Guided By Spirit

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Guided By Spirit Guided By Spirit with Richard LaRocco, psychic medium, and Pauline Raphaela, master energy healer, airs every Thursday at 3pm ET. Join the conversation!

Guided By Spirit with Richard LaRocco and Pauline Raphaela is a podcast show in which listeners can call in to ask questions about spirit, hearing a message from a deceased loved one, or to have a quick astrological energy reading! Richard is a seasoned psychic medium. Pauline is a master energy healer. The shows are designed to bring awareness about who we are at the soul level, how to heal our l

ives, and how to re-create a world in which all living things thrive naturally and in harmony with the Universe. We are all ONE and LOVE is the answer!

Lions Gate Event. August 8.  7pm by invitation only.The Lion’s Gate portal opened on July 26.  Are you feeling the shift...

Lions Gate Event. August 8. 7pm by invitation only.
The Lion’s Gate portal opened on July 26. Are you feeling the shifts of energy? August 8 is next week when the peek frequencies are available. On August 12 the portal closes. Do join a group of your choice to ascend together as this creates a more powerful shift for humanity.
Maybe you’re purging old emotions or creating boundaries, maybe you’re creating a new project or setting new goals. The purpose now is doing the inner work to be ready to shift timelines! Last year we shifted timelines and it was incredible. Goals were manifested within days or weeks of the event. I expect the same to happen this year.
Last year we traveled to the Pleiadian temple. This year I’m shown we will journey to the temple of Isis and be offered downloads of ascension codes and so much more. I’ll introduce the concept of the master cell and how that plays a role in healing the body.
A few spots open! Message me with interest and I’ll send the invite. $35.00

A book written for this time in history and what needs to be done on a personal level for humanity to reach its next lev...

A book written for this time in history and what needs to be done on a personal level for humanity to reach its next level of evolution. Epilogue:
"If we turn our power over to something other than our Soul and God, we are disempowering ourselves. We must never allow others to control us to take our power away. At this time in history, we are experiencing a Great Awakening of humanity, the awakening to the truth about who we are, and why we are here. The Great Awakening will illuminate how we've been conditioned to give our power away, and those who want to usurp that power. We will take back our power."

The Little Blue Room: Awakening the Soul to Love, Joy, Freedom and Power

What is the New Earth?Richard and I talk about the forthcoming changes as we ascend to higher levels of consciousness.  ...

What is the New Earth?
Richard and I talk about the forthcoming changes as we ascend to higher levels of consciousness. Join us today at 3pm! Live here on Facebook!

Tomorrow at 3pm is another Episode of Guided by Spirit with Richard and Pauline Raphaela!!!

We will discuss a difficult subject, about the "What is the New Earth, and what we should expect and how it is going to effect us'!! Plus, so much more!!!!

Don't forget to call in today 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
646-558-8656 #82025205181



The Healing Hour, 7 - 8 pm

Two of my Reiki Master students and I will transmit healing energy to the group in 15-minute intervals. Brooks Magee and Tony Caminiti have agreed to be part of this healing event for everyone to enjoy. Both of these gentlemen are very powerful. I will transmit some energies with activations from the Galactics.

Join us, It's FREE! Reply to: [email protected].
The link will be sent the morning of the event.


Richard and I on the air! Every Thursday at 3pm. Call in with questions or get a reading.


Regardless of how much you've healed the past, the choice to go higher is yet another journey.
Be courageous - go higher! a listen to my spiritual conversations on healing, miracles and much more with Richard ...
Have a listen to my spiritual conversations on healing, miracles and much more with Richard LaRocco, psychic medium, and Dr. Marla Goldberrg, please click on this link above. Both conversations are uploaded to the home page on my website.
Miracles should be a natural part of our lives!

Pauline Capalbo, PhD, Healer, Spiritual Counselor, Channel, Master Herbalist


Lion's Gate:
Today, 808, be open to receive the powerful energy of the sacred Lion's Gate downloads.
The energy has been intense, but in a good way!
Lions Gate is the melding of two strong cosmic energies: the star Sirius coming into alignment with Great Central Sun, Orion, & Earth, exerting its influence from its ruling sign of Leo.
They will fully align 808 as Orion’s Belt aligns with The Pyramids of Giza.
Here's what can happen:
**Sirian Stargate is open to activating your higher Self. **8/8 Portal activates the entire planet will be flooded with a huge influx of light.
**Activates the entire Earth, ley lines, and consciousness grid. .**Activates our crystalline DNA – connect with Soul’s wisdom.
Make sure you take time today to experience and absorb these powerful energies. Meditate. Join a group or do whatever feels best for you. Tonight, a group and I will be deeply engaged in these frequencies as well as exploring new timelines.
We must shift to higher levels of Being.
Pauline Raphaela.

Energy Update for August 2023We have a powerful month ahead with two full moons and the Lions Gate portal already open. ...

Energy Update for August 2023
We have a powerful month ahead with two full moons and the Lions Gate portal already open. Here’s what I see.
Full Moons illuminate what is hidden in darkness. Whatever is illuminated in your life this month to be released, let it go with gratitude! With all this happening in fiery Leo, feel the roar of what needs to be corrected in your own life, It’s time to step up!! Leo is light hearted and brings positivity, joy and love.
Timelines will shift at some point – will you be on the higher timelines or on the outworn one?
August 1st. Full Super Moon in Aquarius. I’ve been seeing how the Age of Aquarius is pushing through the old paradigm Piscean Age, which is holding on very tight to control, manipulation and fear – the antithesis of Aquarius which demands freedom, unity and equality. In my view, we are still in the shadow of Aquarius which mimics the illusion of the Piscean energy. So, for a little while longer, until February 2024 when Pluto finally finishes its journey in the USA and is completely out of Capricorn, we may finally have the chance to relax and breathe deeply into creating a new life. Let go of the dark emotions.
Lions Gate portal open from July 26 – August 12 with peek opening and downloads on August 8th. As I mentioned, this is already happening and those who are sensitive can feel the expansion of this energy and it’s powerful! Yesterday in the Salt Cave the meditative journey to the Soul Plane to work with your Soul brought clarity to all of us with Tibetan and crystal singing bowls enhancing the energy upgrade. Some of us actually felt a shift into a higher timeline…I surely did!
August 30th. Full Moon in Pisces. Do we come out of illusion and delusion and see the truth? Only your intuition knows for sure. Using Intuition instead of logic is critical now. This moon will give us the opportunity to see the truth about our Unity and Oneness, to awaken more fully to higher levels of consciousness, to remember who we are as Souls. Who am I and Why am I here? Let go of the old version of you and allow yourself to Ascend!
The veil between heaven and earth is very thin right now. Focus on what you want to create or who you want to evolve into. The cosmic energy is supporting those who are reaching for the stars!
Personally, I feel this month will be a combination of chaos and evolution simultaneously paying out in two timelines! The more grounded you are using the Blue Light of Sirius to remain clear minded, the more you’ll see the truth about everything!
My galactic guides tell me to remain solid in the core of your Being which will help you rise and then everything else will fall into place.
In love and evolution!
Pauline Raphaela

Energy Update for Pluto and Saturn. June 20, 2023SATURN – PISCES/VIRGOSaturn is in Pisces also affecting Virgo until Feb...

Energy Update for Pluto and Saturn. June 20, 2023
Saturn is in Pisces also affecting Virgo until February 2026. If you are a Pisces or Virgo, you’ve got Saturn in your path for the next several years! Father Saturn is strict and constricting. Whatever is out of balance in your life, or doesn’t have clear direction, Saturn will help you focus on what is most important for healing and ascension. Most likely, these are things you don’t want to focus on because it’s not pleasant. These patterns are probably old behaviors or beliefs that have overstayed their welcome. These patterns are holding you back as well as keeping you in victim or keeping you stuck. How is that working for you?

Pisces, your dreamy, unstructured nature can be your biggest asset to manifest, yet it can be your biggest enemy and take you in directions that are unhealthy steeped in delusion of what is beautiful. Saturn will help you get out of the unhealthy delusion and see clearly, even if it is ugly.

Virgo, your martyr nature keeps you small and insignificant. You see the greatest in everyone else except yourself. Since your natural proclivity is to be in service, Saturn will force you to be in service to yourself first at this point.
Well, Saturn doesn’t care if what it forces you to look at is unpleasant. This planet is the Lord of Karma and it will place karma smack in your face to deal with it!

Dear Capricorns and Cancers, I feel for you! I am a Capricorn and have endured the deep transformation of Pluto since 2007. We are almost out of the woods but not yet. Pluto is now retrograde in Capricorn affecting Cancer until October 2023. Then it moves forward and will be in Aquarius in January 2023.

Capricorns, you’ve healed insecurities and self-doubt to reach a place where all of your goals will be created. You’ve reached a place of truth that is not easy to get to. The work has been arduous but not impossible for a steadfast Cappy.

Cancer, the emotional body has been upgraded and will continue to heal. Oh, those damn emotional tsunamis were so annoying! Yet, now, you’re finding a healthy balance between mind and emotions, letting the mind lead more-so keeping you grounded in reality.
It’s easy to say good bye and good riddance to Pluto, yet I’d not change this transformation for a million dollars. The empowered sense of Self that has emerged is truly of a Divine Nature. The Self of divine love, peace, true power, joy and freedom (my book describes the journey (The Little Blue Room:Awakening the Soul to love, joy, freedom and power) is now leading you forward.

These Last few months of Pluto retrograde will bring up any residual patterns that need to be scraped from the bottom of the barrel. It’s easy to feel fed up with this deep healing process and think, “Oh, I’ve already done this, and I’m done with it.” Well, God knows better than you do as to when you’re done with something. Surrender, let go and let God lead. By the holidays you’ll feel anew and wonderful, ready to push forward on a higher path in life where dreams really do come true. This is how I feel and I wish it for all the Capricorns and Cancers! You’ve earned it!

With Pluto retrograde also hitting the United States of American, be prepared for more darkness to be revealed. Focus on the Light of your Soul and send healing energy to humanity.

Those of us on the path of Ascension will be thrust higher after the Lion’s Gate on 808. Keep a lookout for my online energy upgrade offering on that day!
Wishing you continued love, joy, freedom and power as we raise the consciousness of humanity.
Pauline Raphaela

When was the first AH HA moment that presented the potential to live your life from a higher perspective? A moment that ...

When was the first AH HA moment that presented the potential to live your life from a higher perspective? A moment that changed everything?
Mine was when Lou and I went to see the movie; It’s My Life, with actor Michael Keaton. A scene in the movie roused my first awareness that my illnesses needed to be healed by something higher than traditional medicine, which was helping in a very limited way. Keaton was seeking various methods of healing for cancer. In the last scene, he was laying on a table while a Chinese Shaman was using Laying of Hands.
Chapter 4
“That’s it” I exclaimed.
“What do you mean?” Lou asked
“That treatment, the hands thing, what the Chinese man was doing. That’s what I need to heal my illnesses.” Lou looked at me in the strangest way.
“Where would we find such a person?” I pressed.
“We’ll go to China or Japan if we need to! Lou spoke with confidence.
These are profound wake up calls toward awakening and changing the path of your life to a true Soul Path. That moment changed everything. November, 1992.
Please share yours.

An excerpt from my book, Chapter 3. A Message from Heaven."I felt sleepy. For the first time in three years, the sandman...

An excerpt from my book, Chapter 3. A Message from Heaven.
"I felt sleepy. For the first time in three years, the sandman showered me with fairy dust. Drifting off into a deep sleep, I was given the greatest gift of my life. I was allowed to visit my father in heaven."
"I'm traveling through some kind of portal into outer space. It's very light and bright in here. My body feels buoyant, not heavy tired or sick. As much as I try to control where I'm going, I can't. An unknown presence is in control, but I feel safe. Suddenly, I see my father."
On Amazon. Barnes & Nobel. Balboapress.


Introducing the April book of the month for Kult of Kindness Podcast, The Little Blue Room by author Pauline Raphaela.

If you are awakening and going through transformation, this book has many insights and answers.An excerpt from the end o...

If you are awakening and going through transformation, this book has many insights and answers.
An excerpt from the end of chapter 1.
The heavy wooden door closed behind me and instantly blocked out the noise from the street. The silence was intimidating and unfamiliar. I felt uneasy, but why? Why did I feel uncomfortable in the house of God? Why do we seek God's help only when we are in pain?
Yes, I bargained with God. The Almighty remembered my promise that I would do whatever He asked and held me to it. It wasn't yet time, but I, too, would be called home-not through physical death, but through an awakening that would change the way I lived, how I viewed life, and provide a spiritual understanding of who I am and why I existed on Earth now.

A passage from the introduction of my book:We live in a dimension of energy where "doing" and "creating" are the corners...

A passage from the introduction of my book:
We live in a dimension of energy where "doing" and "creating" are the cornerstones of change, and change must first come from within. Each of us must become love, peace, and abundance for the world to reflect such qualities.
We are here on Earth now for one reason, to contribute to the evolution of life on Earth through a collective awakening. As I journeyed deep within myself, following the longings for material success, emotional stability, and loving relationships, I discovered that all I truly longed for was love, and all that I am-is love itself.
My book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel and Balboapress.

There's nothing like being shocked to find out your book has gone live and you had no idea!After 18 years of writing and...

There's nothing like being shocked to find out your book has gone live and you had no idea!
After 18 years of writing and rewriting, the divine timing of this book is now. As I realized this book was now public, a myriad of emotions stirred within. Excitement, fear, uncertainty and hope ran through my body. I thought, "Why did I write this book and put my story out there?"
My dear friend Flory, who read the book, reminded me, "You had no choice!"
When God guides you to do something, you are faced with free will, to follow or not. I followed.

Who am I? Why am I here? To discover, through awakening, your unlimited potential and the extraordinarily divine life you are meant to live. Like most people, Pauline Raphaela had a plan for the fulfillment of her life, until a mystical presence began to steer her in an unusual, yet exciting dire...



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The Soul Matrix is Podcast radio, bringing conversations on relationships, awakening the Divine Feminine and Masculine, navigating human life as a Spirit and much more. Dan and Pauline don’t always agree! Tune in and decide for yourself what resonates. Pauline Raphaela and Dan Simon host exciting soulful discussions with special guests. The shows are designed to bring awareness about how evoultion is playing out perfectly from a higher perspective, yet imperfectly at the human level.