In late 2004, Robb Wolf and Nicki Violetti, then my partners in NorCal Strength & Conditioning, came to me with an idea to start a digital journal, the primary focus of which would be nutrition, but would also address athletic and fitness training. We quickly began working on putting it together and released the first issue in February 2005. Near the end of 2006, after I had moved to southern Cali
fornia to work with coach Mike Burgener, having sold my share of the gym to Robb and Nicki, I proposed to buy them out of the Performance Menu. They were focused on the gym, and I wanted to focus on the journal. The Performance Menu was absorbed by my company, Catalyst Athletics. Although the journal had already expanded from the original nutrition focus, I pushed it much farther along in this direction. My primary interest, of course, is Olympic weightlifting, so unsurprisingly, the journal took on more of a weightlifting and strength training lean. I have continued this emphasis since, although we make sure to address the broad range of disciplines and topics that shaped the first volume as well—everything from nutrition to athletic strength & conditioning to health to general fitness and CrossFit, which helped create the environment in which the Performance Menu was born. We have now been publishing a monthly issue for over eight years. May 2013 will be our 100th issue. I've always wanted to be at the forefront of whatever I'm doing, and the journal is no different. We have now launched a new website and new format aimed at allowing us to bring our readers the quality content we have always striven for in the most convenient and accessible way. I want to encourage learning and interaction among all of our readers and our contributors, and I want to continue providing the best content possible. I want the Performance Menu to remain the journal that I want to read myself. Thank you to all of our loyal readers for your continued and often incredibly longstanding support. I hope that every change we make addresses the feedback we receive from you in a positive manner. And thank you to the future readers who will allow this publication to continue for many more years. I hope that you find the Performance Menu exciting, enlightening and enjoyable in every way.
—Greg Everett