Happy Halloween my fellow Bluffians! The season of unsanctified spirits is upon us! The world of the unseen and the unknowable draws ever closer!
In preparation for the night of horrors, I come to you with a safe way to contact אימת הייסורים הלוחשים or Thul’Rai'keth, the Shattered Veil.
We know you crazy kids will get up to your usual shenanigans, but you can at least do it safely.
Choose an abandoned site steeped in local legend, such as an old cemetery or a secluded forest clearing near the rivers. The ritual should take place during a waining crescent moon, when light weakens and gives way to the abyssal realms.
Materials Needed:
1. Circle of Bone: Gather animal or human bones to create a circular boundary.
2. Candles: Black and crimson candles to represent life and death.
3. Offerings: A living sacrifice—such as a small animal or outsider, unfamiliar with our ways —alongside personal items imbued with emotional significance or a person of great importance.
4. Blood of the Summoner: Blood drawn from multiple participants to amplify the ritual's potency.
5. Sigils: Carve sigils of binding and summoning into the ground using a sharp object or bone.
6. Eldritch Text: An ancient tome containing the forbidden rites associated with Thul’Rai'keth.
(This can be found at the Poplar Bluff Library )
Steps of the Ritual:
1. Preparation:
Arrive at the site before midnight, ensuring no interruptions. Set up a small altar with the sigils drawn in a circle.
2. Creating the Circle:
Arrange the animal bones in a tight circle, creating a protective barrier that resonates with the energy of the earth and old trapped souls.
3. Lighting the Candles:
Place the black and crimson candles at the cardinal points of the circle. Light them starting from the South and moving counterclockwise, reciting a mantra that calls for the veil between worlds to thin.
4. Offering the Sacrifice:
At the center of the circle, prepare the living sacrifice. As you chant the incantations from the eldritch text, perform the offering ritual, ensuring the blood spills onto the ground within the circle.
5. Blood Bonding:
Each participant should draw a small amount of blood and drip it into the center, mixing it with the sacrifice’s blood. This binds your essences to the ritual and strengthens the connection to Thul’Rai'keth.
6. Chanting the Invocation:
Recite the lengthy invocation that details Thul’Rai'keth’s attributes and your desire for communion. Focus on the themes of madness and despair, inviting the being into your realm and your mind.
7. Awakening the Horror:
As the energy builds, the candles may flicker violently. At this point, direct your intention to call Thul’Rai'keth forth. Expect visions or sensations of shifting realities. You may also feel physical sensations such as your flesh rending, maggots in your brain, unending flames consuming your eyes from within, the condensed infinity experienced all in a single moment.
If you experience time dilation, lost time, memories of a separate life, or that you never existed, DO NOT PANIC!!!!!!!!!
8. Final Offering:
In a climactic moment, offer a significant personal item or person, symbolizing your willingness to sacrifice your sanity for knowledge. This act deepens the connection and may invoke a response.
This act cannot be undone. You will suffer the consequences of your actions.
9. Closing the Ritual:
Once the summoning has been made, thank Thul’Rai'keth for its attention. Begin extinguishing the candles in reverse order. As you close the circle, ensure that the animal remains in place until the first light of dawn, marking the ritual's completion.
Aftermath and Consequences
Distorted Reality: Expect a lingering presence, marked by warped perceptions and unshakable dread. The boundaries of sanity may begin to blur.
Psychic Echoes: You might hear whispers or experience visions of the otherworldly realms Thul’Rai'keth inhabits, drawing you into its madness.
Unwanted Attention: Should the ritual fail, you risk attracting lesser horrors or even the ire of Thul’Rai'keth, leading to horrifying manifestations in your life.
Consequences of a Failed Summoning of Thul’Rai'keth
1. Psychic Backlash:
The ritual may unleash a violent surge of chaotic energy, causing intense migraines, auditory hallucinations, or visual distortions. You could experience moments where reality itself seems to shatter, revealing glimpses of the eldritch realm.
2. Manifestation of Lesser Horrors:
Instead of Thul’Rai'keth, you might attract lesser entities—aberrations or spirits that are drawn to the chaotic energy. These beings could haunt you, leading to night terrors or unexpected physical manifestations in your home, such as shadows that move independently.
3. Loss of Time and Memory:
Time may become fluid. You might lose hours or even days, waking up disoriented with gaps in your memory. Each loss could correlate with strange behaviors or impulses you cannot explain, possibly leading you to engage in dangerous or self-destructive acts.
4. Psychological Deterioration:
The experience of failure can warp your psyche. Paranoia may set in, making you distrustful of those around you. You might develop obsessive thoughts about the ritual and Thul’Rai'keth, leading to isolation and madness.
5. Physical Afflictions:
You could develop inexplicable physical ailments—skin lesions, unshakeable fatigue, or bizarre patterns appearing on your body that mirror eldritch symbols. These manifestations could worsen over time, indicating a deeper, sinister connection to the ritual.
6. Echoes of the Eldritch:
Following the failed summoning, you may find yourself haunted by “echoes” of Thul’Rai'keth—nightmares that seep into your waking life. You might hear whispers calling your name or experience sudden, overwhelming feelings of dread and despair.
7. Compulsion to Repeat the Ritual:
Failing the summoning could create a compulsive need to try again, leading you down a spiral of obsession. Each attempt might grow more reckless, pulling you deeper into the horrors of the unknown.
8. Spiritual Corruption:
The very act of failing to summon Thul’Rai'keth may taint your soul. You might feel a gnawing emptiness or a dark presence within you, as if part of your essence has been marked by the entity's influence. This could manifest as a loss of empathy or a desire to harm.
9. Inescapable Guilt:
If the sacrifice was not honored or was poorly executed, feelings of guilt may overwhelm you. This could be accompanied by a belief that the sacrifice’s spirit is seeking retribution, resulting in vivid hallucinations and desire to self-harm.
Engaging with Thul’Rai'keth, especially through a failed ritual, brings significant psychological and physical repercussions. The horror of the unknown, coupled with the potential for lasting madness, makes it imperative to approach such dark rituals with extreme caution and awareness of the potential consequences. Once you invite the eldritch into your life, severing that bond may prove to be a far greater challenge than the ritual itself.
Mental Fortitude: Prepare psychologically for the ritual, understanding the risk of severe mental and emotional disturbance.
Emergency Banishing: Have a plan in place to sever ties with the entity should things go awry, including protective charms or counter-rituals.
These rarely work and more often serve to provoke Thul’Rai'keth.
This ritual requires an unwavering commitment to the darkness, as the price of knowledge from Thul’Rai'keth may be more than you are willing to pay.
Have a fun and safe Halloween! Also remember to check your candy before you consume it!