Missouri Feral Hogs

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Missouri Feral Hogs Latest News & Issues about Missouri Feral Hogs. Missouri Agencies & Lobbyist are intent on lying, t Eradication is a LIE. Feral hogs killed 6,567 is only 33%.

Missouri Feral Hogs
May 11, 2019

Since deception and biased agenda driven “science is being used by Missouri Agencies, Lobbyist in Jefferson City and Media is so ignorant about the outdoors, they have no clue on what questions to ask. Biologist, Scientist and Agencies outside of Missouri!!!!! Quote “The feral hog has managed to survive adapt and increase their numbers despite attempts at populati

on control. While it is possible to keep population in check with continued controls of 70 percent killed annually, it is highly unlikely to eradicate a hog population within establish range.”

2017 Estimated population was 20,000 to 30,000 feral hogs in the State of Missouri by Official Government Documents. The rate of northward expansion of the Feral Hogs have accelerated from. (4 miles/year to 7.8 miles/year). Study’s show using GPS – Missouri has the greatest average movement rates for wild hogs & The average home ranges was the greatest in Missouri for Wild Hogs. Missouri is one of 13 states with established and increasing population of Feral Hogs. Missouri Ranks 12th in the U.S. for population. To control Wild Hog Population it requires all methods be used. Trapping, Snaring, Hunting, Hunting with Dogs, and Shooting at Night. An effective and complete Feral Hog Control Program requires a comprehensive approach. Truth will get out. Share with friends.


I don't release location of feral hogs in Missouri.

If Missouri Department of Conservation wants to know then they can pay YOU!

Missouri Super Ghost Hogs couldn't find the traps. November 2023

Missouri Super Ghost Hogs couldn't find the traps. November 2023

What did 2024 look like on Mark Twain National Forest

What did 2024 look like on Mark Twain National Forest

All I can conclude that CWD while 100% fatal per experts, actually increases the deer population which requires more sea...

All I can conclude that CWD while 100% fatal per experts, actually increases the deer population which requires more season to kill them before CWD does.

The Missouri Department of Conservation for second year has multiple doe seasons and CWD season to lower the population.

That's not counting the depredation permit to farmers and the deer EHD killed.

Dear Missouri Department of Conservation - Ecological Health Specialist

Dear Missouri Department of Conservation - Ecological Health Specialist


Dear Missouri Department of Conservation - Ecological Health Specialist

Thank you for your inquiry regarding accessing our property to cull whitetail deer for possible CWD. We may be able to help you out with this matter.

We have divided our 100 acres into 100 equal survey units with a draw tag for each unit. Application fees are only $10.00 per unit after you purchase the "CWD Private Land License" ($120.00 a government agency discount price, saving you $80.00). You will also need to obtain a "CWD deer transportation and parking permit" ($10.00 per vehicle).

You will also need a "Cleaning Fee" stamp ($50.00 for the first vehicle and $25.00 for each additional vehicle) to make sure no CWD infected soil enters the property. You will also want to register at the Check Station to have your vehicle inspected for Non-native plant and animal life prior to entering our property. There is also a Day Use fee, $5.00 per vehicle.

If you are successful in the Draw, you will be notified two weeks in advance so you can make necessary plans and purchase your "Creek Habitat" stamp. ($20.00 a government agency discount price, saving you $80.00).

You will also need to attend the safety meeting the day before the culling starts. Mandatory attendance and no refunds of license, fees, or stamps for not attending meeting.

Survey units open between 8 am. And 3 pm. But you cannot commence culling until 9 am. And must cease all culling activity by 1 pm.

If culling with night vision equipment after hours a special written permission from the County Sheriff and neighboring landowners will be required and will only be good for 48 hours from the date issued.

A third-party observer will be required at your cost to verify that no other animals were being view with thermal or night vision.

A Night Vision Permit is $100.00 and can only be issued on the 2nd Wednesday of the month between the hours of 1:30 pm. and 2:30 pm.

All Gear can only include clothing and boots must be disinfected from a state license cleaner. State Health Inspection and paperwork will be required.

Any corn used during the culling activities will have to be inspected by the Department of Agriculture for Aflatoxin within 6 hours of use. Notarized paperwork will require that corn is Aflatoxin free.

However, all fees can be waived if you can verify that research shows that deer are not herd animals 1 hour before culling starts.

You will also need to provide evidence of successful completion of "CWD Culling" and your "Comprehensive Course on CWD Identification, Safe Handling Practices, and Self-Defense Strategies for wildlife attacks."

This course is offered on-line through an accredited program for a nominal fee of $750.00.

Please let us know if we can be of assistance to you. Otherwise, we decline your access to our property but appreciate your inquiry.

The Missouri Landowner!

March is the best deer season in Missouri.

March is the best deer season in Missouri.

MDC - We know we are successful at trapping because we are seeing less hog damage.Alley Springs this week. Hog rooting a...

MDC - We know we are successful at trapping because we are seeing less hog damage.

Alley Springs this week. Hog rooting across area.

Government hog trapper could sit at picnic table and enjoy view.


MDC did not give out feral hogs numbers in December.


Did you know that 400 people selected for Missouri Bear Tags and only 342 bought tags.

The media and government loves the term SUPER PIG!Let's start new term just for Missouri.GHOST HOGS!Mdc keeps saying the...

The media and government loves the term SUPER PIG!

Let's start new term just for Missouri.

Mdc keeps saying they have eradicated them from Missouri but these Ghost keep showing up in Missouri.

1st Annual Hunger Games presented by the Elites.Save the Planet.  Peasants need to Eat more bugs!Don't eat wild hogs the...

1st Annual Hunger Games presented by the Elites.

Save the Planet. Peasants need to Eat more bugs!

Don't eat wild hogs they are full of the same thing you can get by eating under cooked domestic pork and under cooked black bear. But bear ok because you need to pay fee to apply to hunt.

Please kill more deer but don't eat the Zombie deer.

Missouri Tomorrow the future of Turkey and Deer Season decided.

Missouri Tomorrow the future of Turkey and Deer Season decided.


Game Changer Traps was developed by Bull Creek and designed for those trappers who need to relocate f



If you're an Arkansan and have feral hog damage on your land, you could be eligible to purchase hog trapping equipment at a huge discount.

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission announced the Conservation Incentive Program for Feral Trapping allows you to receive 75% of your money back when you purchase hog trapping equipment, including panel traps and camera systems.

Applications go live on January 2nd, but if you would like more information and to be informed when you can apply, visit www.https://bigpigtrap.com/arkansas-cost-share/

Hypocrites - Meet all disposal standards - Except for Wild Hogs they support leaving them on landscape for Black Vulture...

Hypocrites - Meet all disposal standards - Except for Wild Hogs they support leaving them on landscape for Black Vultures to eat.

Hegelian dialectic is the phrase to create a problem so you / someone can solve it.This is Texas - But is Prime example ...

Hegelian dialectic is the phrase to create a problem so you / someone can solve it.

This is Texas - But is Prime example of Black Vultures understand states like Missouri and MDC / USDA Aphis has created a Black Vulture Issue by leaving dead hogs on landscape.

What is the solution from State Agency, Groups and Federal Agency - Get more money for Advertising that Farmers can get help from them.

Feral Hogs are the biggest slush fund for USDA-APHIS

Another legal feral hogs season with unfilled tag.Irresponsible Deer Management in Missouri.Early Doe Season and Irrespo...

Another legal feral hogs season with unfilled tag.

Irresponsible Deer Management in Missouri.

Early Doe Season and Irresponsible Late Doe Season – Both have been established without current population estimates, ZERO current environmental conditions – Drought, EHD, Acorn Production

1. Show me the research done by Missouri Department of Conservation of the population for every single county they opened early and late season doe season?

MDC can’t because they didn’t do it.

2. What is the current deer per square mile for each county in Missouri that you opened up early doe and late does season in Missouri?

They won’t show that information and if they did it would show that some counties 25 deer per square mile is being managed just like a county with 60 deer per square mile.

3. What is Missouri Goal for deer per square mile for each county – Each county in Missouri has different habitat and quality of habitat?

4. October Doe Season is happening at the height of the EHD in Missouri – A local herd killer the biggest deer disease in Missouri that kills the deer.

October Doe Season can’t adjust for EHD reports, the trust of Missouri Department of Conservation is low and because of that EHD map is so incorrect that it makes me laugh – The last time it was updated was October 15 – People are still finding dead deer by Rifle season this year – Bollinger County just in my area alone over 15 deer have been found dead – I have seen one myself. God only know how many where never found.

Missouri Landowner reports - They have found 20 this season on my property with deer just standing in fields that don't run when you walk near them. No telling how many they haven’t found. They only have 5 dead shown on MDC map.

Research shows that it takes 3 years for the local population to recover. Reports from others say it’s even longer without an Early Doe Season.

5. October Doe Season Unintended consequences –While you may think opportunity matters more than conservation of the resource, I do not – Fawns that survived the early doe season are easy Pickens for coyotes and bobcats. Multiple doe fawns seen by themselves after early doe season way before rut.
6. October Doe Season was established during a second year of a drought and who thought that was a great ideal? – Acorn Bust in my area – Even your Bear Biologist understand acknowledge low acorn production in his press releases.

7. Guessing having Youth Season success is no longer a priority – Having a rifle season before Youth Season. So much for increasing opportunity for the youth of Missouri.

8. October Doe Season Can’t stop and helps aid in poaching and will never be disproven of way to make legalized poaching of bucks with rifle but using archery tag, shooting multiple does then using archery tags and shooting turkeys with rifles –. Always like seeing the Jokes. – It was a complete pass thru my arrow didn’t even get bloody.

FYI the December portion of antlerless deer season opens tomorrow, Dec. 2 and runs through Dec. 10. Please note the map below as some counties are closed to fi****ms hunting during this portion. Open counties have limits on the number of fi****ms antlerless deer hunting permits you may fill during fi****ms deer season (all portions combined).

See more on the 2023 Fall Deer & Turkey Hunting Regulations booklet online at https://mdc.mo.gov/sites/default/files/2023-08/2023FDT.pdf

You lost me at the first two.  Missouri this doesn't apply the 1/8 sales tax has made the Missouri Department of Conserv...

You lost me at the first two. Missouri this doesn't apply the 1/8 sales tax has made the Missouri Department of Conservation a 4th branch of government with no oversight and donations to Governor Parson election by family members gets you on commission without any background in the outdoors but has a nice ag podcast.

Missouri Department of Conservation and all the Conservation groups aka lobbyist all made sure that Missouri Citizens didn't get more representation on commission. But they nice buttons for meeting to stop Missouri Citizens from more representation

Missouri has 8 regions but St. Louis, Kansas City and Jefferson City area are only represented.

Wildlife Conservation is dead in Missouri only Country Club Conservation exist.

Make me laugh.

Hold wildlife trustees accountable.
Reduce patronage influence in commission appointments.

Randy Newberg and Andrew McKean wrap up their four-part podcast series by discussing ways hunters can aid the future of wildlife management.


Missouri Deer Biologist Suggestion for 2024/2025 Deer Season

Week 1 - Bow Season

Week 2 - Boom rang
Week 3 - Blow Dart Season
Week 4 - Bazoo Season
Week 5 - Sling Shot Season
Week 6 - Catapult Season
Week 7 - BB gun Season
Week 8 - Rifle Season
Week 9 - Roping Season
Week 10 - Landmine Season


"Loaded up the dogs for a quick hunt last night with these Georgia boys. 🐕 🐗 🗡️

Southern Cross Cut Gear
Best vest out there."

-Ryan B.

Missouri Turkey and Deer Season 2024

Missouri Turkey and Deer Season 2024

June of 2023. - 690April 2022 - Turkey Hunter at Land Between Lakes never saw a Turkey. Did see 6 groups of hogs78,000 a...

June of 2023. - 690

April 2022 - Turkey Hunter at Land Between Lakes never saw a Turkey. Did see 6 groups of hogs

78,000 acres of Land Between the Lakes and after 10 years after the USDA-APHIS quote they still haven't eradicated the feral hogs.

Why do these stories never get questioned?

USDA-APHIS in 2014 can't trap enough to make a difference.

But, trapping is the most effective method.

So which is it????????

2015, 2016, 2017 the stories of feral hogs just disappear.

2018 - 70 hogs
2019 - 124 hogs

2020 - numerous sounders spotted.

2021- feral hogs are a growing problem

2022 - 176 hogs

Now feral hogs population is less and they are seeing less damage.

It is just mind numbing that the media is this incompetent after reporting the same thing for 10 years about the same agency.

Investigating Journalism no longer exist when game and fish departments are involved

While some pigs might look cute, feral hogs are an invasive species wreaking havoc in some parts of the U.S.

Crack me up

Crack me up

MDC response of CWD season after 4 days of asking.

Hilarious on Saturday 107 out of 114 counties had deer killed but only 52 open.

Monday Morning 114 counties had deer killed but still only 52 counties.

The question was asked multiple times how is this possible. They would delete question from fb page, multiple times then final just wouldn't answer. Then they finally answered another person.

Tuesday 52 counties have deer killed and completed changed chart. But screen shots last forever.

OH please stop with Super pigs, zombie deer they are all made up media and government terms.  Does actually journalism e...

OH please stop with Super pigs, zombie deer they are all made up media and government terms. Does actually journalism exist today?

DID YOU KNOW? Hogs roamed free range until 1969 when every county in Missouri required confinement of hogs.

DID YOU KNOW? Feral Hogs have roamed southern Missouri since 1969.

DID YOU KNOW? - 1990s, domestic pork prices plummeted, and hogs were released by HOG FARMERS in Missouri.

DID YOU KNOW? Feral Hog is a bureaucratic designation it is not a difference species of pig.

DID YOU KNOW? Today, there are potentially 3 types of wild pigs that occur in North America. There are domestic pigs that have gone feral (feral hogs), hybrids between Eurasian boar and feral hogs, and Eurasian boar

DID YOU KNOW? - However, few if any true Eurasian boar still free-range in North America due to the rapid dilution of their bloodlines through the near constant breeding practices of wild pigs. All 3 types can collectively be referred to as wild hogs, whereas only domestic pigs released or escaped from domestic pig farms, that have gone feral can accurately be referred to as feral hogs.

Wild pigs already cause around $2.5 billion in damage to U.S. crops every year, mostly in southern states like Texas. But the exploding population of feral swine on the prairies of western Canada is threatening to spill south.



SMITH LIGHTS OUTDOORS has our ENTIRE lineup available in Northwest Arkansas. These two have helped us tremendously over the past 5 years at trade shows and only made sense they carry them in Arkansas. Looking to get your hands on any and see the LIGHT in person shoot them a text or call. Thanks you guys for all you do to promote Sniper Hog Lights…

Still makes zero sense to me!

Still makes zero sense to me!

MDC SNAFU How can 107 counties have deer checked in for CWD Season when only 52 counties are open for it?


How can 107 counties have deer checked in for CWD Season when only 52 counties are open for it?

Super Pigs. Zombie Deer. Today's reporters and media is a special kind of

Super Pigs. Zombie Deer. Today's reporters and media is a special kind of

An exploding population of hard-to-eradicate “super pigs” in Canada is threatening to spill south of the border.

For you Dog Proof Trappers targeting Raccoons Have great Thanksgiving EAT HAM. Lol

For you Dog Proof Trappers targeting Raccoons

Have great Thanksgiving EAT HAM. Lol


Attention Trappers or Family Members

Our First Black Friday - !!!Black Friday Special!!! –
Buy 6 or MORE Chernobyl Raccoon Eggs 15% Discount!
Good for ORDERS ON November 23, 24, 25, & 26 of 2023 ONLY

Use the code POWER OF THE EGG as discount code.

Just send me a private message or go to website.


Share special with friends TODAY!

Southern Missouri Shot at 50 yards with my 500 S&W coming at me popping its jaws walked up on 3-4 and this turned and ch...

Southern Missouri

Shot at 50 yards with my 500 S&W coming at me popping its jaws walked up on 3-4 and this turned and charged me.

375 lbs

Biggest lie told to Missouri is Eradication of feral hogs

2023 Missouri Rifle Season Wild Hog Sow.She had a bunch of piglets Doing what MDC has failed at!

2023 Missouri Rifle Season Wild Hog Sow.

She had a bunch of piglets

Doing what MDC has failed at!


2016 to 2023
Post Hunting Ban
20,000 to 100,000



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Since deception and biased agenda driven “science” is being used by Missouri Agencies, Lobbyist in Jefferson City and Media is so ignorant about the outdoors, they have no clue on what questions to ask. Eradication is a LIE. Biologist, Scientists and Agency outside of Missouri!!!!! Quote “The feral hog has managed to survive, adapt, and increase their numbers despite attempts at population control. While it is possible to keep population in check with continued controls of 70 plus percent killed annually, it is highly unlikely to eradicate a hog population within established range." 2017 estimated population was 30,000 to 40,000 feral hogs killed 6,567 that is only 16% to 22% killed. The rate of northward expansion of Feral Hogs have accelerated from. (4 miles/year to 7.8 miles/year). Study’s show using GPS - Missouri has the greatest average movement rates for wild hogs & The average home range size was greatest in Missouri for Wild Hogs. Missouri is one of 13 states with established and increasing populations of Feral Hogs.

To control Wild Hog Population it requires all methods be used. Trapping, Snaring, Hunting, Hunting with Dogs, and Shooting at Night. An effective and complete Feral Hog Control Program requires a comprehensive approach. Truth will get out. Share with friends.