"Invest to reinvest"
byRatify Ventures ~ Productions (Jan. 2007)
A small American holding company formed in 2007, first as a small production company for video editing, mainly sourcing on Youtube.com, byRatify Productions was one of the first major ventures within the company. Providing video edits for clients needing video work editing together for montages or shorts. Also provided with the production service is graphic design, and market management.
byRatify Productions provides businesses and clients with the work of a professional. We offer professional video editing to fit our clients needs. We want to make sure each one of our clients are happy and satisfied with their service. Social Media Management (Excelling in Youtube), video editing, and film production.
• Skills:
Platforms (Twitter, Periscope, Vimeo, Youtube).
Devices (Tablet, Phone).
Trends in Social Networking.
Statistics and Retention.
Online Profiling.
Security: How to Look After Yourself Online.
Promotion Through Social Networks.
Rolling Out Your Channel.
• Skills Video Editing: Sony Vegas, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Cinema 4D, Adobe Premier.
• Edits featured for top YouTube teams: Faze Clan, Dare Sniping, Optic Gaming, TheBoLTSnipers
byRatify Ventures ~ Arbitrage
Currently labeled on eBay, we look into every opportunity to flip products we find value in. With taking time by going through retail stores, garage sales, estate sales, and store arbitrage we look for products to offer low end pricing for our consumers looking for products at a great value! We don't justify one certain category, we look in all directions and anything we can find value in we list it and resell it for consumers to enjoy.
byRatify Ventures ~ Vending
Follow byratifyventures on eBay. Buying, Selling, Collecting on eBay has never been more exciting!