A few moments of Christmas.
Yes that is my shoe rack in pieces. My big orange one brained called kitty did that. A new one has been ordered. Here’s hoping it fits.
The morally gray thing is a kindle bag. I love it.
I’m taking until after the new year to rest and reset. I’ve worked on some new things for the upcoming year, and will continue to do so as I end the year focusing on my family.
This is why I do the work I do. Helping people on my own schedule. I know that’s why you do what you do. ❤️
#christmas #christmasbreak
Yes, I kept tabs on them, but there just seems to be more of them than I remember.
It’s fine.
#virtualassistant #smallbusinessowner #mompreneur
Sick before the holidays isn’t something anyone wants.
It’s okay to use templates, and images that don’t show your face when you’re feeling like someone scraped you off a shoe.
It’s important to take care of yourself, so take it slow. I know it’s easier said than done. Mom doesn’t get a break even when she’s sick. 😮💨
#virtualassistant #sickday #mompreneur #wfhm
Things I would post if I sold make up in October:
Halloween make up on the DL: not everyone can get all flamed up at work for Halloween, but they still want to bring Halloween into their outfits. Showcase make up and outfits that can be subtly Halloween without it screaming Halloween.
How to make Halloween make up last: this may seem like a no brainer, but people are always starting with make up. Make a fresh how to on how to make your Halloween make up last all night.
Fall make up colors: not everyone wants to do a Halloween look, and reds, oranges and yellows can be intimidating to people. Use these fall colors to showcase these colors and give people the confidence to wear these colors for fall.
Halloween make up countdown: a Halloween look everyday. From crazy to tame post a make up look everyday. People are looking for inspiration for their Halloween parties, showcase your products and your ideas.
Hi I’m Melodie from @melodiefaery and I help women business owners achieve work life balance by taking over the time consuming tasks from their to-do lists.
Follow me for more social media and business tips!
#virtualassistant #smallbusinessowner #mompreneur #socialmediatips #wfhm #womeninsmallbusiness #halloween
Things I focus on if I sold home decor.
New for Fall: do you have new items for fall? Now would be a good time focus on them.
Declutter and Refresh Challenge: Tips for cleaning your space and making the most of your new fall decor.
Scents to Add: I love a good wax warmer/room spray. Talk about your favorite scents, and how a warmer can be decor.
Create a Focal Point: How to make a focal point inside your house using statement pieces and accent pieces.
Front Porch Appeal: Everyone loves a good looking porch. Showcase any outdoor decor you have, and showcase how to make the most of your outdoor space.
This is not an all encompassing list, these are just a few ideas. These can be B-roll or you talking into the camera.
Goals! Goals! Goals! (Keep an eye out for my guest coach! 👀)
Your goals do not have to just monetary. (Don’t get me wrong one of them should be.) But you can write down some goals you’d like to hit for the end of the year.
Once you have your goals, you’ll know how much money you want to make for the end of the year. This will help you track your end of year earnings.
I’m Melodie @melodiefaery your virtual assistant bestie. I help small business owners gain some work life balance by taking tasks off your plate.
#smallbusinessowner #endofyear #businessgoals #mompreneur #wfhm #womeninsmallbusiness
Take out your Q4 calendar. Mark your days off.
What days off? You may ask.
Do you plan on working ON Christmas Eve? Day? Thanksgiving? Halloween? Do your kids have class parties that you want to be there for? Field trips?
Mark these dates on your calendar right now. Knowing how many days you plan on working for the month can help you plan out your monthly goals, can help you not feel the stress when actually taking that planned day off, because you’ve accounted for it.
And make sure to mark a few “do nothing” days for your mental. We joke about scheduling your menty-b, but seriously. Taking intentional days off to do nothing can help you in Q4.
I’m Melodie @melodiefaery your virtual assistant bestie. I help small business owners gain some work life balance by taking tasks off your plate.
#virtualassistant #endofyear #businessplanning #mompreneur #momlife #daysoff #smallbusinessowner
You don’t stop being a person just because you’re a mom.
This has come up in several groups that I’m in. So this is your public reminder.
You’re allowed to have hobbies, take trips, and have your own food that your children aren’t involved with. Firm boundaries, and keep redirecting your kids (esp when they’re small) is the way to make it work.
IF YOU HAVE THE RESOURCES- Take vacations without your kids, go on dates without your kids, have a moment without your kids.
Disclaimer - I know not everyone has a village. Not everyone has the people to watch their kids that aren’t them or their partner.
You still deserve to buy yourself nice things, do things for yourself without the mom guilt. I understand that it’s not something you can control. But repeating to yourself that you deserve things for yourself and believing it can really help off set the mom guilt.
#momlife #momguilt #smallbusinessowner #mompreneur #wfhm
You deserve to have work life balance. Even if you run your own business.
So those moments that your to-do list is longer than your working hours can handle, it’s time to do something about it.
You can hire me for a day, a week, or a monthly basis. We can work together to make your to-do list manageable, and help you gain some work-life balance back into your day to day.
#virtualassistant #smallbusinessowner #socialmedia #businesshelp #businessgrowth
Thoughts that run through your head as you have to work and mom.
I get it. There’s not enough hours in the day. Especially if you get busy enough in your business that you’re making the amount you want.
The problem is, your team didn’t grow as your business did. You’re still doing the job of at least 2 people. Your to-do list grows, and no matter how many things you cross off, it never gets smaller.
Ask for help. While you set out to have a business, you didn’t set out to completely burn yourself out.
#momlife #mompreneur #smallbusinessowner #socialmediatips #virtualassistant #worklifebalance
Do I just forget about myself? 🤣
Working for yourself is the hardest, because there's ALWAYS something to do. Even though I spend all day working on my business; after the kids go to bed, all I want to do is continue working. Even though my time could be much better spent doing other things I enjoy - reading, writing, playing games, spending time with my husband, just to name a few.
Sometimes you just need someone to tell you to take care of yourself.
Go check your site and let me know if you’re up-to-date!
Maintenance on your website can be sow@thing that can fall through the cracks.
Every plugin on your website is an entry point for someone to try to get in and hack your site, so it’s important to make sure you’re keeping your plugins up to date.
Those updates will sometimes have security updates as things change, and if you leave them un-updated for too long, your website is at risk.
Even if you don’t use Wordpress, checking your site for security updates periodically is still a great habit to get into. You don’t want your hard work to just blink out of existence.
#websitemaintenance #smallbusinessowners #websiteupdates #virtualassistant #socialmediatips