#Sunrise in Tenerife 🌞
Got to experience a beautiful sunrise whilst listening to the sound of waves. 🌊
Grateful for moments like this. ✨
#tenerife #sheisnotlost #oceansunrise #shetravels
📹: bymauriceeckert
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Alternative spring outfits 🌞🌿🌸🦋✨🧡
Pick your favorite (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 🫶🏼
Sound by: tilo_wachter_music 🛸
#hippiestyle #hippieoutfit #springoutfit #alternativefashion #wildchild #bohostyle
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Capturing Andalusia's Golden Glow 🌞
This video was created during our time in Andalusia, when Maurice and I embarked on an evening drive to our next Airbnb. As we traversed the mountains, the sun gradually dipped below the horizon, casting a breathtaking golden glow upon the landscape. ✨
We briefly contemplated stopping to capture the beauty in photographs, but ultimately, we decided to continue our journey. The light grew more intense and warm, characteristic of the Spanish setting. However, the allure of the scenery compelled us to halt and revel in its magnificence. Despite our limited experience in videography, both Maurice and I had toyed with the idea of capturing videos. Seizing the opportunity, we ventured to create a few brief clips, hoping to capture the essence of the moment.
Today, months later, I stumbled upon these forgotten recordings and felt inspired to undertake the challenge of piecing them together into a cohesive video. It is important to note that I have no formal training in videography, and my pursuit of perfection in photography has often hindered my exploration of other creative avenues. Even with this video, I may not be entirely satisfied, yet I realize that my self-doubt has been the biggest obstacle holding me back. When considering our limited skills and experience in videography, I believe the resulting video has turned out to be a truly remarkable creation. Ultimately, the true value of this video lies not in its technical quality, but in its ability to convey the profound moment we experienced—the enchanting radiance of the evening sun, painting the mountains with a warm, iridescent glow. ☺️
#andalucia #visitspain #eveningglow #sunsetlovers visit_spain_ #femmetravel #spanienurlaub #magicalmoments #cinematic
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwill
Every day, I go out for a walk and immerse myself in the beauty of nature. One of my favorite places to visit is the local forest near my home. 🌲 As I step onto the winding paths, I can feel the stress of the day melting away. ✨
The moment I enter the forest, a sense of tranquility washes over me. As I wander through the forest, I am greeted by a symphony of scents that fill the air.
The fragrances of the various plants blend harmoniously, creating an enchanting and captivating perfume that awakens my senses.
The sunlight peeks through the thick treetops, casting enchanting patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor. It's a mesmerizing sight that adds an element of wonder to my surroundings. 🌞
I can hear the melodious symphony of birdsong. Their cheerful chirping seems to echo throughout the forest, creating a harmonious soundtrack for my journey. Each unique melody fills me with a sense of wonder and reminds me of the vibrant life that exists all around. 🌿
#forestmagic #dailydoseofnature #springvibes #waldkind #germany #spendtimeinnature #earthyvibes
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Serenity ✨
I love evenings at the lake because they offer a perfect escape from the chaos and demands of everyday life. It's a time when I can truly unwind and immerse myself in the tranquility of nature. The serene waters and the gentle ripples create a soothing atmosphere that instantly calms my mind and uplifts my spirit. 🦋
Side note:
One thing to keep in mind are mosquitoes!!!
They attacked us which wasn't enjoyable at all. 🦟🤣
#bayern #lakeviews #serenity #spendtimeinnature
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
June so far. 🌞🌈🦋💕🌻🌿
It's mid-June, and I find myself reflecting on the beautiful experiences I've already had. I am filled with gratitude for the moments I've shared and the beautiful people who surround me. 💕
As I look ahead, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what the rest of June holds in store for me.
Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and I'm excited for the surprises, opportunities, and moments of joy that will come my way in the coming days. 🌞
How has your June been so far? ☺️
#friendship #summervibes #festivalsummer #timewithfriends #enjoylittlemoments #june23 #friendsforalifetime
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Lost in a sea of wildflowers 🌸📖
Imagine being a butterfly, gracefully floating from one vibrant flower to another, as nature's tapestry becomes your playground. 🦋
Anzeige| Embracing the beauty of nature in sondeflor 's dreamy "Butterfly sleeve dress" 🕊️Their dress is more than just a garment; it's an invitation to immerse oneself in the beauty of nature. ✨🌷🌿
🎥: boysammy
#sondeflor #mysondeflor #cottagecoreaesthetic
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
The healing power of nature 🌿
~This is your reminder to spend time outdoors!
In this fast-paced world, it's important to spend time in nature. Over the past few months, I've realized how much it benefits me to spend a few hours outdoors every day. Especially now, during the summertime in Germany, everything is vibrating in lush green and the air is filled with the harmonious sound of nature. 🦋🐝🐸🐞🐿️
Did you know that greenery and forests have a profound positive impact on our well-being? 🌱🌳
~ Spending time in nature reduces stress levels, boosts our mood, and enhances overall mental well-being. 🌞 The calming effect of nature's sights and sounds helps us unwind, providing a much-needed escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. ✨🧘🏼♀️
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Neue Perspektiven entdecken mit der insta360: Behind-the-Scenes Reel 🎥✨
Ich habe die Insta360 zum ersten Mal getestet und liebe die Ergebnisse! 😍
Dieses kleine Juwel ermöglichte es uns, verschiedene Blickwinkel von oben einzufangen und unsere Kreativität wie nie zuvor zu entfesseln. Es sind keine Drohnen notwendig, nur die Insta360 X3 und der Selfie-Stick.
Übrigens, und das ist mir besonders wichtig, konnten wir durch die Verwendung des Insta360 X3 anstelle von Drohnen unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck minimieren und sicherstellen, dass wir nicht auf Kosten der Ruhe der Natur handeln. 🌿🐦🦋
~ Am Ende des Videos könnt ihr die entstandenen Ergebnisse sehen. 👀
Was meint ihr, können sich die Ergebnisse sehen lassen, obwohl wir sie zum ersten Mal getestet haben? ☺️
Exploring new perspectives with the insta360: Behind-the-Scenes Reel 🎥✨
Testing out the Insta360 for the first time and loving the results! 😍
This little gem allowed us to capture different angles from above and unleash our creativity like never before. No drones needed, just the Insta360 X3 and the selfie stick.
Moreover, and this is of particular important to me, by opting for the Insta360 X3 over drones, we were able to reduce our ecological impact and ensure that we did not disturb the tranquility of nature.🌿🐦🦋
~ Excited to share the final results with you at the end! 👀
What do you think, do you like the results even though we tested it for the first time? ☺️
#insta360X3 #Nodronenoproblem
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka
My soul, nourished by the sunset glow 💕✨
Ein Augenblick der Stille,
ein Moment des Seins.
Heute möchte ich dich dazu ermutigen, hinauszugehen, dich sanft ins weite Feld zu legen und den Sonnenuntergang zu beobachten. Lasse dabei deine Gedanken und Emotionen des Tages in stiller Revue vorüberziehen. ✨
~ Indem wir uns bewusst Zeit nehmen, um uns mit unseren eigenen Gedanken und Gefühlen auseinanderzusetzen, können wir eine tiefere Verbindung zu uns selbst herstellen. Die Stille ermöglicht es uns, den Lärm und die Ablenkungen des Alltags hinter uns zu lassen und uns auf unsere innere Welt zu konzentrieren. Dadurch können wir unsere Erfahrungen besser verarbeiten, neue Erkenntnisse gewinnen und uns emotional ausbalancieren. 🧘🏼♀️🫶🏼
A moment of silence,
a moment of being.
Today, I want to encourage you to go outside, gently lay yourself in the open field, and observe the majestic sunset. Let your thoughts and emotions of the day pass by in silent review. ✨
~ By consciously taking time to delve into our own thoughts and emotions, we can establish a deeper connection with ourselves. Silence allows us to leave behind the noise and distractions of everyday life and focus on our inner world. As a result, we can better process our experiences, gain new insights, and achieve emotional balance. 🧘🏼♀️
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
Living in my own fairytale dream world 🧚🏼✨
Ever since I started embracing my personal fashion preferences, I have experienced a newfound confidence and happiness. 🧚🏼🌿
It's remarkable how something as simple as dressing authentically can have such a profound impact. ✨
I was unsure for a long time about how people would react, especially older people, to my fashion choices. - I was expecting disapproving looks. However, to my surprise, they have been the ones who approach me and give compliments the most (in public. - not talking about instagram here).
Maybe because I was so used to negativity and maybe because I thought to little about myself???
I've come to realize that it's not about conforming to societal norms, but rather about being comfortable in your own skin. 🥰 When you radiate self-assurance and embrace your true self, your inner light shines brightly, attracting others who appreciate and celebrate your authenticity. 🐛🦋
Please always remember that!! 💛
What is something you would love to wear in public but you're scared of?
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature
In the depths of the mystical forest, I embrace my inner fairy. 🧚🏼🌲
Anzeige | Feeling enchanting in my stunning hand made wool cape from natalie_waldfee 🌲✨
#portraitvision #fantasticportrait #wildchild #portraitfolk #tenerife #teneriffa #visitsrilanka #mundusmag #andalucia #hippiestyle #hippiegirl #portraitvision_ #portraitmood #shotoncanon #canaryislands #youwillcomebackformore #destinationsrilanka #visitspain #portraitsociety #bravogreatportrait #algarveportugal #portraitamazing #portrait_page #mysondeflor #srilanka #pottery #srilankatrip #sondeflor #bayern #spendtimeinnature