Changes to the Patreon!
The fourth tier - Agent - has been removed. Playing with us, turns out, not a very exciting benefit 😢That's okay, though, because generating 10k words on fresh new projects every month is huge, so we probably wouldn't have much energy left to do a good game session, anyway.
The other benefits of the fourth tier - voting and special requests - have been folded into the third tier, Socializer. And we've also tweaking the discount coupon for Socializer - it'll start at $5, but can go all the way up to "free" depending on how long it's been since we've published something on DTRPG.
(Given our pace, unless you join that tier the month we publish something, you'll probably be looking at "free").
Thanks again for your support! This is another way we try to look out for our fans and give you great value!