Ever feel like your practice is misunderstood and everyone seems to think it's something out of a movie? You're not alone. This week, April discusses some of the interesting things she's been asked to do and what people think her practice is about.
✨ Shop and learn with The Head Witch, April: https://www.thestillroomfl.com/
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How's your energy? Does doing anything with your practice feel like a chore lately? Witch, same! Trying to keep up with our practice can make us feel drained and disconnected. Your practice does not have to be elaborate and drawn out and make you feel like you have to constantly be in full on ritual mode. Take a breather and see if any of these simple magick practices work for you and help you to reconnect with your craft.
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Candles are one of the easiest ways to work your magick. Whether it's a short and to the point or an elaborate working, candles can be used with many spells, rituals and activities. This week, April talks about why we use candles in our workings, some candle magick basics and shares one of her favorite spells for use during Mercury Retrograde.
Best fiends is an action-packed adventure and a brain-boosting puzzle game all rolled into one. And with new content added all the time, you’re never bored! Download Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play. That’s friends, without the r—Best Fiends.
LISTEN: glowgirlpodcast.com
Mitch Osborn: Pychic Medium, Tarot and Lenormand Card Reader and Animal Communicator - Episode 119
Learning about other practitioners gifts and how they use them is always fascinating. Everyone is different and have their own special abilities that help those who seek guidance move along their path.
This week, April talks with her dear friend, Mitch Osborn and learns about his journey in psychic mediumship, Tarot reading and animal communication.
To learn more about Mitch and the services he offers, check out his website www.mitchellosborn.com
You can also find him on Facebook and Instagram @mitchellosborn
Beltane: Episode 118
LISTEN: glowgirlpodcast.com
There are eight sabbats that are celebrated by various groups throughout the year and each of them have their unique correspondences and purpose . This week, April talks about the fire festival that is Beltane. She shares information on what you can focus on, activities you can do to celebrate in a large or small way and what she has done and plans on doing to celebrate.
LISTEN: glowgirlpodcast.com
There will be times in our practice that we feel like we need to take a step back, take a break. There can also be times where we just neglect it. It could be because life happens or because we feel like our practice is daunting and time consuming and we just don’t have the energy for it. In a world of we always need to be "doing", we can feel like we aren't the Witch we claim to be if we aren't practicing our craft every lunar cycle, sabbat or magickal astrological event. What can we do to reconnect to our practice when the time is right and make it not feel like the chore list our parents gave us on summer break before we could go play? Join April as she talks about having your Hermit moment, being ok with taking a break and ideas of how you can reconnect to the craft.
Best fiends is an action-packed adventure and a brain-boosting puzzle game all rolled into one. And with new content added all the time, you’re never bored! Download Best Fiends FREE today on the App Store or Google Play. That’s friends, without the r—Best Fiends.
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LISTEN: glowgirlpodcast.com
Working with the Moon is a great way to open yourself to spellwork and ritual. Different times in the Lunar Cycle can help us with our intentions and outcomes.
This week, April explains the different phases of the Moon and how you can incorporate their energy into your craft.
LISTEN: https://link.chtbl.com/Sdkhy2-e
Protection is one of the first things you learn about when starting your practice. It is an extremely important part of your practice.
This week, April explains the importance of protection when doing workings, rituals or when needed for a particular situation. She shares simple protection practices and discusses her favorite ways she protects herself, altar space and home.
LISTEN: https://link.chtbl.com/Sdkhy2-e
Telling others about your craft can be scary and not everyone will understand why you do what you do.
This week, April shares how she came out of the broom closet with her craft and was able to speak her truth. With the upcoming New Moon this week, tap into the energy of beginning a new chapter and let your true self show.
🎧 LISTEN: https://link.chtbl.com/Sdkhy2-e
Did you know that the timing of when you do your rituals or spellwork can give it an extra boost? On this week's episode, April talks about using magickal timing in your workings. Whether you use the Moon phases, days of the week or even the planetary hours in a day, there are many opportunities to time your practice.