Indeed. It's a thing.
It's like the polar opposite of brown mellow mexican cool chill. Paul Krugman, whose columns I always enjoy (or at least respect), takes a look at “White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy,” a new book by Tom Schaller and Paul Waldman. https://shorturl.at/fjsU7
He points out that U.S. farms now produce more than 5 times as much as they did 75 years ago -- yet the agricultural workforce has shrunk by two-thirds over that same time -- in large part because of machinery, improved seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides.
I grew up on a farm in northwest Illinois. I learned how to drive when I was 10 and I was schooled on tractors before I was taught to drive my dad's pickup truck ... first the little Ford tractor (the one that flipped over in the snow on Christmas Eve 1975 and killed my little brother Matt) and then the bigger Minneapolis Moline tractors we used for plowing and disking and other field work. One of the farming families I would babysit for was a longtime local farmer, a guy who was named farmer of the year.
As Krugman clearly points out, many white rural voters now back the politicians who tell them the lies they want to hear. It's not a justification, but it does explain why the MAGA fiction portrays to the Trumpyvoters the (actually relatively safe) metro areas such as New York as "crime-ridden hellscapes" -- and politicians and the media spoon-feed GOP voters the bulls**t about how Mexico is crime-ridden and dangerous (which it's comparatively NOT!) and they leave rural America portrayed as the VICTIM here -- of illegal immigrants, wokeness, crazy libtards, "radical" all of which are more or less imaginary.
BUT IT WORKS FOR THEM, works for the politicians who are soliciting voters and donors, and works for the lazy portion of the media who haven't got the time or IQ or education or ethics to dig in and tell us.
Just watch what happens next with the GOP after Ronna bails.
White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy