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Watch and please share far and wide.

Has The New York Times Been Ducking Stories?

Has The New York Times Been Ducking Stories?

Most of us pick sides. We know who we want to win and why. This causes us problems when it comes to reporting the News. Most people talk about being fair, but there is a bias in the stories that we select to report on and the ones we skip. So it is not that […]

Let us know what you think.

Let us know what you think.

What we actually know about her bad health... what else is wrong with Hillary?

What we actually know about her bad health... what else is wrong with Hillary?

The Internet is awash with rumors about Hillary Clinton's health, but there is one medical condition she is actually known to have.

Washington, D.C. being Covered by Black Slime?

Washington, D.C. being Covered by Black Slime?

LTCOL Allen West discusses what the most serious concerns are and what we need to do to secure our borders.

LTCOL Allen West discusses what the most serious concerns are and what we need to do to secure our borders.

German Leader Advocating THIS to Protect against Muslim Migrants...You Might be Surprised

German Leader Advocating THIS to Protect against Muslim Migrants...You Might be Surprised

The leader of the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party has had enough of her country being under attack by Muslim migrants.

Vallorani Vineyards is raising money for the earthquake victims in Italy.  They will be giving 100% of the money they ra...

Vallorani Vineyards is raising money for the earthquake victims in Italy. They will be giving 100% of the money they raise to people they know in the area and trust to get the money and help to the people in need.

The death toll in the Italian earthquake has tragically grown to 241 (and does not seem to be stopping) as rescuers continue efforts to find survivors trapped beneath the rubble of their homes, businesses and schools. Small villages that have lasted centuries such as Amatrice, Accumoli and Pesca...

WHY Did Hillary Use FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds" For Chelsea In Newly Released Emails That PROVE She Lied About Benghazi? ...

WHY Did Hillary Use FAKE NAME "Diane Reynolds" For Chelsea In Newly Released Emails That PROVE She Lied About Benghazi? [VIDEO]

What a role model for mothers in America...or at least for the ones who have FAKE NAMES for their daughters

Nailed it!

Nailed it!

It's so evident Hillary has been running a pay to play scheme, but the media refuses to show outrage - therefor nothing to see hear. Cartoon by A.F. Branco

Fine.  We'll just call her "Crooked Hillary." That way, we'll be acknowledging her "accomplishments."

Fine. We'll just call her "Crooked Hillary." That way, we'll be acknowledging her "accomplishments."

According to special snowflakes at Georgetown, it's sexist to call Hillary "Mrs. Clinton" because it diminishes her alleged "accomplishments."

What America Needs Now According to Our Founders

What America Needs Now According to Our Founders

It’s Hillary, Not Trump who should Drop Out around Labor Day!

It’s Hillary, Not Trump who should Drop Out around Labor Day!

Hillary out around Labor Day not likely but should be. Here's WHY...

THESE FOOLISH THINGS REMIND ME OF YOU: Trump's 'Make America Great Again’ slogan reminds me of slavery, CNN commentator

THESE FOOLISH THINGS REMIND ME OF YOU: Trump's 'Make America Great Again’ slogan reminds me of slavery, CNN commentator


FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT: Watch “Here’s the Thing” with Tim Young TONIGHT at 7:30PM!

FACEBOOK LIVE EVENT: Watch “Here’s the Thing” with Tim Young TONIGHT at 7:30PM!

Watch Here's the Thing with Tim Young TONIGHT at 7:30PM!


Did Someone Try to Kill Julian Assange? Were the Clinton's Involved?

Did Someone Try to Kill Julian Assange? Were the Clinton's Involved?

What Ever Happened to Logic, Reason, Principles, and Truth?

What Ever Happened to Logic, Reason, Principles, and Truth?

After filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents' reports have gone missing . Read more.

After filing a Freedom of Information request, it was determined that the agents' reports have gone missing . Read more.

Boom!This deserves 10k LIKES

This deserves 10k LIKES

Obama also stated, “One of the benefits of being five months short of leaving here is I don’t worry too much about politics.”

Hillary Clinton is barely a candidate for president at this point, refusing as many public appearances as possible due t...

Hillary Clinton is barely a candidate for president at this point, refusing as many public appearances as possible due to her frail health.

Awesome! University of Chicago tells Students - If You Want a Safe Space, Find Another College!

Awesome! University of Chicago tells Students - If You Want a Safe Space, Find Another College!

Twitter Exposes Hillary's Campaign "Handler" and he Suddenly Goes Missing

Twitter Exposes Hillary's Campaign "Handler" and he Suddenly Goes Missing

The media has put a lot of focus on the reports about Hillary Clinton’s health lately. Questions have been circulating on whether she is truly going downhill, or if the accusations are just a rumor. While things have been brushed under the rug by the liberals, Hillary has been hiding from the spotli...

UPDATED: A Look Inside TPP, the Final Step in the Total Transformation of America

UPDATED: A Look Inside TPP, the Final Step in the Total Transformation of America

I am NOT a “closed border” person and I am FOR “free trade”. To be otherwise, in my studied opinion is unreasonable. However, the more I learn about TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement), the more I am literally horrified about what is in it. In TPP, once again America gets the “short straw”!

Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe Defends Trump Voters from Media Attacks Mocking them as “Uneducated White Voters”

Dirty Jobs’ Mike Rowe Defends Trump Voters from Media Attacks Mocking them as “Uneducated White Voters”

Hello? Where is the mainstream media on this?

Hello? Where is the mainstream media on this?

Newly Released Emails Show This SHOCKING Relationship Between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

Newly Released Emails Show This SHOCKING Relationship Between State Dept. and Clinton Foundation

"Coincidentally, just prior to his appointment, he had donated between $100,000 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation."

Supposed ‘Ground Breaking’ Study Only Proves Warming Proponents Have Jumped The Shark

Supposed ‘Ground Breaking’ Study Only Proves Warming Proponents Have Jumped The Shark

Scientists announced a "ground breaking" study suggesting that global warming started in 1830, but they didn't take into account an important element.

HARVARD BOUND Pot Smoking, Twerking, Malia Obama At “Rowdy” Party Busted By Cops On Martha’s Vineyard…Barack Is “Furious...

HARVARD BOUND Pot Smoking, Twerking, Malia Obama At “Rowdy” Party Busted By Cops On Martha’s Vineyard…Barack Is “Furious” With Party Girl

The idea that Malia is embarrassing the family is laughable, given the antics of her father and mother over the past 8 miserable years...

Hillary Clinton's health problems are such a vast and obvious issue that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, can...

Hillary Clinton's health problems are such a vast and obvious issue that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, can't even ignore them.

Black flood victims have finally had enough after the latest move Black Lives Matter just made when they came to Baton R...

Black flood victims have finally had enough after the latest move Black Lives Matter just made when they came to Baton Rouge. Now they're BANNED from the the city!

The Black Lives Matter movement has received a lot of justified heat over the past few days from the black communities in Louisiana for being completely absent and too preoccupied with other things to …


INSPIRATION? OR INFURIATING EARWORM? Hillary’s ‘Fight Song’ not a winner with all her supporters

INSPIRATION? OR INFURIATING EARWORM? Hillary’s ‘Fight Song’ not a winner with all her supporters

Cheer, cheer for old Hillary.

Love. It.This deserves 100k LIKES!

Love. It.
This deserves 100k LIKES!

Republicans in the House issued subpoenas to the technology companies that managed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s private emails while she served as secretary of state.

The wait for the right-wing Daily Show is over!  Come to our page every Thursday Night at 7:30pm EST and tune i...

The wait for the right-wing Daily Show is over! Come to our page every Thursday Night at 7:30pm EST and tune in to the LIVE broadcast of Here's the Thing with Tim Young.

Each week Tim and his news team tear apart the news like no other and share candid conversations with decision makers and leaders from around the country.

Why waste time watching the garbage TV when you can be a part of something historic, fun... and free. Every Thursday, right here on this and every Liberty Alliance page!

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Dispensationalists are helping build antichrist's kingdom. See 1 John 2:22-23: "22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is ANTICHRIST, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father:" Modern jews are not Biblical Jews. Those tribes do not exist anymore. The modern jew denies Jesus is the Christ. That places them in the ANTICHRIST category. The NT book of Hebrews seems to place a curse on those who persist in animal sacrifice for taking away their sins. The modern jews do not have a Levitical Priesthood. People should research Amillennialism and Preterism for different views on eschatology than Dispensationlism. The 6 point star is a 666 symbol btw. Read The Six-Pointed Star: Its Origin and Usage by O. J Graham.
The basic, central or critical point of why many like Trump, Putin, Russia and others do not. Is the Christian religion, Matthew 12- 30 He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad
Why Are So Many Christians Obsessed With Predicting the Future ? Obsessed with the End Times? And the latest Christian publishing Obsession is a seven-volume post-Rapture, dispensational soap opera. Most people are like dumb sheep being told what to do. They are Bible ignorant, know almost nothing personally about what Jesus and the Apostles have said still too. There are real dangers to end-times obsessions: a disinclination to work toward long-term solutions, a propensity to focus on prophetic fulfillment at the expense of ethical concerns (something Israel's prophets were never accused of), and a perverse satisfaction in cultural decay. This perversity of an ongoing cultural fascination with End Times and a willingness to help usher them in by proclaiming how rotten things are in the world right now — a key tenet in the false Rapture theology, as in life, is that things usually get worse before they get better. Rapture oriented and Judgmental Christians are demonic induced. Where did Jesus and the Apostles say help to support the rebuilding of the nation of Israel, or Judaism?“(Isa 8:9 KJV) Associate yourselves, O ye people, and ye shall be broken in pieces; and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; gird yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces.(Isa 8:10 KJV) Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought; speak the word, and it shall not stand: for God is with us.(Isa 8:11 KJV) For the LORD spake thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying,

There is to much false date-setting now as there has been in the past,” A false Math and a false religion. Many so called Christian groups have tried to use the Bible to predict when the world will end, using a (hardly clear-cut) combination of events mentioned in the apocalyptic Book of Revelation. There is centuries-long tradition of false Christians who have made false predictions of coming judgments, end times. The public having been played for fools. Stop making fools of yourselves

As predicted by Jesus in 70 AD: The Roman Army destroyed Jerusalem, killed over 1 million Jews, took about 100,000 into slavery and captivity, and scattered all the Jews from Palestine to other locations in the Roman Empire. and in 200 AS: Roman Emperor Severus forbade religious conversions to Judaism, In 306 AD: The church Synod of Elvira banned marriages, sexual in*******se and community contacts between Christians and Jews. . In 315 AD: Constantine published the Edict of Milan which extended religious tolerance to Christians. Jews lost many rights with this edict. They were no longer permitted to live in Jerusalem, or to proselytize. 528 AD: Emperor Justinian (527-564) passed the Justinian Code. It prohibited Jews from building synagogues, reading the Bible in Hebrew, assemble in public, celebrate Passover before Easter, and testify against Christians in court. 535 AD : The “Synod of Claremont decreed that Jews could not hold public office or have authority over Christians.” Augustine wrote “The true image of the Hebrew is Judas Iscariot, who sells the Lord for silver. The Jew can never understand the Scriptures and forever will bear the guilt for the death of Jesus.” The New Zealand Church censored of all references to Zion and Jerusalem in the new Psalter and liturgy. Jesus has removed Israel from God’s plan, rejecting the past rights and destiny of natural Israel. The opposition to Zionism, Judaism is still Biblical. And the Persecution of the Jews can only cease if they converted to Christianity. The simple truth that none of us know with absolute certainty what will happen shortly in the world.

Too many false prophets had foretold the end of the world but not their own death. It is clear from ancient prophesies that the Messiah will come to save his people from their enemies in the end times. And Jesus did that he saved his people those who put their trust in Him. He cannot save the Jews, if they reject Him. To try rather to destroy Jesus, the Church, Christians is to support the work of Satan. Jesus the Messiah has come to destroy the works of Satan, ungodly Jews. ( Mat 7:16 KJV) Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 ) Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Dispensationalist false doctrine is affecting US Foreign Policy.
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Here I discuss how Jesus promised to return in the AD 30 - AD 70 "this generation" and not ours and how 1948 was not a fulfillment of Israel (blooming as a fig tree) becoming a nation in 1948. There is also a discussion of the Ezekiel 37, 40 - 48 Temple being the Church (cf. Ezek. 37: 27/2 Cor 6:16) and not some future literal temple imagined by Dispensationalists: (meme by Robert Statzer)
I'm disconnecting from this page. It is no longer against dispensationalism but appears to be infiltrated.