Our Story
JNPBooks is a British publishing company that primarily publishes, distributes, sells and promotes original multilingual children’s books, as well as academic books on the subjects of bilingualism and literacy written by teachers, researchers and specialists on the fields. We also publish travel books and fictions. We manage the publication and the foreign rights of all our titles.
Because we are passionate about the books we publish and about education, we distribute our books in paperback format to bookshops in the UK and around the world, we publish the books in eBook format for the millions of Kindle® users worldwide, we support local libraries and librairies around the world by donating books from our collection, we finally organise, produce and promote our authors’ schools, libraries, book clubs, toddlers groups and bookshops visits, as well as all workshops and conferences associated to their books and the subject of bilingualism, literacy and education.
JNPBooks is the company that is changing the way the world reads books. By focusing on the publishing of bilingual and educational books, we are not following a trend, but creating a new trend instead. We are the current leaders in the publishing and promotion of a collection of over 200 original, educational and fun-learning bilingual books in Britain.
Finally, at JNPBooks, we promote literacy, bilingualism and fun-learning to inspire the next generations of young readers. We want to make a difference to all the communities living in Britain by offering them high quality bilingual books and fun and dynamic storytelling events that will change both the way they read books and the way they learn languages.
JNPBooks is changing the way the world reads books...
Website: www.jnpbooks.com
Twitter: twitter.com/JNPBooks
Facebook: facebook.com/JNPAQUET.Books.Ltd
Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/jnpaquet-books
YouTube: youtube.com/user/JNPAQUETBooks/
JNPBooks is a company registered in England and Wales, no.8620383.
JNPBooks is a JNPMedia Ltd company.