritual concept, but perhaps it is physical too.
#romans12 #renewingthemind
#interpersonalneurobiology #faithandmentalhealth
We're in the middle of a podcast series on attachment on the Pause Renew Next Podcast, and to go along with that theme, I'm looking at attachment themes in music.
I love, love, love this song! Carry, by Elias Dummer and JJ Heller, beautifully illustrates a securely attached relationship with the Lord.
Go look it up on Spotify or YouTube to hear the whole song!
#attachmentthemes #podcastseries #Christianpodcast #faithandmentalhealth #secureattachment
For the mom or dad who could use some encouragement.
#momlife #momtomom #parentingstruggles #encouragementformoms #graceupongrace #resilience #faithfulfriday
A breath prayer to begin the week...
Inhale and exhale. Remind yourself of what is true.
#breathprayer #deepbreathing #pauseandreset #scripturemeditation
They say the eyes are the window to the soul.
Here's a cool fact about the eyes! The extraocular muscles that control the movements of the eye also contain many reflexes. One reflex, the Oculocardiac Reflex, directly activates the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us slow and calm down.
This eye exercise is so simple, but it feels so relaxing doesn't it?
Notice what how you feel and how your body responds when you practice it.
#slowingdown #mindfulnessmonday #pauseandreset
Navigating Lyme Disease with Faith and Tenacity: with Denise Sultenfuss
Here's a clip from my recent podcast interview with guest and wellness coach, Denise Sultenfuss, about how faith and tenacity helped her in the fight against Lyme Disease. To hear the whole episode, subscribe, or visit my website:
What the PRN: Pause Renew Next Podcast all about?
K.J. Ramsey on PRN: Pause, Renew, Next