Hunger and poverty among children"
Hunger and poverty is the biggest problem of our country especially in the children. Because of this problem more children are abandoned of their parents, more children is in the corridor and more children are abuse. According to some study this is not only happens in the Philippines, similarly to all nations. This problem are need to reduce and make a solution for the future of every children.
Our goal is to help the children in their situation because we want to see their face happy and we want to persuade other people that want to help the children.
Hunger and poverty is cause of people that have no job because their study are stop cause of poverty and hunger. Another reason is "katamaran" because they are also hoping to the help of our government like a 4ps program. This problem is need to be solved for the future of other children that experience it.
Our personal savings and to other people that want to help and also to our parents.
Contact Information
Facebook account only and cp no.: #09387208135
Jowie Marbella
Bricks De Guzman
Jeffy L. Persia