If you are out of shape, then, doing a full work out, might feel intimidating and difficult There is a training method called staggered sets where #yoga #exercise #streching #viral #health #healthy #meditation #reels #stretch #fyp
I turned 41 today and I realize that our age represents how many years we have been taking care of our self I feel good, because I made it a priorit #meditation #streching #stretch #fyp #exercise #healthy #reels #viral #health #yoga
I remember doing these hand clapping games when I was a kid and now as an adult, I find that they are great for training focus and concentration along #health #meditation #fyp #viral #reels #healthy #exercise #stretch #yoga #streching
I met a woman about a week ago, who shared her incredible story with me about her journey, towards becoming stronger and healthierShe watched a vid #health #meditation #streching #exercise #healthy #reels #viral #stretch #yoga #fyp
I literally do this nose clearing exercise at least 15 times a day I found this to be the fastest way to clear my nostrils anytime it feels blocked #yoga #meditation #stretch #reels #streching #exercise #health #viral #fyp #healthy
I do this every morning when I wake up to clear my nasal blockage I noticed my nose can build up mucus and other things that restrict my breathing S #fyp #reels #healthy #viral #health #exercise #stretch #yoga #meditation #streching
I do these exercises every single day This is how I’m able to maintain my strength, endurance, and high energy that I need to do what I doWhen you #reels #meditation #stretch #yoga #fyp #healthy #exercise #streching #health #viral
I didn’t think I’d ever feel ready to be a parent There was a deep fear inside that I would know how to be the right father, the right parent That #viral #yoga #streching #healthy #stretch #exercise #reels #fyp #health #meditation
I created this post today to show a side that usually isn’t highlighted on social media I created this post today about my wedding to show a side t #fyp #exercise #healthy #yoga #streching #meditation #stretch #health #viral #reels
Horse Stance One Point Focus Training This is a great practice to do with a partner to train your concentration and your physical strength #viral #exercise #stretch #streching #health #reels #yoga #fyp #meditation #healthy
Hip circles is a great exercise to open up tight, hips and release tension and your lower back Also great to increase mobility in the hips and spine #healthy #reels #fyp #health #viral #yoga #streching #stretch #exercise #meditation
Here’s a 60 second exercise to test your cardio Set a timer for 60 seconds and stand in one place as you do repeated punches Breathe only through yo #health #meditation #yoga #fyp #exercise #streching #healthy #reels #viral #stretch
Here are a few simple moves to help you stretch, breathe and meditate at work to increase your energy flow so you stay more productive and focused #stretch #meditation #streching #healthy #reels #viral #fyp #health #yoga #exercise
Here are 5 simple ways to release tension and open up your hips Try them out #viral #stretch #reels #yoga #streching #exercise #healthy #health #fyp #meditation
Heart openers is a great movement for releasing tension in the chest area, shoulder, upper back along with moving energy throughout the entire body #fyp #meditation #yoga #streching #reels #healthy #stretch #health #exercise #viral
Heart openers is a easy exercise that releases tension in your chest, front side and back of shoulders so you’re able to connect deeper to your heart #reels #health #yoga #viral #streching #stretch #meditation #exercise #fyp #healthy
Healthy Gut Check Press hands FIRMLY on side of waist Bounce your body Lift your chest and rib cage to press deeper Exhale thru your nose strongl #reels #viral #meditation #healthy #fyp #exercise #yoga #stretch #streching #health
Having fun and partner stretching with Natalia #fyp #viral #yoga #meditation #health #healthy #stretch #streching #exercise #reels
HOPs one of the 60 moves in the Flow60 practice created to increase energy flow and overall well of a person by relaxing tension and blocked energies #fyp #yoga #meditation #health #exercise #stretch #streching #viral #reels #healthy
Giving you a partner or friend a top massage, is a really fun and easy way to help another move some energy in the body For the person that’s receiv #fyp #health #reels #meditation #streching #exercise #yoga #viral #stretch #healthy