The "Stop Online Piracy Act" is an attack on the very rights once given to the American people under the Bill of Rights - Freedom of Speech. Congress' "Stop Online Piracy Act" is not about stopping piracy at all. This is a bill that will give Washington complete control over all information Americans would regularly have access to via the internet. This bill will give them control over not only wh
ich sites you can see, but what content you can see on those sites... meaning your Facebook post, tweet, blog, youTube video or whatever content you have hosted online could be censored BY THE GOVERNMENT. This is an attack at a popular right Americans still feel they have - Freedom of Speech. If somebody in high up in hierarchy decides they don't like what you have to say THEY WILL SOON HAVE THE "RIGHT" TO REMOVE OR HIDE THAT CONTENT. This bill encompasses so much more than I will be able to post here so I strongly suggest you learn more for yourself:
There are many ways you can help. The most important thing YOU can do is SPREAD WORD OF THIS TYRANNY. Senate has not passed this bill and as far as I'm concerned there is still plenty of time for Americans to fight - BUT in this fight the most powerful tool is knowledge. We must get this info around ASAP before INFORMATION IS NO LONGER FREE, but controlled by an imperialist American government. On top of all this madness, this bill could be the end of open source software projects such as Mozilla's popular Firefox browser ( HELP FIREFOX FIGHT CONGRESS!
Many are recognizing this as a possible end to the internet, as we know it. Americans need to fight because the Government isn't protecting your rights anymore - they are taking them away.