Honey Bees need our help pls take the pledge )0(
Visit Honey Bee Haven and take the online pledge to protect the honey bees. www.honeybeehaven.org/content/take-pledge
Protect bees from pesticides. Pesticides kill beneficial insects including pollinators and natural enemies that control common pests like aphids. Certain pesticides, including neonicotinoids, are highly toxic to honey bees in particular. Instead of using pesticides, explore organic ways to grow healthy plants, such as using compost for healthy soil and controlling pests with homemade remedies and biocontrols like ladybugs.
Provide a variety of food for bees. Consider clustered plantings with staggered blooming times so there is food throughout the year and particularly in the late summer and fall. Native plants are always best, and inter-planting and hedgerows provide additional forage on farms.
Provide a year-round, clean source of water for bees. This can be a river, pond, irrigation system, rainwater collection system or small-scale garden water features. Shallow water sources can provide more than enough water for bees, without creating opportunities for mosquitoes to breed.
Provide shelter for bees. Leave some ground undisturbed and untilled and some dead trees and plants on the property for wild bees to nest in.
Save our pollinators, songbirds, butterflies & fish. Ban the use of neonicitinoids in Canada!
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Learn about this, share what you know, sign the petition, call, email, fax your MP office and ask them to lobby to ban the use of neonicotinoids.
Link to find you MP: http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/HouseofCommons/MemberByPostalCode.aspx?Menu=HOC
There is lots of information regarding neonicotoids on Google. Read up about it and learn for yourself of the dangers of this toxin.
You can even start here-> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neonicotinoid
Currently Member of Parliament for Saanich- Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada Elizabeth May is working to petition the Canadian Government to follow the lead of the European Union and ban the use of neonicotinoids in Canada. Over +12,000 signatures have been collected so far.
You can read & sign the online petition here
*Canadian residents only*
-> http://elizabethmaymp.ca/get-involved/ban-neonicotinoids/
Download & print the petition in PDF format here
Collect 25 or more signatures and mail it – postage free to:
Elizabeth May Leader of the Green Party of Canada
Hill Office
Confederation Building, Room 518
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Tel: 613.996.1119
Fax: 613.996.0850
Elizabeth May MP Saanich- Gulf Islands
Riding Office
1 – 9711 Fourth Street
Sidney, British Columbia
V8L 2Y8
Tel: 250.657.2000
Fax: 250.657.2004
Save our Bees!
Support our Farmers!
Ban the use of Neonicotinoids in Canada!
Simcoe County Organic Living: United Against GMOs & Pesticides