A five-star review by Victoria G. Smith for "Not Your Kid's Nursery Rhyme Haiku" by Bona M. Santos and Susan Burch SusanBill Burch.
5.0 out of 5 stars A treasure box of wit, wile, and revelation
Reviewed in the United States on June 11, 2024
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It’s an understatement to say that one “reads” NOT YOUR KIDS’ NURSERY RHYME HAIKU by Bona M. Santos and Susan Burch. One does not “read” it; rather, one “experiences" its thirty single-line haiku, which are an innovative adaptation of the traditional Japanese literary format that render resonant, sometimes even spine-chilling, snapshots of global narratives. As a novelist, I stand by this description, “narrative,” for this haiku collection. Together, they tell the story of the human condition that is both timeless and contemporary. As a poet, they impress me as the manifestation of literary craft discipline. Although I write in genres that afford me a lot more space to express my art, I recognize the value of literary form, not to limit nor confine, but to encourage and promote the development of the best expression of the work’s themes and thoughts. This is certainly true for the pieces in this collection. Compelled by the discipline of their genre’s craft to encapsulate their message in the fewest possible words, down to the syllables even, they thereby succeed in achieving the ultimate embodiment of the soul of the complex social issues they boldly address. This book is a treasure box of wit, wile, and revelation that haunts the reader long after its single-line pieces end.