It's 2024 (4 years since the original post) and I am still learning what is okay to ask from another person as far as needs and boundaries go. How much freedom to we deserve to have in relationships? What does respect look like for each of us? How much of "allowing someone to just be themselves" is healthy, if it's unhealthy? Here is the original. Let's not be afraid of change, if we can help it. It's so much better than the eruption. From 2020:
Skipping Over Hard Feelings/Spiritual Bypassing
This is a theme that keeps showing up so maybe we can talk about it. As a matter of fact, this has been showing up in my life in a bunch of ways lately!
I am going to share a personal story to illustrate how this is showing up for me. This idea of skipping over our hard feelings can appear in many different forms, of course. Here’s one of mine:
I was in an unhealthy long-term relationship. My pain wasn’t heard in the relationship. There were behaviors that were damaging that continued to go on. My coping skills included the idea that I cannot change anyone, but I can change my own thinking about the behavior/person/situation. I can control only myself, and that is what I focused on. What wasn’t healthy is that I was MAD AND SAD, and there was nowhere for that to go since I wasn’t heard, so I “put it away” because I had a lot of things to take care of day-to-day. This way of thinking and behaving on my part also made it so no one had to take responsibility for the s**tty behavior going on. I would say, “It just is what it is.” We are “supposed” to love and meet people where they are and for “who” they are, even if they are engaged in s**tty things. Right? My unhealthy way of bypassing the s**t was to just run the show at home and ask as little of him as possible. I clung to the idea that people are free to be who they are. We can’t force anyone to heal or get better, we can only work on ourselves. All of these things are true, but there’s danger when we can’t or don’t find a way to deal with and express our hard feelings.
Guess what happens when the volcano gets too full of boiling hot lava beneath the surface? Eventually, it is going to erupt, one way or another. We either develop unhealthy coping skills that hurt ourselves or there will come a day when the whole thing erupts.
But the fact is this: If we engage our emotions, things are going to have to change. Period. We are terrified of this. This is uncomfortable and will include not only our own hard feelings but likely other people’s as well. And we like to avoid those even MORE than our own sometimes.
I am still in therapy to help me with processing my hard feelings that come up now and then (in regards to that particular situation). I watch my thoughts in all areas of my life to make sure I’m not trying to bypass tough emotions. I believe in personal freedom, but BOUNDARIES are important. I’m having to double down and work extra hard to learn what is appropriate to ask for from another person as a boundary. I am not good at that yet. I’m still unlearning and relearning.
We are humans. I hope that you are healthy enough to be pi**ed when you are pi**ed, and be able to express it in a healthy way where you are heard. I hope that if someone hurts your feelings, you are able to share that with them without feeling like it’s wrong to feel hurt. I wish for all of us that when we have really, really tough stuff, we can look at it without feeling like spiritual failures. We don’t have to put up with crappy behavior just because we once were the same way. There are people who take way more than they give. We bleed for people who don’t really deserve it but they will let us do it as often as we want to in the name of “support”. Boundaries matter! WE MATTER, OUR OWN FEELINGS MATTER.
May we all continue to look at our stuff and engage with it. We need to heal before we can really do well by others.
Emotion= E(nergy in) Motion. If we let emotions move through us, they will dissipate. We can work with them to empower ourselves. Empower= Emotional Power. Engaging will cause change- in us and around us. But if we have pain we aren’t sharing, it is only hurting us and we are also keeping others stuck in their crappy behaviors.
I don’t mean to sound preachy. I’m dealing with this front and center right now. Sometimes it’s positively exhausting. I feel lost a lot of the time. But I am worth it. You are worth it! It’s 2020, and it continues to feel like the world, the Universe is BEGGING US to get healthier, especially emotionally. It’s what we came for.
In Love, Light and Trust that this process is worth the work,
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