Poets and lovers of poetry! Would you like to post a short video/audio clip where you share your favorite poem from your school years (elementary, middle, or high school) with students who are now at how practicing distance learning? Confluence Collaborative will publish a collection of curated posts for teachers, students, parents, and poetry lovers at its site: cocolit.org.
A general outline for posts (where to submit below):
* read a beloved poem from your school years (published before 1923 so we don't have to deal with copyright issues, please)
* make a few BRIEF observations about 2 or 3 specific elements that make you love the poem (i.e. sound, surprise, image, metaphor, wordplay, tone, etc.)
* AND (if you want) offer an AGE-APPROPRIATE writing exercise based off the poem and your observations. The exercise could be creative or critical in nature - you could encourage someone to write a paragraph about the use of simile in a poem OR encourage someone to write a poem using simile in some specific way. For elementary poems, perhaps suggest they draw a picture about the poem, memorize the poem (if shorter), or recite the poem to a friend of family member by phone or Skype/Facetime?
* When submitting, remember this content is intended for elementary-high school students. Avoid material that includes cursing, adult content (think G-PG ratings), and in general anything that might make your grandmother blush or feel uncomfortable at a holiday table.
* Indicate if you think your post is best for elementary, middle school, or high school students, or if you think it would be great for all ages.
You can submit your video/audio to FB right here at Quiddity, or tag if you post on your own page.
Likewise, you can post to Twitter or Instagram and tag .
A community giving rise to an inclusive world through cohering the arts-&-sciences and bolstering connections