First time flying alone with 4 kids ❤️
Alhamdulillah for Islam ❤️
Dua when you get married ❤️
A dua to say when you get married ❤️
Please donate to Gaza. 🇵🇸 The link is in our bio 🇵🇸
My first attempt. Did I succeed or not? 😅
Reunited after a work trip ❤️
Reunited after being away for a work trip ❤️
Have you guys ever tried Durian?! 🇲🇾
Trying camel milk for the first time in Medina 🇸🇦
Has anyone ever tried it? And did you like it?
The pain of a mother losing her child is unimaginable. May Allah, the infinitely Merciful, grant our brothers and sisters peace and happiness. Allah is infinitely Powerful and Just.
La douleur la plus aiguë qu’on puisse voir est celle d’une maman .. sur son enfant. Qu’Allah Miséricordieux à l’infini accorde à nos frères et sœurs paix, félicité. Allah est infiniment Puissant et Juste.
اللهم مُنزِلَ الكتاب مُجريَ السحاب وهازم الأحزاب اهزمهم وانصرنا عليهم. تقبل شهداءَنا، واشف جرحانا. حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل.
“O Allah, Revealer of the Book, Disperser of the clouds, Defeater of the Confederates, put our enemy to rout and help us in over-powering them”
« Seigneur! Toi qui as révélé le Livre, qui mets les nuages en mouvement et qui défais les factions, vaincs-les et accorde-nous la victoire. » [Bukhari et Muslim, Jardins des Vertueux, Chapitre la patience]
We were kindly invited by @taste_of_hadramout to try out their new menu. The food did not disappoint! We’ve came here many times as a family and are always so pleased.
Alhamdulillah.. we were extremely satisfied with the food and service. We have a such a soft spot for Yemenis. They are such kind souls mA.
Our prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said:
« The people of Yemen have the gentlest minds and softest hearts » Ahmad ❤️
The best part of living in Malaysia 🇲🇾
Getting my baby girl’s ears pierced ❤️🥹
The benefits of salawat ❤️
When she always takes his side 😒
Can barely get a breath in 😩
What every Muslims should be saying ❤️