Candy ink Productions Records established in year 2012 is a growing independent record label located in South Africa Gauteng, home of some of the best musical artists in the Mzansi. The mission is to bring the best of quality and entertainment through music. The ultimate mission is to build artist brands, make good music and showcase our music and arts entertainment within the digital and real wor
ld. Candy ink productions records evolved through a collaborative decision among artists, graphic designers, photographers and business minded men and women that were fed up with greedy records labels to create an organization that encourages creativity, community, and an environment where artists can work on their music freely without distraction or
concern. The vision began in 2010 as Musa Ndou (Rico Dalsegno) and Vuyo Thloloe discussed how music and graphics can make an exciting combination in terms of music and arts. Piece by piece we put together a management team who understands the industry and our role as a company that has a vested interest in helping our artists grow and advance their careers.