The mission of ON THE MOVE is to work in partnership with members of the station to create a more informed public; One challenged and invigorated by a deeper understanding and appreciation of events, ideas and cultures. To accomplish her mission, She produce, acquire, and distribute programming that meets the highest standards of public service in journalism an
d cultural expression; She represent our members in matters of their mutual interest; and she provide interconnection for the entire public broadcasting!!! The Host Of "Call a Spade a Spade" Means {So Oju Abe Niko In Yoruba} is to speak honestly and directly about a topic, specifically topics that others may avoid speaking about due to their sensitivity or embarrassing nature. To be outspoken, blunt, even to the point of rudeness; to call things by their proper names without any "beating about the bush". Every Sunday On NaijaFm 101.1 all the way from London!!!www.naijafm.com
Abike Ade Talk Show thanks everyone who has called in for a pledge drive, made a gift by calling or entertained a request for a capital campaign commitment for a member station. For more information on how to support your local station, Please call 44-790-417-2239. Support "Abike Ade Talk Show" Donate now and your tax-deductible gift helps keep your favorite Program "CALL A SPADE A SPADE" on your local NaijaFm Radio Station. All Things Considered, Your financial support helps ensure that you can listen every sunday on your NaijaFm Radio Station. HOW YOUR GIFT HELPS:- Your donation to "Abike Ade Foundation" makes it possible for your favorite program "CALL A SPADE A SPADE" and your NaijaFm Station to report on the environment, health, education, international news, help the needy and much more, each and everyday.