A clip from from “Uncle John,” the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, ELDERS: the group’s closing circle and evaluations following a successful introductory day of horse therapy at the Burns Paiute reservation in southern Oregon in 2023. | #grayarea #grayareapodcast #elders #justice #redemption #burns #burnspaiute #horsetherapy #equinetherapy #tenoutoften #twelveoutoften #infintity
A clip of Dr. “Uncle John” Spence (Gros Ventre / Sioux), MSW, PhD, from the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, ELDERS, describing the “guerilla” drug and alcohol treatment he and his peers practiced in the streets and abandoned homes of 1970s Portland, Oregon following the successful example of indigenous-led, occupation-based demonstrations up and down the West Coast. Their efforts eventually grew into today’s NARA. | #grayarea #justice #redemption #elders #drugandalcoholtreatment #peersupport #occupy #beureauofindianaffairs #alcatraz #fortlawton #guerillia #guerillasocialwork #mutualaid #NARA #NAYA
A clip of “Uncle John” co-producer and Imprint reporter Nancy Marie Spears (Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma), describing the unique and deeply emotional challenges of being an Indigenous person reporting on Indigenous child welfare in North America. From the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, ELDERS. | #grayarea #elders #justice #redemption #indigenouschildwelfare #boardingschools #schoolcemeteries #boardingschoolcemeteries #NICWA #childwelfare
A clip of photographer Josue Rivas from “Uncle John,” the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, Elders. This quote ended up prompting us to throw out our entire first draft! There’s no erasing or ignoring the trauma, but there must also be space for joy and silliness. | #elders #grayarea #grayareapodcast #justice #redemption #healingthechildren #horsenation #horsenations #equinetherapy #recovery #NARA #forwardstride #healingisculture #cultureishealing #silly #joy
A clip of Uncle John from the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, Elders, speaking to youth in the #horsetherapy program he’s spent years developing with tribes across the state of Oregon. | #elders #grayarea #grayareapodcast #justice #redemption #healingthechildren #horsenation #horsenations #equinetherapy #recovery #NARA #NAYA #forwardstride #healingisculture #cultureishealing
A clip of Uncle John from the first episode of Gray Area’s third season, Elders, describing the impact of the #horsetherapy programs he’s developed in partnership with tribes for youth across the state of Oregon. | #elders #grayarea #grayareapodcast #justice #redemption #healingthechildren #horsenation #horsenations #equinetherapy #recovery #NARA #forwardstride #healingisculture #cultureishealing