Music for Hard Times performed by The Living Earth Show
Watch with us tonight at 9pm!!
We are pleased to co-present the WORLD PREMIERE of Music for Hard Times, a film and album by composer Danny Clay, filmmaker Jon Fischer, and the guitar and percussion duo The Living Earth Show.
The Living Earth Show's Andy Meyerson explains, "Two days before SF's official shelter in place order went into effect, we began working with composer Danny Clay on an album/virtual production designed to examine a fundamental research question: 'is it possible for us to use the tools of our discipline--classical art music--to make people feel better?' The end result, a composition and film called Music for Hard Times, is designed to offer a sonic resource for comfort and calming, and is one of the most beautiful pieces we have been fortunate enough to perform."
Music for Hard Times is co-presented today by Living Music with Nadia Sirota, New Music Bay Area, and the Center for New Music. Future presentations of Music for Hard Times include San Francisco Performances, and UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive.
Living Music: Pirate Radio Edition Episode 17
Watch with us tonight at 9pm eastern!! Episode 17 of Living Music: Pirate Radio Edition —Tonight’s show oozes NYC magic! Living Music teamed up with @kaufmanmusiccenter and @ecstaticmusic to bring you world premieres and one-of-a-kind collabs! Nathalie Joachim debuts a gorgeous piece created with Special Music School 10th graders, Judd Greenstein premieres a phenomenal and impressive Zoom-enabled work for @yMusicnyc, and the vocal genius Emily King shares three songs co-written with yMusic. It’s all TONIGHT at 9pm eastern on Facebook live. Tune in and watch with us!
Nadia's speedy quick history of classical music
Ever craved a speedy quick history of all of classical music told by Nadia? YES. HERE. #TBT
Why do musicians break their toys?
Why do musicians break their toys?
"Do you like rubber bands?"
Laurie Anderson + Brian Eno + a can of rubber bands = ✨🌼🔥💯⁉️
360 Video: Pauline Oliveros's 'Tuning Meditation' at The Met C...
Last Friday, we invited listeners and fans of Pauline Oliveros to The Cloisters to sing her "Tuning Meditation," a piece about listening and responding constructively to your surroundings. Watch our 360-degree video of the performance and use your headphones to enjoy immersive binaural sound.
Donnacha Dennehy: Bulb (Live in The Greene Space at WQXR)
#TBT Vicky Chow, Todd Reynolds and Ashley Bathgate performing Donnacha Dennehy's rollicking "Bulb" from the MTC launch party in 2014
John Luther Adams: Red Arc / Blue Veil, with Hotel Elefant
#TBT to the MTC Kick-Off Party and John Luther Adams's stunning Red Arc / Blue Veil performed by members of Hotel Elefant.
Thanks from Nadia Sirota and Alex Overington
Hooray!! Kickstarter. Goal. Met! Heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported MTC and listened to our past two seasons. We're pumped to share with you all the ideas we have percolating for S3. And in case you want to nab any of our killer rewards, it's now or never! Only a few hours left to back MTC and this year's spirit of musical discovery.
Kickstart Season 3 Today!
To everyone who's already given to our Kickstarter campaign, we salute you! For our other loyal listeners, we need your help THIS weekend to make more shows. Learn about our critical, once-a-season campaign and claim some sweet rewards! Support here: