Today is the day!
Our brand new reunion episode of ‘The Malcolm and Dennis Show’ is now available to hear / watch.
Featuring all the old features such as Factorama, Clean-Not-Obscene, Rob’s Contemplation and Sijjj’s Song, plus some reflections on how much we and the world have changed since turning from young students to middle-aged people.
Tune in on one of the links below!
YouTube: https://youtu.be/X3FPzu_dlp0
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-malcolm-and-dennis-show-not-on-nsrfm/id1745075139?i=1000655646193
Amazon Podcasts: https://music.amazon.co.uk/podcasts/d2a8672f-4353-432b-8b35-3b2a88383bf5/episodes/f0e1ff37-6496-47a0-85b0-6eebde9b33ea/the-malcolm-and-dennis-show-not-on-nsrfm-the-malcolm-and-dennis-show---2024-reunion-episode?ref=dm_sh_xLT7Tr8LIFxrYbFQs5svjxyMO
Podbean: https://sidge14.podbean.com/e/the-malcolm-and-dennis-show-2024-reunion-episode/
Hello!!Back in 2007/2008 James Sidgwick and Stephen Sowerby had a radio show on Newcastle Student Radio called 'The Malcolm and Dennis Show!It was silly, rid...